# convention 4 kubernetes: c4k-website [![Clojars Project](https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/org.domaindrivenarchitecture/c4k-gitea.svg)](https://clojars.org/org.domaindrivenarchitecture/c4k-website) [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/c4k-website/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/c4k-website/-/commits/main) [DeltaChat chat over e-mail](mailto:buero@meissa-gmbh.de?subject=community-chat) | [team@social.meissa-gmbh.de team@social.meissa-gmbh.de](https://social.meissa-gmbh.de/@team) | [Website & Blog](https://domaindrivenarchitecture.org) ## Purpose Delivering cryogen generated static sites with the push of a few buttons. c4k-website generates configuration files for an nginx webserver, and a cryogen static site build container. It automatically downloads a branch.zip from a specified gitea API url. You need an authorization token to access the specified gitea user account. The build container is based on clojure:lein. Webserver and build pods are uniquely named by fqdn, so adding multiple websites shouldn't be a problem. c4k-website has the following modules: * unique nginx webserver + service + ingress + certificate * unique build container cron job * unique volume claim for both ## Try out Click on the image to try out live in your browser: [![Try it out](doc/tryItOut.png "Try out yourself")](https://domaindrivenarchitecture.org/pages/dda-provision/c4k-website/) Your input will stay in your browser. No server interaction is required. ## Setup You need: * cryogen as a static site generator * a cryogen project ready to build * and a gitea account which holds the buildable project Before deploying, you need an authorization token, that can be generated in your gitea account. Then you need a URL that points to: `https://your.gitea.host/api/v1/repos///archive/main.zip`. Add this to your auth.edn config file and you should be ready to go. Let c4k-website generate your .yaml file and `kubectl apply yourApp.yaml`. Done. ## License Copyright © 2022 meissa GmbH Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE) (the "License") Pls. find licenses of our subcomponents [here](doc/SUBCOMPONENT_LICENSE)