Merge branch 'master' into master

This commit is contained in:
M.Jerger 2017-02-08 09:13:45 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit d36acf2316
14 changed files with 500 additions and 315 deletions

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
(defproject cryogen-core "0.1.47"
(defproject cryogen-core "0.1.52"
:description "Cryogen's compiler"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[camel-snake-kebab "0.4.0"]
[cheshire "5.7.0"]
[clj-rss "0.2.3"]
[me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]
[crouton "0.1.2"]
[cheshire "5.6.3"]
[clj-text-decoration "0.0.3"]
[io.aviso/pretty "0.1.33"]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]
[selmer "1.10.3"]
[pandect "0.6.1"]
[enlive "1.1.6"]
[hawk "0.2.11"]
[clj-tagsoup "0.3.0" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]
[io.aviso/pretty "0.1.33"]
[me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]
[pandect "0.6.1"]
[selmer "1.10.6"]]
:deploy-repositories [["snapshots" :clojars]
["releases" :clojars]])

View file

@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
(ns cryogen-core.compiler
(:require [selmer.parser :refer [cache-off! render-file]]
[selmer.util :refer [set-custom-resource-path!]]
[io.aviso.exception :refer [write-exception]]
[ :refer [copy file reader writer]]
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.string :as s]
[io.aviso.exception :refer [write-exception]]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]
[selmer.parser :refer [cache-off! render-file]]
[selmer.util :refer [set-custom-resource-path!]]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]
[pl.danieljanus.tagsoup :as tagsoup]
[hiccup.core :as hiccup]
[cryogen-core.toc :refer [generate-toc]]
[cryogen-core.sass :as sass]
[ :as cryogen-io]
[cryogen-core.klipse :as klipse]
[cryogen-core.markup :as m]
[ :refer
[get-resource find-assets create-folder create-file-recursive create-file wipe-public-folder
copy-resources copy-resources-from-theme path]]
[cryogen-core.sitemap :as sitemap]
[cryogen-core.rss :as rss]
[clojure.inspector :as inspector])
[cryogen-core.sass :as sass]
[cryogen-core.sitemap :as sitemap]
[clojure.inspector :as inspector]
[cryogen-core.toc :as toc])
(:import java.util.Locale))
@ -38,14 +37,16 @@
looking under the implemented protocol's subdirectory, but fallsback to look
at the templates directory."
[root mu ignored-files]
(let [assets (find-assets (path "templates" (m/dir mu) root)
(m/ext mu)
(let [assets (cryogen-io/find-assets
(cryogen-io/path "templates" (m/dir mu) root)
(m/ext mu)
(if (seq assets)
(find-assets (path "templates" root)
(m/ext mu)
(cryogen-io/path "templates" root)
(m/ext mu)
(defn find-posts
"Returns a list of markdown files representing posts under the post root."
@ -68,9 +69,9 @@
([file-name params]
(page-uri file-name nil params))
([file-name uri-type {:keys [blog-prefix clean-urls?] :as params}]
(let [page-uri (params uri-type)
uri-end (if clean-urls? (s/replace file-name #"(index)?\.html" "/") file-name)]
(path "/" blog-prefix page-uri uri-end))))
(let [page-uri (get params uri-type)
uri-end (if clean-urls? (s/replace file-name #"(index)?\.html" "/") file-name)]
(cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix page-uri uri-end))))
(defn read-page-meta
"Returns the clojure map from the top of a markdown page/post"
@ -84,13 +85,13 @@
"Returns a map with the given page's file-name, metadata and content parsed from
the file with the given markup."
[^ page config markup]
(with-open [rdr ( (reader page))]
(let [re-root (re-pattern (str "^.*?(" (:page-root config) "|" (:post-root config) ")/"))
page-fwd (s/replace (str page) "\\" "/") ;; make it work on Windows
(with-open [rdr ( (io/reader page))]
(let [re-root (re-pattern (str "^.*?(" (:page-root config) "|" (:post-root config) ")/"))
page-fwd (s/replace (str page) "\\" "/") ;; make it work on Windows
page-name (s/replace page-fwd re-root "")
file-name (s/replace page-name (re-pattern-from-ext (m/ext markup)) ".html")
page-meta (read-page-meta page-name rdr)
content ((m/render-fn markup) rdr config)]
content ((m/render-fn markup) rdr config)]
{:file-name file-name
:page-meta page-meta
:content content})))
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
{:file-name file-name
:content content
:toc (if-let [toc (:toc page-meta)]
(generate-toc content :list-type toc))}))
(toc/generate-toc content :list-type toc))}))
(defn parse-page
"Parses a page/post and returns a map of the content, uri, date etc."
