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# Usage
- [BUCKET_NAME] is optional, "mybucket" will be used if not specified
- sets up a k3s instance
- installs a localstack pod
- creates http and https routing to localstack via localhost
- saves the self-signed certificate as ca.crt
- uses the certificate to initialize a restic repo at `https://k3stesthost/BUCKET_NAME`
Note: In case of not being able to connect to "k3stesthost/health", you might need to ensure that the ingress' ip matches with the required host names: k3stesthost and cloudhost. With `sudo k3s kubectl get ingress` you can view the ingress' ip (e.g., then add a line to file "/etc/hosts" e.g. ` k3stesthost cloudhost`
- creates and starts a k3s instance
- deletes everything k3s related
## Other useful commands
- `sudo k3s kubectl get pods`
- `curl k3stesthost/health`
expected: `{"services": {"s3": "running"}, "features": {"persistence": "disabled", "initScripts": "initialized"}}`
#### Requires AWS-CLI
- create bucket `aws --endpoint-url=http://k3stesthost s3 mb s3://mybucket`
- list buckets `aws --endpoint-url=http://k3stesthost s3 ls`
- upload something `aws --endpoint-url=http://k3stesthost s3 cp test.txt s3://mybucket`
- check files `aws --endpoint-url=http://k3stesthost s3 ls s3://mybucket`
## Run docker locally
docker pull docker:19.03.12-dind
docker run -d --privileged --name integration-test docker:19.03.12-dind
docker exec integration-test sh -c "apk add bash"
Set up docker container integration-test:
docker cp ../../../../../c4k-nextcloud/ integration-test:/
docker exec -it integration-test sh
cd /c4k-nextcloud/src/test/resources/local-integration-test
## Deploy nextcloud
### Requirements
* leiningen (install with: `sudo apt install leiningen` )
* In the project's root execute: `lein uberjar`
* Change file "valid-config.edn" according to your settings (e.g. `:fqdn "cloudhost"` and `:restic-repository "s3://k3stesthost:mybucket"`).
### Deploy to k3s
* Create and deploy the k8s yaml:
`java -jar target/uberjar/c4k-nextcloud-standalone.jar valid-config.edn valid-auth.edn | sudo k3s kubectl apply -f -`
Some of the steps may take some min to be effective, but eventually nextcloud should be available at: https://cloudhost
### Deploy to k3d
k3d is a k3s system which is running inside of a container. To install k3d run `curl -s | bash` or have a look at .
* Start a k3d cluster to deploy s3, nextcloud and test backup and restore on it: `./`
Some steps may take a couple of minutes to be effective, but eventually nextcloud should be available at: https://cloudhost
#### Remove k3d cluster
`k3d cluster delete nextcloud`
## Test in local gitlab runner
This needs to be done in the project root
`docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always -v $PWD:$PWD -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest`
`docker exec -it -w $PWD gitlab-runner gitlab-runner exec docker nextcloud-integrationtest --docker-privileged --docker-volumes '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'`