(ns org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.parser (:require [org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.common :as cm] [clojure.string :as str])) (def activitystreams-turtle (slurp cm/activitystreams-ttl)) ; pre-format (defn delete-comments-and-newlines [resource-file] (str/join "\n" (remove #(or (re-matches #"^#.*" %) (re-matches #"" %)) (str/split-lines (slurp resource-file))))) ; find definitions ; find definitions algo ; walk through list ; check the current element ; does it have a dot at the end? ; yes ; put it in the current list ; if this does not exist, create it ; the next element goes into a new list ; ; no ; put it in the current list (defn find-definitions [string-input] (str/split string-input #"\.\n|\.$")) ; make list of vectors/map from well known input-string ; distinguish iri,keyword and prefix ; if keyword make a triple ; if iri or prefix make a map: ; ;{{prefix:xyz prefix:zab} ; [{prefix:bla "possibly string"@someKeyword} ; {prefix:foo prefix:orSthElse} ; {prefix:range ; range muss sich liebevoll angeschaut werden ; [ ; prefix:Type ; prefix:Type ; ]}]} (defn to-map-from-def [string-input])