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; Copyright (c) meissa. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns cryogen-core.classpath-able-io-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
5 years ago
[ :as io]
[schema.core :as s]
[cryogen-core.file-test-tools :as ftt]
[cryogen-core.classpath-able-io :as sut]))
(s/set-fn-validation! true)
5 years ago
(def theme "bootstrap4-test")
(def target "target/tmp")
(deftest test-file-from-cp
(sut/path-from-cp "dummy")))
(deftest test-resource-from-cp-or-fs
(some? (sut/resource-from-cp-or-fs
"./" "" ".gitkeep"))))
(some? (sut/resource-from-cp-or-fs
(some? (sut/resource-from-cp-or-fs
"./not-existing-so-load-from-cp" "" ".gitkeep")))
(is (=
{:virtual-path "js/subdir"
:source-type :java-classpath-filesystem
:resource-type :dir}
(deftest test-list-entries-for-dir
(is (= ["subdummy.js", "test.js"]
(sut/list-entries-for-dir (sut/resource-from-cp-or-fs
(is (= ["dummy_from_jar"]
(sut/list-entries-for-dir (sut/resource-from-cp-or-fs
(deftest test-get-resources-recursive
(is (=
(sut/get-resources-recursive "" "templates/themes/bootstrap4-test" ["not-existing"])))
; TODO: one dummy from jar and one dummy from cp-filesystem and one from filesystem
; get resources and see all
5 years ago
; add test here
; TODO: fix dir.list on jar
(is (=
[{:virtual-path "dummy", :source-type :java-classpath-jar, :resource-type :dir}
{:virtual-path "dummy/dummy_from_jar", :source-type :java-classpath-jar, :resource-type :file}]
(map ftt/filter-object
(sut/get-resources-recursive "not-existing" "" ["dummy"]))))
(is (=
[{:virtual-path "js/dummy.js"
:source-type :java-classpath-filesystem
:resource-type :file}]
(map ftt/filter-object
"" "templates/themes/bootstrap4-test" ["js/dummy.js"]))))
(is (=
"" "templates/themes/bootstrap4-test" ["js/dummy.js"] :from-cp false)))
5 years ago
(is (=
(sort (map :virtual-path
"" "templates/themes/bootstrap4-test" ["js/subdir"])))))
5 years ago
(is (=
5 years ago
5 years ago
(sort (map :virtual-path
"" "templates/themes/bootstrap4-test" ["."]))))))
(deftest test-distinct-resources-by-path
(is (= [{:virtual-path "pages/test"}
{:virtual-path "pages/test1"}
{:virtual-path "pages/test2"}]
(sut/distinct-resources-by-path [{:virtual-path "pages/test"}
{:virtual-path "pages/test1"}
{:virtual-path "pages/test2"}
{:virtual-path "pages/test1"}]))))
5 years ago
(deftest test-filter-for-ignore-patterns
(is (=
(sut/filter-for-ignore-patterns #".*\.ignore" ["file.js" "file.ignore"]))))
(deftest test-delete-resource-recursive!
(.mkdir (io/file target))
(sut/delete-resource-recursive! target)
(not (ftt/verify-dir-exists target)))))