# # If the limit of files that Nextcloud can open is too low, it will be set to this value. # MIN_NOFILES_LIMIT=16384 # # One way to set the Nextcloud HOME path is here via this variable. Simply uncomment it and set a valid path like /cloud/home. You can of course set it outside in the command terminal. That will also work. # CLOUD_HOME="/var/cloud" # # Occasionally Atlassian Support may recommend that you set some specific JVM arguments. You can use this variable below to do that. # JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS="" # # You can use variable below to modify garbage collector settings. # For Java 8 we recommend default settings # For Java 11 and relatively small heaps we recommend: -XX:+UseParallelGC # For Java 11 and larger heaps we recommend: -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent # JVM_GC_ARGS="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent" # # The following 2 settings control the minimum and maximum given to the Nextcloud Java virtual machine. In larger Nextcloud instances, the maximum amount will need to be increased. # JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY="4096m" JVM_MAXIMUM_MEMORY="4096m" # # The following setting configures the size of JVM code cache. A high value of reserved size allows Nextcloud to work with more installed apps. # JVM_CODE_CACHE_ARGS='-XX:InitialCodeCacheSize=32m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m' # # The following are the required arguments for Nextcloud. # JVM_REQUIRED_ARGS='-Djava.awt.headless=true -Datlassian.standalone=CLOUD -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Dmail.mime.decodeparameters=true -Dorg.dom4j.factory=com.atlassian.core.xml.InterningDocumentFactory' # Uncomment this setting if you want to import data without notifications # #DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS=" -Datlassian.mail.senddisabled=true -Datlassian.mail.fetchdisabled=true -Datlassian.mail.popdisabled=true" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # In general don't make changes below here # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prevents the JVM from suppressing stack traces if a given type of exception # occurs frequently, which could make it harder for support to diagnose a problem. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JVM_EXTRA_ARGS="-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT" CURRENT_NOFILES_LIMIT=$( ulimit -Hn ) ulimit -Sn $CURRENT_NOFILES_LIMIT ulimit -n $(( CURRENT_NOFILES_LIMIT > MIN_NOFILES_LIMIT ? CURRENT_NOFILES_LIMIT : MIN_NOFILES_LIMIT )) PRGDIR=`dirname "$0"` cat "${PRGDIR}"/cloudbanner.txt CLOUD_HOME_MINUSD="" if [ "$CLOUD_HOME" != "" ]; then echo $CLOUD_HOME | grep -q " " if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " WARNING : You cannot have a CLOUD_HOME environment variable set with spaces in it. This variable is being ignored" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" else CLOUD_HOME_MINUSD=-Dcloud.home=$CLOUD_HOME fi fi JAVA_OPTS="-Xms${JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY} -Xmx${JVM_MAXIMUM_MEMORY} ${JVM_CODE_CACHE_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTS} ${JVM_REQUIRED_ARGS} ${DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS} ${JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS} ${JVM_EXTRA_ARGS} ${CLOUD_HOME_MINUSD} ${START_CLOUD_JAVA_OPTS}" export JAVA_OPTS # DO NOT remove the following line # !INSTALLER SET JAVA_HOME echo "" echo "If you encounter issues starting or stopping Nextcloud, please see the Troubleshooting guide at https://docs.atlassian.com/cloud/jadm-docs-088/Troubleshooting+installation" echo "" if [ "$CLOUD_HOME_MINUSD" != "" ]; then echo "Using CLOUD_HOME: $CLOUD_HOME" fi # set the location of the pid file if [ -z "$CATALINA_PID" ] ; then if [ -n "$CATALINA_BASE" ] ; then CATALINA_PID="$CATALINA_BASE"/work/catalina.pid elif [ -n "$CATALINA_HOME" ] ; then CATALINA_PID="$CATALINA_HOME"/work/catalina.pid fi fi export CATALINA_PID if [ -z "$CATALINA_BASE" ]; then if [ -z "$CATALINA_HOME" ]; then LOGBASE=$PRGDIR LOGTAIL=.. else LOGBASE=$CATALINA_HOME LOGTAIL=. fi else LOGBASE=$CATALINA_BASE LOGTAIL=. fi PUSHED_DIR=`pwd` cd $LOGBASE cd $LOGTAIL LOGBASEABS=`pwd` cd $PUSHED_DIR echo "" echo "Server startup logs are located in $LOGBASEABS/logs/catalina.out"