remove no longer used refactorings

jerger 1 year ago
parent 97cddd1c9e
commit e1b1adfe20

@ -52,32 +52,24 @@ c4k-common provides the basic functionality for our c4k-modules.
1. version
2. common postgres
3. frontend script
4. backup as deployment
5. use common pred.
6. configs as EDN and YAML
7. renamed test-helper
8. common load-as-edn
9. standardized uberjar
10. groups for webview
11. use common ingress
2. configs as EDN and YAML
3. renamed test-helper
4. common load-as-edn
5. standardized uberjar
6. groups for webview
7. use common ingress
| Module | Version | common postgres | frontend script | [backup as deployment][bak1] | [use common pred. ][com1] | [renamed test-helper][th1] | [common load-as-edn][edn1] | [standardized uberjar][ujar1] | [groups for webview][bgrp1] | [use common ingress][ing1] | [use common monitoring][mon1] | [validate examples][val1] |
| c4k-mastodon-bot | 0.0 | - | | - | | | | | | | | |
| c4k-keycloak | 0.2 | x | x | - | x | - | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| c4k-jira | 1.1 | x | x | x | x | - | | | | | | |
| c4k-nextcloud | 4.0 | x | x | x | x | - | | | | | | |
| c4k-jitsi | 1.3 | - | x | - | x | - | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| c4k-gittea | 1.0 | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | | | |
| c4k-shynet | 1.0 | x | x | - | x | - | | x | | | | |
| c4k-website | 1.1 | - | x | - | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| Module | Version | [renamed test-helper][th1] | [common load-as-edn][edn1] | [standardized uberjar][ujar1] | [groups for webview][bgrp1] | [use common ingress][ing1] | [use common monitoring][mon1] | [validate examples][val1] |
| c4k-keycloak | 0.2 | - | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| c4k-jira | 1.1 | - | | | | | | |
| c4k-nextcloud | 4.0 | - | | | | | | |
| c4k-jitsi | 1.3 | - | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| c4k-gittea | 1.0 | x | | x | x | | | |
| c4k-shynet | 1.0 | - | | x | | | | |
| c4k-website | 1.1 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
