/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ /* eslint-disable max-params */ import { html, render } from 'lit'; type RenderRoot = HTMLElement & { __litRenderer?: Renderer; _$litPart$?: any }; type ItemModel = { item: any; index: number }; type Renderer = ((root: RenderRoot, rendererOwner: HTMLElement, model: ItemModel) => void) & { __rendererId?: string }; type Component = HTMLElement & { [key: string]: Renderer | undefined }; const _window = window as any; _window.Vaadin = _window.Vaadin || {}; /** * Assigns the component a renderer function which uses Lit to render * the given template expression inside the render root element. * * @param component The host component to which the renderer runction is to be set * @param rendererName The name of the renderer function * @param templateExpression The content of the template literal passed to Lit for rendering. * @param returnChannel A channel to the server. * Calling it will end up invoking a handler in the server-side LitRenderer. * @param clientCallables A list of function names that can be called from within the template literal. * @param propertyNamespace LitRenderer-specific namespace for properties. * Needed to avoid property name collisions between renderers. */ _window.Vaadin.setLitRenderer = ( component: Component, rendererName: string, templateExpression: string, returnChannel: (name: string, itemKey: string, args: any[]) => void, clientCallables: string[], propertyNamespace: string, ) => { // Dynamically created function that renders the templateExpression // inside the given root element using Lit const renderFunction = Function(` "use strict"; const [render, html, returnChannel] = arguments; return (root, model, itemKey) => { const { item, index } = model; ${clientCallables .map((clientCallable) => { // Map all the client-callables as inline functions so they can be accessed from the template literal return ` const ${clientCallable} = (...args) => { if (itemKey !== undefined) { returnChannel('${clientCallable}', itemKey, args[0] instanceof Event ? [] : [...args]); } }`; }) .join('')} render(html\`${templateExpression}\`, root) } `)(render, html, returnChannel); const renderer: Renderer = (root, _, model) => { const { item } = model; // Clean up the root element of any existing content // (and Lit's _$litPart$ property) from other renderers // TODO: Remove once https://github.com/vaadin/web-components/issues/2235 is done if (root.__litRenderer !== renderer) { root.innerHTML = ''; delete root._$litPart$; root.__litRenderer = renderer; } // Map a new item that only includes the properties defined by // this specific LitRenderer instance. The renderer instance specific // "propertyNamespace" prefix is stripped from the property name at this point: // // item: { key: "2", lr_3_lastName: "Tyler"} // -> // mappedItem: { lastName: "Tyler" } const mappedItem: { [key: string]: any } = {}; for (const key in item) { if (key.startsWith(propertyNamespace)) { mappedItem[key.replace(propertyNamespace, '')] = item[key]; } } renderFunction(root, { ...model, item: mappedItem }, item.key); }; renderer.__rendererId = propertyNamespace; component[rendererName] = renderer; }; /** * Removes the renderer function with the given name from the component * if the propertyNamespace matches the renderer's id. * * @param component The host component whose renderer function is to be removed * @param rendererName The name of the renderer function * @param rendererId The rendererId of the function to be removed */ _window.Vaadin.unsetLitRenderer = (component: Component, rendererName: string, rendererId: string) => { // The check for __rendererId property is necessary since the renderer function // may get overridden by another renderer, for example, by one coming from // vaadin-template-renderer. We don't want LitRenderer registration cleanup to // unintentionally remove the new renderer. if (component[rendererName]?.__rendererId === rendererId) { component[rendererName] = undefined; } };