@ -112,7 +113,8 @@
(merge-meta-and-content file-name page-meta content)
{:uri (page-uri file-name :page-root-uri config)
:page-index (:page-index page-meta)})))
:page-index (:page-index page-meta)
:klipse (klipse/merge-configs (:klipse config) (:klipse page-meta))})))
(defn parse-post
"Return a map with the given post's information."
@ -120,28 +122,29 @@
(let [{:keys [file-name page-meta content]} (page-content page config markup)]
(merge-meta-and-content file-name page-meta content)
(let [date (if (:date page-meta)
(.parse (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. (:post-date-format config)) (:date page-meta))
(parse-post-date file-name (:post-date-format config)))
archive-fmt (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. (get config :archive-group-format "yyyy MMMM") (Locale/getDefault))
(let [date (if (:date page-meta)
(.parse (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. (:post-date-format config)) (:date page-meta))
(parse-post-date file-name (:post-date-format config)))
archive-fmt (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. (:archive-group-format config "yyyy MMMM") (Locale/getDefault))
formatted-group (.format archive-fmt date)]
{:date date
:formatted-archive-group formatted-group
:parsed-archive-group (.parse archive-fmt formatted-group)
:uri (page-uri file-name :post-root-uri config)
:tags (set (:tags page-meta))}))))
:tags (set (:tags page-meta))
:klipse (klipse/merge-configs (:klipse config) (:klipse page-meta))}))))
(defn read-posts
"Returns a sequence of maps representing the data from markdown files of posts.
Sorts the sequence by post date."
(->> (mapcat
(->> (m/markups)
(fn [mu]
(find-posts config mu)
(pmap #(parse-post % config mu))
(remove #(= (:draft? %) true))))
(remove #(= (:draft? %) true)))))
(sort-by :date)
(drop-while #(and (:hide-future-posts? config) (.after (:date %) (java.util.Date.))))))
@ -150,12 +153,12 @@
"Returns a sequence of maps representing the data from markdown files of pages.
Sorts the sequence by post date."
(->> (mapcat
(->> (m/markups)
(fn [mu]
(find-pages config mu)
(map #(parse-page % config mu))))
(map #(parse-page % config mu)))))
(sort-by :page-index)))
(defn tag-post
@ -163,7 +166,8 @@
[tags post]
(reduce (fn [tags tag]
(update-in tags [tag] (fnil conj []) (select-keys post [:uri :title :content :date :enclosure])))
tags (:tags post)))
(:tags post)))
(defn group-by-tags
"Maps all the tags with a list of posts that contain each tag"
@ -201,13 +205,13 @@
:uri (page-uri (str (name tag) ".html") :tag-root-uri config)})
(defn add-prev-next
"Adds a :prev and :next key to the page/post data containing the title and uri of the prev/next
"Adds a :prev and :next key to the page/post data containing the metadata of the prev/next
post/page if it exists"
(map (fn [[prev target next]]
(assoc target
:prev (if prev (select-keys prev [:title :uri]) nil)
:next (if next (select-keys next [:title :uri]) nil)))
:prev (if prev (dissoc prev :content) nil)
:next (if next (dissoc next :content) nil)))
(partition 3 1 (flatten [nil pages nil]))))
(defn group-pages
@ -252,26 +256,30 @@
"When `clean-urls?` is set, appends `/index.html` before spit; otherwise just spits."
[file-uri {:keys [clean-urls?]} data]
(if clean-urls?
(create-file-recursive (path file-uri "index.html") data)
(create-file file-uri data)))
(cryogen-io/create-file-recursive (cryogen-io/path file-uri "index.html") data)
(cryogen-io/create-file file-uri data)))
(defn- print-debug-info [data]
(println "DEBUG:")
(pprint data))
(defn compile-pages
"Compiles all the pages into html and spits them out into the public folder"
[{:keys [blog-prefix page-root-uri debug?] :as params} pages]
(when-not (empty? pages)
(println (blue "compiling pages"))
(create-folder (path "/" blog-prefix page-root-uri))
(cryogen-io/create-folder (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix page-root-uri))
(doseq [{:keys [uri] :as page} pages]
(println "\t-->" (cyan uri))
(println "-->" (cyan uri))
(when debug?
