93 lines
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93 lines
3.2 KiB
(ns cryogen-core.klipse
[camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->snake_case_string ->camelCaseString]]
[cheshire.core :as json]))
;; utils
(defn map-keys
"Applies f to each key in m"
[f m]
(zipmap (map f (keys m)) (vals m)))
(defn update-existing
"Like clojure.core/update, but returns m untouched if it doesn't contain k"
[m k f & args]
(if (contains? m k) (apply update m k f args) m))
(def map-or-nil? (some-fn map? nil?))
(defn deep-merge
"Like clojure.core/merge, but also merges nested maps under the same key."
[& ms]
(apply merge-with
(fn [v1 v2]
(if (and (map-or-nil? v1) (map-or-nil? v2))
(deep-merge v1 v2)
;; klipse
(def defaults
{:min "https://storage.googleapis.com/app.klipse.tech/plugin_prod/js/klipse_plugin.min.js"
:non-min "https://storage.googleapis.com/app.klipse.tech/plugin/js/klipse_plugin.js"}
:css-base "https://storage.googleapis.com/app.klipse.tech/css/codemirror.css"})
;; This needs to be updated whenever a new clojure selector is introduced.
;; It should only be necessary for react wrappers and the like, so not very often.
;; When (if?) self hosted cljs becomes compatible with advanced builds
;; this can be removed and we can just always use minified js.
(def clojure-selectors
"A set of selectors that imply clojure evaluation."
#{"selector" "selector_reagent"})
(defn clojure-eval?
"Does the configuration include any keys that imply clojure eval?"
(some clojure-selectors (keys normalized-cfg)))
(defn normalize-settings
"Transform the keys to the correct snake-case or camelCase strings."
(-> (map-keys ->snake_case_string cfg)
(update-existing "codemirror_options_in" (partial map-keys ->camelCaseString))
(update-existing "codemirror_options_out" (partial map-keys ->camelCaseString))))
(defn merge-configs [global-config post-config]
(when post-config
(let [post-config (if (true? post-config) {} post-config)
merged-config (deep-merge defaults
(update-existing global-config :settings normalize-settings)
(update-existing post-config :settings normalize-settings))]
(when (:settings merged-config)
(if (:js merged-config)
(assoc merged-config :js (if (clojure-eval? (:settings merged-config))
(defn include-css [href]
(str "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=" (pr-str href) ">"))
(defn include-js [src]
(str "<script src=" (pr-str src) "></script>"))
(defn emit [global-config post-config]
(when-let [{:keys [settings js-src js css-base css-theme]}
(merge-configs global-config post-config)]
(assert (#{:min :non-min} js)
(str ":js needs to be one of :min or :non-min but was: " js))
(str (include-css css-base) "\n"
(when css-theme (str (include-css css-theme) "\n"))
"window.klipse_settings = " (json/generate-string settings {:pretty true}) ";\n"
(include-js (js js-src)))))