# Runtime View ```mermaid C4Context title Runtime Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "Infrastructure") { System(dns, "DNS", "Management of DNS-Entries. We use aws/Route53") SystemDb(backup, "Storage for backup", "We use aws/S3") System(grafana, "Grafana Cloud", "Monitoring your apps") System(devops, "DevOps Workstation") Container_Boundary(srv, "Small Server") { Container_Boundary(k3s, "K3S") { Component(lb, "metallb") Component(api, "K8s API") Component(prometheus, "Prometheus in proxy mode") Container_Boundary(app, "Application") { Component(app, "App-container") Component(app-backup, "backup & restore-container using restic") Container_Boundary(app-storage, "Storage") { ComponentDb(app-file-storage, "file storage") ComponentDb(app-db-storage, "postgres") } } } Component(ipv4, "public ipv4") Component(ipv6, "public ipv6") Component(localip, "local-ip") Component(ssh, "ssh tunnel") } } Rel(devops, ssh, "ssh") Rel(ssh, localip, "tcp") Rel(localip, api, "tcp") Rel(ipv4, lb, "tcp") Rel(ipv6, lb, "tcp") Rel(lb, app, "tcp") Rel(app, app-file-storage, "file") Rel(app, app-db-storage, "*dbc") Rel(prometheus, api, "http") Rel(prometheus, grafana, "http") Rel(app-backup, backup, "s3") Rel(app-backup, app-file-storage, "file") Rel(app-backup, app-db-storage, "*dbc") ``` # Layout of a component on example of namespace ```mermaid classDiagram class namespace { config? // the external representation default-config // static defaults generate(config, auth) seq } class namespace-internal { config? // the internal representation generate-namespace(config) map } ```