import '@vaadin/grid/vaadin-grid-column.js'; import { GridColumn } from '@vaadin/grid/src/vaadin-grid-column.js'; import { GridSelectionColumnBaseMixin } from '@vaadin/grid/src/vaadin-grid-selection-column-base-mixin.js'; export class GridFlowSelectionColumn extends GridSelectionColumnBaseMixin(GridColumn) { static get is() { return 'vaadin-grid-flow-selection-column'; } static get properties() { return { /** * Override property to enable auto-width */ autoWidth: { type: Boolean, value: true }, /** * Override property to set custom width */ width: { type: String, value: '56px' } }; } /** * Override method from `GridSelectionColumnBaseMixin` to add ID to select all * checkbox * * @override */ _defaultHeaderRenderer(root, _column) { super._defaultHeaderRenderer(root, _column); const checkbox = root.firstElementChild; if (checkbox) { = 'selectAllCheckbox'; } } /** * Override a method from `GridSelectionColumnBaseMixin` to handle the user * selecting all items. * * @protected * @override */ _selectAll() { this.selectAll = true; this.$server.selectAll(); } /** * Override a method from `GridSelectionColumnBaseMixin` to handle the user * deselecting all items. * * @protected * @override */ _deselectAll() { this.selectAll = false; this.$server.deselectAll(); } /** * Override a method from `GridSelectionColumnBaseMixin` to handle the user * selecting an item. * * @param {Object} item the item to select * @protected * @override */ _selectItem(item) { this._grid.$connector.doSelection([item], true); } /** * Override a method from `GridSelectionColumnBaseMixin` to handle the user * deselecting an item. * * @param {Object} item the item to deselect * @protected * @override */ _deselectItem(item) { this._grid.$connector.doDeselection([item], true); // Optimistically update select all state this.selectAll = false; } } customElements.define(, GridFlowSelectionColumn);