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(ns dda.c4k-common.predicate
[clojure.string :as str]
#?(:clj [clojure.edn :as edn]
:cljs [cljs.reader :as edn])))
(defn bash-env-string?
(and (string? input)
(not (re-matches #".*['\"\$]+.*" input))))
(defn fqdn-string?
(and (string? input)
(some? (re-matches #"(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$)" input))))
(defn string-of-separated-by?
[spec-function separator input]
(every? true? (map spec-function (str/split input separator))))
(defn letsencrypt-issuer?
(contains? #{"prod" "staging"} input))
(defn stage?
(contains? #{:prod :acc :int :test :dev} input))
(defn map-or-seq?
(or (map? input)
(seq? input)))
(defn pvc-storage-class-name?
(contains? #{:manual :local-path} input))
(defn port-number?
(and (integer? input)
(> input 0)
(<= input 65535)))
(defn host-and-port-string?
(and (string? input)
(let [split-string (str/split input #":")]
(and (= (count split-string) 2)
(fqdn-string? (first split-string))
(port-number? (edn/read-string (second split-string)))))))
(defn integer-string?
(and (string? input)
(some? (re-matches #"^\d+$" input))
(integer? (edn/read-string input))))
(defn string-sequence?
(and (sequential? input)
(every? true?
(map #(string? %) input))))
(defn int-gt-n?
[n input]
(and (int? input)
(> input n)))
(defn str-or-number?
(string? input)
(number? input)))