(println "\t-->" (cyan page)))
(print-debug-info page))
(write-html uri
(render-file (str "/html/" (:layout page))
(merge params
{:active-page "pages"
:home false
:servlet-context (path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:servlet-context (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:page page
:uri uri}))))))
@ -280,74 +288,75 @@
[{:keys [blog-prefix post-root-uri disqus-shortname debug?] :as params} posts]
(when-not (empty? posts)
(println (blue "compiling posts"))
(create-folder (path "/" blog-prefix post-root-uri))
(doseq [post posts]
(println "\t-->" (cyan (:uri post)))
(println "\t-->" (cyan debug?))
(cryogen-io/create-folder (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix post-root-uri))
(doseq [{:keys [uri] :as post} posts]
(println "-->" (cyan uri))
(when debug?
(println "\t-->" (cyan post)))
(write-html (:uri post)
(print-debug-info post))
(write-html uri
(render-file (str "/html/" (:layout post))
(merge params
{:active-page "posts"
:servlet-context (path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:servlet-context (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:post post
:disqus-shortname disqus-shortname
:uri (:uri post)}))))))
:uri uri}))))))
(defn compile-tags
"Compiles all the tag pages into html and spits them out into the public folder"
[{:keys [blog-prefix tag-root-uri] :as params} posts-by-tag]
(when-not (empty? posts-by-tag)
(println (blue "compiling tags"))
(create-folder (path "/" blog-prefix tag-root-uri))
(cryogen-io/create-folder (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix tag-root-uri))
(doseq [[tag posts] posts-by-tag]
(let [{:keys [name uri]} (tag-info params tag)]
(println "\t-->" (cyan uri))
(println "-->" (cyan uri))
(write-html uri
(render-file "/html/tag.html"
(merge params
{:active-page "tags"
:servlet-context (path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:servlet-context (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:name name
:posts posts
:uri uri})))))))
(defn compile-tags-page [{:keys [blog-prefix] :as params}]
"Compiles a page with links to each tag page. Spits the page into the public folder"
(println (blue "compiling tags page"))
(let [uri (page-uri "tags.html" params)]
(write-html uri
(render-file "/html/tags.html"
(merge params
{:active-page "tags"
:servlet-context (path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:uri uri})))))
{:active-page "tags"
:servlet-context (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:uri uri})))))
(defn content-until-more-marker
[^String content]
(let [index (.indexOf content "<!--more-->")]
(if (pos? index)
(let [s (subs content 0 index)]
(->> ((tagsoup/parse-string s) 2)
(drop 2)
"Returns the content until the <!--more--> special comment,
closing any unclosed tags. Returns nil if there's no such comment."
(when-let [index (s/index-of content "<!--more-->")]
(->> (subs content 0 index)
(apply str))))
(defn create-preview
"Creates a single post preview"
[blocks-per-preview post]
(merge post
{:content (or (content-until-more-marker (:content post))
(->> ((tagsoup/parse-string (:content post)) 2)
(drop 2)
(take blocks-per-preview)
(update post :content
#(or (content-until-more-marker %)
(->> (enlive/html-snippet %)
(take blocks-per-preview)
(apply str)))))
(defn create-previews
"Returns a sequence of vectors, each containing a set of post previews"
[posts-per-page blocks-per-preview posts]
[posts posts-per-page blocks-per-preview]
(->> posts
(map #(create-preview blocks-per-preview %))
(partition-all posts-per-page)
@ -359,51 +368,53 @@
[previews params]
(mapv (fn [[prev target next]]
(merge target
{:prev (if prev (page-uri (path "p" (str (:index prev) ".html")) params) nil)
:next (if next (page-uri (path "p" (str (:index next) ".html")) params) nil)}))
{:prev (if prev (page-uri (cryogen-io/path "p" (str (:index prev) ".html")) params) nil)
:next (if next (page-uri (cryogen-io/path "p" (str (:index next) ".html")) params) nil)}))
(partition 3 1 (flatten [nil previews nil]))))
(defn compile-preview-pages
"Compiles a series of pages containing 'previews' from each post"
[{:keys [blog-prefix posts-per-page blocks-per-preview] :as params} posts]
(when-not (empty? posts)
(let [previews (-> (create-previews posts-per-page blocks-per-preview posts)
(let [previews (-> posts
(create-previews posts-per-page blocks-per-preview)
(create-preview-links params))
previews (if (> (count previews) 1) (assoc-in previews [1 :prev] (page-uri "index.html" params)) previews)]
(create-folder (path "/" blog-prefix "p"))
previews (if (> (count previews) 1)
(assoc-in previews [1 :prev] (page-uri "index.html" params))
(cryogen-io/create-folder (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "p"))
(doseq [{:keys [index posts prev next]} previews
:let [index-page? (= 1 index)]]
(write-html (if index-page? (page-uri "index.html" params) (page-uri (path "p" (str index ".html")) params))
(render-file "/html/previews.html"
(merge params
{:active-page "preview"
:home (when index-page? true)
:servlet-context (path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:posts posts
:prev-uri prev
:next-uri next})))))))
(if index-page? (page-uri "index.html" params)
(page-uri (cryogen-io/path "p" (str index ".html")) params))
(render-file "/html/previews.html"
(merge params
{:active-page "preview"
:home (when index-page? true)
:servlet-context (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:posts posts
:prev-uri prev
:next-uri next})))))))
(defn compile-index
"Compiles the index page into html and spits it out into the public folder"
[{:keys [disqus?] :as params}]
[{:keys [disqus? debug? home-page] :as params}]
(println (blue "compiling index"))
(let [uri (page-uri "index.html" params)
debug? (-> params :debug?)
