# Backup Architecture details ![](backup.svg) * we use restic to produce small & encrypted backups * backup is scheduled at `schedule: "10 23 * * *"` * Gitea stores files in `/data/gitea` and `/data/git/repositories`, these files are backed up. * The postgres db is also backed up ## Manual init the restic repository for the first time 1. apply backup-and-restore pod: `kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=1` 2. exec into pod and execute restore pod (press tab to get your exact pod name) `kubectl exec -it backup-restore-... -- /usr/local/bin/init.sh` 3. remove backup-and-restore pod: `kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=0` ## Manual backup the restic repository for the first time 1. apply backup-and-restore pod: `kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=1` 2. exec into pod and execute restore pod (press tab to get your exact pod name) `kubectl exec -it backup-restore-... -- /usr/local/bin/backup.sh` 3. remove backup-and-restore pod: `kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=0` ## Manual restore 1. apply backup-and-restore pod: `kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=1` 2. exec into pod and execute restore pod (press tab to get your exact pod name) `kubectl exec -it backup-restore-... -- /usr/local/bin/restore.sh` 1. remove backup-and-restore pod: `kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=0`