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3 years ago
(ns dda.c4k-common.postgres-test
#?(:clj [clojure.test :refer [deftest is are testing run-tests]]
:cljs [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is are testing run-tests]])
[dda.c4k-common.postgres :as cut]))
(deftest should-generate-config
(is (= {:postgres-db "postgres"
3 years ago
"max_connections = 100\nwork_mem = 4MB\nshared_buffers = 512MB\n"}
(:data (cut/generate-config))))
(is (= {:postgres-db "postgres"
3 years ago
"max_connections = 700\nwork_mem = 3MB\nshared_buffers = 2048MB\n"}
(:data (cut/generate-config :postgres-size :8gb))))
(is (= {:postgres-db "test"
"max_connections = 100\nwork_mem = 4MB\nshared_buffers = 512MB\n"}
(:data (cut/generate-config :db-name "test"))))
3 years ago
(deftest should-generate-persistent-volume
(is (= {:kind "PersistentVolume"
:apiVersion "v1"
{:name "postgres-pv-volume", :labels {:type "local"}}
{:storageClassName "manual"
:accessModes ["ReadWriteOnce"]
:capacity {:storage "10Gi"}
:hostPath {:path "xx"}}}
(cut/generate-persistent-volume {:postgres-data-volume-path "xx"}))))
(deftest should-generate-secret
(is (= {:apiVersion "v1"
:kind "Secret"
:metadata {:name "postgres-secret"}
:type "Opaque"
{:postgres-user "eHgtdXM=", :postgres-password "eHgtcHc="}}
(cut/generate-secret {:postgres-db-user "xx-us" :postgres-db-password "xx-pw"}))))