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function generate-netrc-file() {
echo "machine $GIT_HOST password $AUTH_TOKEN" > ~/.netrc
function get-website-data() {
curl -H "Authorization: token $AUTH_TOKEN" -o $SOURCE_DIR/$1 $GIT_REPO_URL
function get-hash-data() {
curl -s -H "Authorization: token $AUTH_TOKEN" $GIT_COMMIT_URL | jq '.sha'
function write-hash-data() {
echo $1 > $HASHFILE_DIR/$2
function unzip-website-data() {
unzip $SOURCE_DIR/$1 -d $BUILD_DIR
function build-website() {
(cd $BUILD_DIR; dir=$(ls); cd $dir; ./;)
function move-website-files-to-target() {
(cd $BUILD_DIR; dir=$(ls); cd $dir; rsync -ru --exclude-from "/etc/exclude.pattern" --delete target/html/* $WEBSITE_ROOT;)