erik 76f5b87ec9 [skip-ci] WIP Add docker image
Add website-build-deployment and cron skeleton.
Add shadow-cljs.edn - needs config for cljs.
2022-09-23 15:47:11 +02:00

18 lines
738 B

# "Authorization: token YOURAUTHTOKEN"
function get-and-unzip-website-data() {
curl -H "$AUTHTOKEN" -O $REPOZIPURL # REPOZIPURL = https://your.gitea.host/api/v1/repos/<owner>/<repo>/archive/main.zip
unzip main.zip -D $BUILDDIR
function build-and-extract-website() {
(cd $BUILDDIR; lein ring war; websiteartifactname=$(ls | grep -o *.war); unzip target/$websiteartifactname "WEB-INF/classes/public/*")
# set variables from environment
# read write zugriff sicherstellen
function move-website-files-to-target() {
rsync -ru --exclude-from "/home/$USER/exclude.pattern" --delete WEB-INF/classes/public/* $TARGETDIR # TARGETDIR = mount/path/to/website-content-vol with write permission