2024-06-06 17:45:46 +02:00

356 lines
15 KiB

import { ConnectionIndicator, ConnectionState } from '@vaadin/common-frontend';
class FlowUiInitializationError extends Error {
// flow uses body for keeping references
const flowRoot = window.document.body;
const $wnd = window;
* Client API for flow UI operations.
export class Flow {
constructor(config) {
this.response = undefined;
this.pathname = '';
// flag used to inform Testbench whether a server route is in progress
this.isActive = false;
this.baseRegex = /^\//;
this.navigation = '';
flowRoot.$ = flowRoot.$ || [];
this.config = config || {};
// TB checks for the existence of window.Vaadin.Flow in order
// to consider that TB needs to wait for `initFlow()`.
$wnd.Vaadin = $wnd.Vaadin || {};
$wnd.Vaadin.Flow = $wnd.Vaadin.Flow || {};
$wnd.Vaadin.Flow.clients = {
TypeScript: {
isActive: () => this.isActive
// Regular expression used to remove the app-context
const elm = document.head.querySelector('base');
this.baseRegex = new RegExp(`^${
// IE11 does not support document.baseURI
(document.baseURI || (elm && elm.href) || '/').replace(/^https?:\/\/[^/]+/i, '')}`);
this.appShellTitle = document.title;
// Put a vaadin-connection-indicator in the dom
* Return a `route` object for vaadin-router in an one-element array.
* The `FlowRoute` object `path` property handles any route,
* and the `action` returns the flow container without updating the content,
* delaying the actual Flow server call to the `onBeforeEnter` phase.
* This is a specific API for its use with `vaadin-router`.
get serverSideRoutes() {
return [
path: '(.*)',
action: this.action
loadingStarted() {
// Make Testbench know that server request is in progress
this.isActive = true;
loadingFinished() {
// Make Testbench know that server request has finished
this.isActive = false;
if ($wnd.Vaadin.listener) {
// Listeners registered, do not register again.
$wnd.Vaadin.listener = {};
// Listen for click on router-links -> 'link' navigation trigger
// and on <a> nodes -> 'client' navigation trigger.
// Use capture phase to detect prevented / stopped events.
document.addEventListener('click', (_e) => {
if ( {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
if ('router-link')) {
this.navigation = 'link';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
else if (_e.composedPath().some((node) => node.nodeName === 'A')) {
this.navigation = 'client';
}, {
capture: true
get action() {
// Return a function which is bound to the flow instance, thus we can use
// the syntax `...serverSideRoutes` in vaadin-router.
return async (params) => {
// Store last action pathname so as we can check it in events
this.pathname = params.pathname;
if ($ {
try {
await this.flowInit();
catch (error) {
if (error instanceof FlowUiInitializationError) {
// error initializing Flow: assume connection lost
$wnd.Vaadin.connectionState.state = ConnectionState.CONNECTION_LOST;
return this.offlineStubAction();
else {
throw error;
else {
// insert an offline stub
return this.offlineStubAction();
// When an action happens, navigation will be resolved `onBeforeEnter`
this.container.onBeforeEnter = (ctx, cmd) => this.flowNavigate(ctx, cmd);
// For covering the 'server -> client' use case
this.container.onBeforeLeave = (ctx, cmd) => this.flowLeave(ctx, cmd);
return this.container;
// Send a remote call to `JavaScriptBootstrapUI` to check
// whether navigation has to be cancelled.
async flowLeave(ctx, cmd) {
// server -> server, viewing offline stub, or browser is offline
const { connectionState } = $wnd.Vaadin;
if (this.pathname === ctx.pathname || !this.isFlowClientLoaded() || connectionState.offline) {
return Promise.resolve({});
// 'server -> client'
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// The callback to run from server side to cancel navigation
this.container.serverConnected = (cancel) => {
resolve(cmd && cancel ? cmd.prevent() : {});
// Call server side to check whether we can leave the view
flowRoot.$server.leaveNavigation(this.getFlowRoutePath(ctx), this.getFlowRouteQuery(ctx));
// Send the remote call to `JavaScriptBootstrapUI` to render the flow
// route specified by the context
async flowNavigate(ctx, cmd) {
if (this.response) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// The callback to run from server side once the view is ready
this.container.serverConnected = (cancel, redirectContext) => {
if (cmd && cancel) {
else if (cmd && cmd.redirect && redirectContext) {
else { = '';
this.container.serverPaused = () => {
// Call server side to navigate to the given route
flowRoot.$server.connectClient(this.getFlowRoutePath(ctx), this.getFlowRouteQuery(ctx), this.appShellTitle, history.state, this.navigation);
// Default to history navigation trigger.
