Abstract Markup language details and add Asciidoc support:

1. create markup namespace to hold Markup protocol and its Markdown and
Asciidoc implementations.
2. Update compiler ns to iterate through available Markups and pass
Markup to fns that need Markup info.
3. Refactor compiler ns parse fns to be more granular.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Tankanow 2014-12-30 07:31:46 -05:00
parent 1813848919
commit b68779fcbe
2 changed files with 105 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -9,10 +9,9 @@
[clojure.java.io :refer [copy file reader writer]]
[clojure.string :as s]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]
[markdown.core :refer [md-to-html-string]]
[markdown.transformers :refer [transformer-vector]]
[cryogen-core.toc :refer [generate-toc]]
[cryogen-core.sass :as sass]))
[cryogen-core.sass :as sass]
[cryogen-core.markup :as m]))
@ -31,13 +30,13 @@
(defn find-posts
"Returns a list of markdown files representing posts under the post root in templates/md"
[{:keys [post-root ignored-files]}]
(find-assets (str "templates/md" post-root) ".md" ignored-files))
[{:keys [post-root ignored-files]} mu]
(find-assets (str "templates/" (m/dir mu) post-root) (m/ext mu) ignored-files))
(defn find-pages
"Returns a list of markdown files representing pages under the page root in templates/md"
[{:keys [page-root ignored-files]}]
(find-assets (str "templates/md" page-root) ".md" ignored-files))
[{:keys [page-root ignored-files]} mu]
(find-assets (str "templates/" (m/dir mu) page-root) (m/ext mu) ignored-files))
(defn parse-post-date
"Parses the post date from the post's file name and returns the corresponding java date object"
@ -47,13 +46,13 @@
(defn post-uri
"Creates a post uri from the post file name"
[file-name {:keys [blog-prefix post-root]}]
(str blog-prefix post-root (s/replace file-name #".md" ".html")))
[file-name {:keys [blog-prefix post-root]} mu]
(str blog-prefix post-root (s/replace file-name (re-pattern (m/ext mu)) ".html")))
(defn page-uri
"Creates a page uri from the page file name"
[page-name {:keys [blog-prefix page-root]}]
(str blog-prefix page-root (s/replace page-name #".md" ".html")))
[page-name {:keys [blog-prefix page-root]} mu]
(str blog-prefix page-root (s/replace page-name (re-pattern (m/ext mu)) ".html")))
(defn read-page-meta
"Returns the clojure map from the top of a markdown page/post"
@ -63,65 +62,76 @@
(catch Exception _
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Malformed metadata on page: " page))))))
(defn rewrite-hrefs
"Injects the blog prefix in front of any local links
(defn page-content
"Returns a map with the given page's file-name, metadata and content parsed from
the file with the given markup."
[page config markup]
(with-open [rdr (java.io.PushbackReader. (reader page))]
(let [page-name (.getName page)
file-name (s/replace page-name (re-pattern (m/ext markup)) ".html")
page-meta (read-page-meta page-name rdr)
content ((m/render-fn markup) rdr config)]
{:file-name file-name
:page-meta page-meta
:content content})))
ex. <img src='/img/cryogen.png'/> becomes <img src='/blog/img/cryogen.png'/>"
[{:keys [blog-prefix]} text state]
[(clojure.string/replace text #"href=.?/|src=.?/" #(str (subs % 0 (dec (count %))) blog-prefix "/"))
(defn parse-content
"Parses the markdown content in a post/page into html"
[rdr config]
(->> (java.io.BufferedReader. rdr)
(s/join "\n"))
:reference-links? true
:heading-anchors true
:replacement-transformers (conj transformer-vector (partial rewrite-hrefs config))))
(defn merge-meta-and-content
"Merges the page metadata and content maps, adding :toc if necessary."
[file-name page-meta content]
(update-in page-meta [:layout] #(str (name %) ".html"))
{:file-name file-name
:content content
:toc (if (:toc page-meta) (generate-toc content))}))
(defn parse-page
"Parses a page/post and returns a map of the content, uri, date etc."
[is-post? page config]
(with-open [rdr (java.io.PushbackReader. (reader page))]
(let [page-name (.getName page)
file-name (s/replace page-name #".md" ".html")
page-meta (read-page-meta page-name rdr)
content (parse-content rdr config)]
(update-in page-meta [:layout] #(str (name %) ".html"))
{:file-name file-name
:content content
:toc (if (:toc page-meta) (generate-toc content))}
(if is-post?
(let [date (parse-post-date file-name (:post-date-format config))
archive-fmt (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy MMMM" (java.util.Locale. "en"))
formatted-group (.format archive-fmt date)]
{:date date
:formatted-archive-group formatted-group
:parsed-archive-group (.parse archive-fmt formatted-group)
:uri (post-uri file-name config)
:tags (set (:tags page-meta))})
{:uri (page-uri file-name config)
:page-index (:page-index page-meta)})))))
[page config markup]
(let [{:keys [file-name page-meta content]} (page-content page config markup)]
(merge-meta-and-content file-name page-meta content)
{:uri (page-uri file-name config markup)
:page-index (:page-index page-meta)})))
(defn parse-post
"Return a map with the given post's information."
[page config markup]
(let [{:keys [file-name page-meta content]} (page-content page config markup)]
(merge-meta-and-content file-name page-meta content)
(let [date (parse-post-date file-name (:post-date-format config))
archive-fmt (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy MMMM" (java.util.Locale. "en"))
formatted-group (.format archive-fmt date)]
{:date date
:formatted-archive-group formatted-group
:parsed-archive-group (.parse archive-fmt formatted-group)
:uri (post-uri file-name config markup)
:tags (set (:tags page-meta))})
(defn read-posts
"Returns a sequence of maps representing the data from markdown files of posts.
Sorts the sequence by post date."
(->> (find-posts config)
(map #(parse-page true % config))
(->> (mapcat
(fn [mu]
(find-posts config mu)
(map #(parse-post % config mu))))
(sort-by :date)
(defn read-pages
"Returns a sequence of maps representing the data from markdown files of pages.
Sorts the sequence by post date."
Sorts the sequence by post date."
(->> (find-pages config)
(map #(parse-page false % config))
(->> (mapcat
(fn [mu]
(find-pages config mu)
(map #(parse-page % config mu))))
(sort-by :page-index)))
(defn tag-post

