/* * Copyright 2000-2023 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ import './contextMenuConnector.js'; (function () { const tryCatchWrapper = function (callback) { return window.Vaadin.Flow.tryCatchWrapper(callback, 'Vaadin Menu Bar'); }; /** * Initializes the connector for a menu bar element. * * @param {HTMLElement} menubar * @param {string} appId */ function initLazy(menubar, appId) { if (menubar.$connector) { return; } const observer = new MutationObserver((records) => { const hasChangedAttributes = records.some((entry) => { const oldValue = entry.oldValue; const newValue = entry.target.getAttribute(entry.attributeName); return oldValue !== newValue; }); if (hasChangedAttributes) { menubar.$connector.generateItems(); } }); menubar.$connector = { /** * Generates and assigns the items to the menu bar. * * When the method is called without providing a node id, * the previously generated items tree will be used. * That can be useful if you only want to sync the disabled and hidden properties of root items. * * @param {number | undefined} nodeId */ generateItems: tryCatchWrapper((nodeId) => { if (!menubar.shadowRoot) { // workaround for https://github.com/vaadin/flow/issues/5722 setTimeout(() => menubar.$connector.generateItems(nodeId)); return; } if (!menubar._container) { // Menu-bar defers first buttons render to avoid re-layout // See https://github.com/vaadin/web-components/issues/7271 queueMicrotask(() => menubar.$connector.generateItems(nodeId)); return; } if (nodeId) { menubar.__generatedItems = window.Vaadin.Flow.contextMenuConnector.generateItemsTree(appId, nodeId); } let items = menubar.__generatedItems || []; items.forEach((item) => { // Propagate disabled state from items to parent buttons item.disabled = item.component.disabled; // Saving item to component because `_item` can be reassigned to a new value // when the component goes to the overflow menu item.component._rootItem = item; }); // Observe for hidden and disabled attributes in case they are changed by Flow. // When a change occurs, the observer will re-generate items on top of the existing tree // to sync the new attribute values with the corresponding properties in the items array. items.forEach((item) => { observer.observe(item.component, { attributeFilter: ['hidden', 'disabled'], attributeOldValue: true }); }); // Remove hidden items entirely from the array. Just hiding them // could cause the overflow button to be rendered without items. // // The items-prop needs to be set even when all items are visible // to update the disabled state and re-render buttons. items = items.filter((item) => !item.component.hidden); menubar.items = items; // Propagate click events from the menu buttons to the item components menubar._buttons.forEach((button) => { if (button.item && button.item.component) { button.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if (e.composedPath().indexOf(button.item.component) === -1) { button.item.component.click(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); } }); }) }; } function setClassName(component) { const item = component._rootItem || component._item; if (item) { item.className = component.className; } } window.Vaadin.Flow.menubarConnector = { initLazy(...args) { return tryCatchWrapper(initLazy)(...args); }, setClassName(...args) { return tryCatchWrapper(setClassName)(...args); } }; })();