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2 years ago
(ns dda.c4k-website.core
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
2 years ago
[dda.c4k-common.yaml :as yaml]
[dda.c4k-common.common :as cm]
[ :as website]))
2 years ago
(def config-defaults {:issuer "staging"})
(s/def ::websites vector?)
(s/def ::auth vector?)
(def config? (s/keys :req-un [::websites]
:opt-un [::website/issuer]))
(def auth? (s/keys :req-un [::auth]))
(defn flatten-and-reduce-config
(merge (-> config :websites first) (-> config :auth first) {:issuer (config :issuer)}))
(defn find-needle [needle haystack]
;loop binds initial values once,
;then binds values from each recursion call
(loop [needle needle
maybe-here haystack
not-here '()]
(let [needle? (first maybe-here)]
;test for return or recur
(if (or (= (str needle?) (str needle))
(empty? maybe-here))
;return results
[needle? maybe-here not-here]
;recur calls loop with new values
(recur needle
(rest maybe-here)
(concat not-here (list (first maybe-here))))))))
(defn generate-configs [config]
(loop [config config
result []]
(if (and (empty? (config :auth)) (empty? (config :websites)))
(recur (->
(assoc-in [:websites] (rest (config :websites)))
(assoc-in [:auth] (rest (config :auth))))
(conj result
(website/generate-nginx-deployment (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-nginx-configmap (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-nginx-service (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-website-content-volume (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-website-http-ingress (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-website-https-ingress (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-website-certificate (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-website-build-cron (flatten-and-reduce-config config))
(website/generate-website-build-secret (flatten-and-reduce-config config)))))))
(defn k8s-objects [config]
(map yaml/to-string
(filter #(not (nil? %))
(generate-configs config)))))