import { Debouncer } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/debounce.js'; import { timeOut } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/async.js'; import { ComboBoxPlaceholder } from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box-placeholder.js'; (function () { const tryCatchWrapper = function (callback) { return window.Vaadin.Flow.tryCatchWrapper(callback, 'Vaadin Combo Box'); }; window.Vaadin.Flow.comboBoxConnector = { initLazy: (comboBox) => tryCatchWrapper(function (comboBox) { // Check whether the connector was already initialized for the ComboBox if (comboBox.$connector) { return; } comboBox.$connector = {}; // holds pageIndex -> callback pairs of subsequent indexes (current active range) const pageCallbacks = {}; let cache = {}; let lastFilter = ''; const placeHolder = new window.Vaadin.ComboBoxPlaceholder(); const serverFacade = (() => { // Private variables let lastFilterSentToServer = ''; let dataCommunicatorResetNeeded = false; // Public methods const needsDataCommunicatorReset = () => (dataCommunicatorResetNeeded = true); const getLastFilterSentToServer = () => lastFilterSentToServer; const requestData = (startIndex, endIndex, params) => { const count = endIndex - startIndex; const filter = params.filter; comboBox.$server.setRequestedRange(startIndex, count, filter); lastFilterSentToServer = filter; if (dataCommunicatorResetNeeded) { comboBox.$server.resetDataCommunicator(); dataCommunicatorResetNeeded = false; } }; return { needsDataCommunicatorReset, getLastFilterSentToServer, requestData }; })(); const clearPageCallbacks = (pages = Object.keys(pageCallbacks)) => { // Flush and empty the existing requests pages.forEach((page) => { pageCallbacks[page]([], comboBox.size); delete pageCallbacks[page]; // Empty the comboBox's internal cache without invoking observers by filling // the filteredItems array with placeholders (comboBox will request for data when it // encounters a placeholder) const pageStart = parseInt(page) * comboBox.pageSize; const pageEnd = pageStart + comboBox.pageSize; const end = Math.min(pageEnd, comboBox.filteredItems.length); for (let i = pageStart; i < end; i++) { comboBox.filteredItems[i] = placeHolder; } }); }; comboBox.dataProvider = function (params, callback) { if (params.pageSize != comboBox.pageSize) { throw 'Invalid pageSize'; } if (comboBox._clientSideFilter) { // For clientside filter we first make sure we have all data which we also // filter based on comboBox.filter. While later we only filter clientside data. if (cache[0]) { performClientSideFilter(cache[0], params.filter, callback); return; } else { // If client side filter is enabled then we need to first ask all data // and filter it on client side, otherwise next time when user will // input another filter, eg. continue to type, the local cache will be only // what was received for the first filter, which may not be the whole // data from server (keep in mind that client side filter is enabled only // when the items count does not exceed one page). params.filter = ''; } } const filterChanged = params.filter !== lastFilter; if (filterChanged) { cache = {}; lastFilter = params.filter; this._filterDebouncer = Debouncer.debounce(this._filterDebouncer, timeOut.after(500), () => { if (serverFacade.getLastFilterSentToServer() === params.filter) { // Fixes the case when the filter changes // to something else and back to the original value // within debounce timeout, and the // DataCommunicator thinks it doesn't need to send data serverFacade.needsDataCommunicatorReset(); } if (params.filter !== lastFilter) { throw new Error("Expected params.filter to be '" + lastFilter + "' but was '" + params.filter + "'"); } // Remove the debouncer before clearing page callbacks. // This makes sure that they are executed. this._filterDebouncer = undefined; // Call the method again after debounce. clearPageCallbacks(); comboBox.dataProvider(params, callback); }); return; } // Postpone the execution of new callbacks if there is an active debouncer. // They will be executed when the page callbacks are cleared within the debouncer. if (this._filterDebouncer) { pageCallbacks[] = callback; return; } if (cache[]) { // This may happen after skipping pages by scrolling fast commitPage(, callback); } else { pageCallbacks[] = callback; const maxRangeCount = Math.max(params.pageSize * 2, 500); // Max item count in active range const activePages = Object.keys(pageCallbacks).map((page) => parseInt(page)); const rangeMin = Math.min(...activePages); const rangeMax = Math.max(...activePages); if (activePages.length * params.pageSize > maxRangeCount) { if ( === rangeMin) { clearPageCallbacks([String(rangeMax)]); } else { clearPageCallbacks([String(rangeMin)]); } comboBox.dataProvider(params, callback); } else if (rangeMax - rangeMin + 1 !