View file

@ -1,37 +1,63 @@
(ns cryogen-core.markup
(:require [markdown.core :refer [md-to-html-string]]
[markdown.transformers :refer [transformer-vector]]
[clojure.string :as s])
(:import org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor$Factory
(defprotocol Markup
"A markup engine comprising a dir(ectory) containing markup files,
an ext(ension) for finding markup file names, and a render-fn that returns
a fn with the signature [java.io.Reader config] -> String (HTML)."
(dir [this])
(ext [this])
(render-fn [this]))
(defn- markdown []
(defn- rewrite-hrefs
"Injects the blog prefix in front of any local links
ex. <img src='/img/cryogen.png'/> becomes <img src='/blog/img/cryogen.png'/>"
[{:keys [blog-prefix]} text state]
[(clojure.string/replace text #"href=.?/|src=.?/" #(str (subs % 0 (dec (count %))) blog-prefix "/"))
(defn- markdown
"Returns a Markdown (https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)
implementation of the Markup protocol."
(reify Markup
(dir [this] "md")
(ext [this] ".md")
(render-fn [this]
(fn [rdr]
(fn [rdr config]
(->> (java.io.BufferedReader. rdr)
(s/join "\n"))
:heading-anchors true)))))
(->> (java.io.BufferedReader. rdr)
(s/join "\n"))
:reference-links? true
:heading-anchors true
:replacement-transformers (conj transformer-vector (partial rewrite-hrefs config)))))))
(defn- asciidoc []
(defn- asciidoc
"Returns an Asciidoc (http://asciidoc.org/) implementation of the
Markup protocol."
(reify Markup
(dir [this] "asc")
(ext [this] ".asc")
(render-fn [this]
(fn [rdr]
(.convert (Asciidoctor$Factory/create)
(->> (java.io.BufferedReader. rdr)
(s/join "\n"))
(let [attributes (java.util.HashMap. {"toc" "macro"})
options (java.util.HashMap. {"attributes" attributes})]
(fn [rdr _]
(.convert (Asciidoctor$Factory/create)
(->> (java.io.BufferedReader. rdr)
(s/join "\n"))
(defn markups []
(defn markups
"Return a vector of Markup implementations. This is the primary entry point
for a client of this ns. This vector should be used to iterate over supported
[(markdown) (asciidoc)])