diff --git a/src/cryogen_core/toc.clj b/src/cryogen_core/toc.clj
index a1021d5..871dba4 100644
--- a/src/cryogen_core/toc.clj
+++ b/src/cryogen_core/toc.clj
@@ -18,16 +18,26 @@
[] content))
-(defn make-links [headings]
+(defn make-links
+ "Create a table of contents from the given headings. This function will look
+ for either:
+ (1) headings with a child anchor with a non-nil name attribute, e.g.
+ or
+ (2) headings with an id attribute, e.g. Reference Title
+ In both cases above, the anchor reference becomes \"#reference\" and the
+ anchor text is \"Reference Title\"."
+ [headings]
(loop [items headings acc nil _last nil]
- (if-let [{tag :tag [{{name :name} :attrs} title] :content} (first items)]
- (if (nil? name) (recur (rest items) acc nil)
- (let [entry [:li [:a {:href (str "#" name)} title]]
- jump (compare_index _last tag)]
- (cond (> jump 0) (recur (rest items) (str acc "" (hiccup/html entry)) tag)
- (= jump 0) (recur (rest items) (str acc (hiccup/html entry)) tag)
- (< jump 0) (recur (rest items) (str acc (apply str (repeat (* -1 jump) "
- (hiccup/html entry)) tag))))
+ (if-let [{tag :tag {id :id} :attrs [{{name :name} :attrs} title :as htext] :content} (first items)]
+ (let [anchor (or id name)]
+ (if (nil? anchor) (recur (rest items) acc nil)
+ (let [entry [:li [:a {:href (str "#" anchor)} (or title (first htext))]]
+ jump (compare_index _last tag)]
+ (cond (> jump 0) (recur (rest items) (str acc "" (hiccup/html entry)) tag)
+ (= jump 0) (recur (rest items) (str acc (hiccup/html entry)) tag)
+ (< jump 0) (recur (rest items) (str acc (apply str (repeat (* -1 jump) "
+ (hiccup/html entry)) tag)))))
(str acc ""))))
(defn generate-toc [html]