// Link and client cases are handled by click listener in loadingFinished().
this.navigation = 'history';
else {
// No server response => offline or erroneous connection
return Promise.resolve(this.container);
getFlowRoutePath(context) {
return decodeURIComponent(context.pathname).replace(this.baseRegex, '');
getFlowRouteQuery(context) {
return ( && || '';
// import flow client modules and initialize UI in server side.
async flowInit() {
// Do not start flow twice
if (!this.isFlowClientLoaded()) {
// show flow progress indicator
// Initialize server side UI
this.response = await this.flowInitUi();
const { pushScript, appConfig } = this.response;
if (typeof pushScript === 'string') {
await this.loadScript(pushScript);
const { appId } = appConfig;
// Load bootstrap script with server side parameters
const bootstrapMod = await import('./FlowBootstrap');
await bootstrapMod.init(this.response);
// Load custom modules defined by user
if (typeof this.config.imports === 'function') {
await this.config.imports();
// we use a custom tag for the flow app container
const tag = `flow-container-${appId.toLowerCase()}`;
const serverCreatedContainer = document.querySelector(tag);
if (serverCreatedContainer) {
this.container = serverCreatedContainer;
else {
this.container = document.createElement(tag); = appId;
flowRoot.$[appId] = this.container;
// Load flow-client module
const clientMod = await import('./FlowClient');
await this.flowInitClient(clientMod);
// hide flow progress indicator
// It might be that components created from server expect that their content has been rendered.
// Appending eagerly the container we avoid these kind of errors.
// Note that the client router will move this container to the outlet if the navigation succeed
if (this.container && !this.container.isConnected) { = 'none';
return this.response;
async loadScript(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = () => resolve();
script.onerror = reject;
script.src = url;
injectAppIdScript(appId) {
const appIdWithoutHashCode = appId.substring(0, appId.lastIndexOf('-'));
const scriptAppId = document.createElement('script');
scriptAppId.type = 'module';
scriptAppId.setAttribute('data-app-id', appIdWithoutHashCode);
// After the flow-client javascript module has been loaded, this initializes flow UI
// in the browser.
async flowInitClient(clientMod) {
// client init is async, we need to loop until initialized
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
// client `isActive() == true` while initializing or processing
const initializing = Object.keys($wnd.Vaadin.Flow.clients)
.filter((key) => key !== 'TypeScript')
.reduce((prev, id) => prev || $wnd.Vaadin.Flow.clients[id].isActive(), false);
if (!initializing) {
}, 5);
// Returns the `appConfig` object
async flowInitUi() {
// appConfig was sent in the index.html request
const initial = $wnd.Vaadin && $wnd.Vaadin.TypeScript && $wnd.Vaadin.TypeScript.initial;
if (initial) {
$wnd.Vaadin.TypeScript.initial = undefined;
return Promise.resolve(initial);
// send a request to the `JavaScriptBootstrapHandler`
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
const httpRequest = xhr;
const requestPath = `?v-r=init&location=${encodeURIComponent(this.getFlowRoutePath(location))}&query=${encodeURIComponent(this.getFlowRouteQuery(location))}`;'GET', requestPath);
httpRequest.onerror = () => reject(new FlowUiInitializationError(`Invalid server response when initializing Flow UI.
httpRequest.onload = () => {
const contentType = httpRequest.getResponseHeader('content-type');
if (contentType && contentType.indexOf('application/json') !== -1) {
else {
// Create shared connection state store and connection indicator
addConnectionIndicator() {
// add connection indicator to DOM
// Listen to browser online/offline events and update the loading indicator accordingly.
// Note: if flow-client is loaded, it instead handles the state transitions.
$wnd.addEventListener('online', () => {
if (!this.isFlowClientLoaded()) {
// Send an HTTP HEAD request for sw.js to verify server reachability.
// We do not expect sw.js to be cached, so the request goes to the
// server rather than being served from local cache.
// Require network-level failure to revert the state to CONNECTION_LOST
// (HTTP error code is ok since it still verifies server's presence).
$wnd.Vaadin.connectionState.state = ConnectionState.RECONNECTING;
const http = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', 'sw.js');
http.onload = () => {
$wnd.Vaadin.connectionState.state = ConnectionState.CONNECTED;
http.onerror = () => {
$wnd.Vaadin.connectionState.state = ConnectionState.CONNECTION_LOST;
// Postpone request to reduce potential net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
// errors that sometimes occurs even if browser says it is online
setTimeout(() => http.send(), 50);
$wnd.addEventListener('offline', () => {
if (!this.isFlowClientLoaded()) {
$wnd.Vaadin.connectionState.state = ConnectionState.CONNECTION_LOST;
async offlineStubAction() {
const offlineStub = document.createElement('iframe');
const offlineStubPath = './offline-stub.html';
offlineStub.setAttribute('src', offlineStubPath);
offlineStub.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0');
this.response = undefined;
let onlineListener;
const removeOfflineStubAndOnlineListener = () => {
if (onlineListener !== undefined) {
onlineListener = undefined;
offlineStub.onBeforeEnter = (ctx, _cmds, router) => {
onlineListener = () => {
if ($ {
router.render(ctx, false);
offlineStub.onBeforeLeave = (_ctx, _cmds, _router) => {
return offlineStub;
isFlowClientLoaded() {
return this.response !== undefined;