== activePages.length) { // Wasn't a sequential page index, clear the cache so combo-box will request for new pages clearPageCallbacks(); } else { // The requested page was sequential, extend the requested range const startIndex = params.pageSize * rangeMin; const endIndex = params.pageSize * (rangeMax + 1); serverFacade.requestData(startIndex, endIndex, params); } } }; comboBox.$connector.clear = tryCatchWrapper((start, length) => { const firstPageToClear = Math.floor(start / comboBox.pageSize); const numberOfPagesToClear = Math.ceil(length / comboBox.pageSize); for (let i = firstPageToClear; i < firstPageToClear + numberOfPagesToClear; i++) { delete cache[i]; } }); comboBox.$connector.filter = tryCatchWrapper(function (item, filter) { filter = filter ? filter.toString().toLowerCase() : ''; return comboBox._getItemLabel(item, comboBox.itemLabelPath).toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > -1; }); comboBox.$connector.set = tryCatchWrapper(function (index, items, filter) { if (filter != serverFacade.getLastFilterSentToServer()) { return; } if (index % comboBox.pageSize != 0) { throw 'Got new data to index ' + index + ' which is not aligned with the page size of ' + comboBox.pageSize; } if (index === 0 && items.length === 0 && pageCallbacks[0]) { // Makes sure that the dataProvider callback is called even when server // returns empty data set (no items match the filter). cache[0] = []; return; } const firstPageToSet = index / comboBox.pageSize; const updatedPageCount = Math.ceil(items.length / comboBox.pageSize); for (let i = 0; i < updatedPageCount; i++) { let page = firstPageToSet + i; let slice = items.slice(i * comboBox.pageSize, (i + 1) * comboBox.pageSize); cache[page] = slice; } }); comboBox.$connector.updateData = tryCatchWrapper(function (items) { const itemsMap = new Map( => [item.key, item])); comboBox.filteredItems = => { return itemsMap.get(item.key) || item; }); }); comboBox.$connector.updateSize = tryCatchWrapper(function (newSize) { if (!comboBox._clientSideFilter) { // FIXME: It may be that this size set is unnecessary, since when // providing data to combobox via callback we may use data's size. // However, if this size reflect the whole data size, including // data not fetched yet into client side, and combobox expect it // to be set as such, the at least, we don't need it in case the // filter is clientSide only, since it'll increase the height of // the popup at only at first user filter to this size, while the // filtered items count are less. comboBox.size = newSize; } }); comboBox.$connector.reset = tryCatchWrapper(function () { clearPageCallbacks(); cache = {}; comboBox.clearCache(); }); comboBox.$connector.confirm = tryCatchWrapper(function (id, filter) { if (filter != serverFacade.getLastFilterSentToServer()) { return; } // We're done applying changes from this batch, resolve pending // callbacks let activePages = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(pageCallbacks); for (let i = 0; i < activePages.length; i++) { let page = activePages[i]; if (cache[page]) { commitPage(page, pageCallbacks[page]); } } // Let server know we're done comboBox.$server.confirmUpdate(id); }); const commitPage = tryCatchWrapper(function (page, callback) { let data = cache[page]; if (comboBox._clientSideFilter) { performClientSideFilter(data, comboBox.filter, callback); } else { // Remove the data if server-side filtering, but keep it for client-side // filtering delete cache[page]; // FIXME: It may be that we ought to provide data.length instead of // comboBox.size and remove updateSize function. callback(data, comboBox.size); } }); // Perform filter on client side (here) using the items from specified page // and submitting the filtered items to specified callback. // The filter used is the one from combobox, not the lastFilter stored since // that may not reflect user's input. const performClientSideFilter = tryCatchWrapper(function (page, filter, callback) { let filteredItems = page; if (filter) { filteredItems = page.filter((item) => comboBox.$connector.filter(item, filter)); } callback(filteredItems, filteredItems.length); }); // Prevent setting the custom value as the 'value'-prop automatically comboBox.addEventListener( 'custom-value-set', tryCatchWrapper((e) => e.preventDefault()) ); })(comboBox) }; })(); window.Vaadin.ComboBoxPlaceholder = ComboBoxPlaceholder;