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(ns dda.c4k-common.predicate-test
#?(:clj [clojure.test :refer [deftest is are testing run-tests]]
:cljs [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is are testing run-tests]])
[dda.c4k-common.predicate :as cut]))
(deftest test-bash-env-string?
(is (true? (cut/bash-env-string? "abcd")))
(is (false? (cut/bash-env-string? "$abdc")))
(is (false? (cut/bash-env-string? "\"abdc"))))
(deftest test-fqdn-string?
(is (true? (cut/fqdn-string? "")))
(is (true? (cut/fqdn-string? "")))
(is (true? (cut/fqdn-string? "")))
(is (false? (cut/fqdn-string? "123.456.789")))
(is (false? (cut/fqdn-string? "test&"))))
(deftest test-string-of-separated-by?
2 years ago
(is (true? (cut/string-of-separated-by? cut/bash-env-string? #":" "abcd")))
(is (true? (cut/string-of-separated-by? cut/bash-env-string? #":" "abcd:efgh")))
(is (false? (cut/string-of-separated-by? cut/bash-env-string? #":" "abcd:ef$gh")))
(is (true? (cut/string-of-separated-by? cut/fqdn-string? #"," ",,")))
(is (false? (cut/string-of-separated-by? cut/fqdn-string? #"," "test.123,"))))
(deftest test-letsencrypt-issuer?
(is (false? (cut/letsencrypt-issuer? "issuer")))
(is (true? (cut/letsencrypt-issuer? "staging")))
(is (true? (cut/letsencrypt-issuer? "prod"))))
(deftest test-map-or-seq?
(is (true? (cut/map-or-seq? {:a 1 :b 2})))
(is (true? (cut/map-or-seq? '(1 2 3))))
(is (false? (cut/map-or-seq? "1,2,3"))))
(deftest test-pvc-storage-class-name?
(is (true? (cut/pvc-storage-class-name? :manual)))
(is (true? (cut/pvc-storage-class-name? :local-path)))
(is (false? (cut/pvc-storage-class-name? :none))))
(deftest test-port-number?
(is (true? (cut/port-number? 1)))
(is (true? (cut/port-number? 65535)))
(is (false? (cut/port-number? 0)))
(is (false? (cut/port-number? 65536)))
(is (false? (cut/port-number? "12345"))))
(deftest test-host-and-port-string?
(is (true? (cut/host-and-port-string? "")))
(is (false? (cut/host-and-port-string? ",1234")))
(is (false? (cut/host-and-port-string? "test.123:1234")))
(is (false? (cut/host-and-port-string? ""))))
(deftest test-string-sequence?
(is (true? (cut/string-sequence? ["hallo" "welt" "!"])))
(is (false? (cut/string-sequence? ["hallo" 1 "welt" "!"])))
(is (false? (cut/string-sequence? "hallo welt!"))))
(deftest test-int-gt-n?
(is (not (cut/int-gt-n? 5 0)))
(is (not (cut/int-gt-n? 5 "s")))
(is (not (cut/int-gt-n? 0 0)))
(is (cut/int-gt-n? 5 6))
(is ((partial cut/int-gt-n? 5) 10))
(is (not ((partial cut/int-gt-n? 5) 4))))