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(ns dda.c4k-common.macros
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import java.util.jar.JarFile))
(defn inline-resource-file [resource-url relative-resource-folder-path]
(let [files (.listFiles (io/file resource-url))
file-contents (map slurp files)
file-names (map #(str relative-resource-folder-path "/" (.getName %)) files)]
(zipmap file-names file-contents)))
(defn inline-resource-jar [resource-url]
(let [resource-url-string (.toString resource-url)
; Remove jar:file:
start-absolute (str/replace-first resource-url-string "jar:file:" "")
; Split path into jar base and search folder
jar-split (str/split start-absolute #"!/")
absolute-jar-path (first jar-split)
relative-file-path (second jar-split)
jar (JarFile. absolute-jar-path)
files (->> (enumeration-seq (.entries jar))
(filter #(str/starts-with? % relative-file-path))
(filter #(not (.isDirectory %))))
file-names (map #(.getName %) files)
file-contents (map #(slurp (.getInputStream jar %)) files)]
(zipmap file-names file-contents)))
(defmacro inline-resources [resource-path]
(let [resource-url (io/resource resource-path)
resource-protocol (.getProtocol resource-url)]
(case resource-protocol
"file" (inline-resource-file resource-url resource-path)
"jar" (inline-resource-jar resource-url))))