home-page (-> params :home-page)
meta {:active-page "home"
:home true
:disqus? disqus?
:uri uri
:post home-page
:page home-page}]
(let [uri (page-uri "index.html" params)]
(when debug?
(println "\t-->" (cyan meta)))
(print-debug-info meta))
(write-html uri
(render-file (str "/html/" (:layout home-page))
(merge params
{:active-page "home"
:home true
:disqus? disqus?
:uri uri
:post home-page
:page home-page})))))
(defn compile-archives
"Compiles the archives page into html and spits it out into the public folder"
@ -414,28 +425,28 @@
(render-file "/html/archives.html"
(merge params
{:active-page "archives"
:archives true
:groups (group-for-archive posts)
:servlet-context (path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:uri uri})))))
{:active-page "archives"
:archives true
:groups (group-for-archive posts)
:servlet-context (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:uri uri})))))
(defn compile-authors
"For each author, creates a page with filtered posts."
[{:keys [blog-prefix author-root-uri author] :as params} posts]
(println (blue "compiling authors"))
(create-folder (path "/" blog-prefix author-root-uri))
(cryogen-io/create-folder (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix author-root-uri))
;; if the post author is empty defaults to config's :author
(doseq [{:keys [author posts]} (group-for-author posts author)]
(let [uri (page-uri (str author ".html") :author-root-uri params)]
(println "\t-->" (cyan uri))
(println "-->" (cyan uri))
(write-html uri
(render-file "/html/author.html"
(merge params
{:author author
:groups (group-for-archive posts)
:servlet-context (path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:servlet-context (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "/")
:uri uri}))))))
(defn tag-posts
@ -446,11 +457,11 @@
(defn- template-dir?
"Checks that the dir exists in the templates directory."
(.isDirectory (file (str "resources/templates/" dir))))
(.isDirectory (io/file (str "resources/templates/" dir))))
(defn- markup-entries [post-root page-root]
(let [entries (for [mu (m/markups)
t (distinct [post-root page-root])]
t (distinct [post-root page-root])]
[(str (m/dir mu) "/" t) t])]
(apply concat entries)))
@ -459,7 +470,7 @@
[{:keys [post-root page-root] :as config}]
(let [folders (->> (markup-entries post-root page-root)
(filter template-dir?))]
(merge config
{:resources folders
:ignored-files (map #(re-pattern-from-ext (m/ext %)) (m/markups))}))))
@ -469,7 +480,7 @@
(let [config (-> "templates/config.edn"
(update-in [:blog-prefix] (fnil str ""))
@ -492,20 +503,35 @@
(catch Exception _
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Failed to parse config.edn")))))
(defn klipsify
"Add the klipse html under the :klipse key and adds nohighlight
classes to any code blocks that are to be klipsified. Expects
configuration to be under :klipse, if there's none it does nothing."
[{:keys [klipse content] :as post-or-page}]
(-> post-or-page
(update :klipse klipse/emit content)
(update :content klipse/tag-nohighlight (:settings klipse))))
(defn compile-assets
"Generates all the html and copies over resources specified in the config"
(println (green "compiling assets..."))
(let [{:keys [^String site-url blog-prefix rss-name recent-posts sass-src sass-dest sass-path compass-path keep-files ignored-files previews? clean-urls? debug? author-root-uri] :as config} (read-config)
posts (add-prev-next (read-posts config))
pages (add-prev-next (read-pages config))
home-pages (filter #(boolean (:home? %)) pages)
pages-without-home (filter #(boolean (not (:home? %))) pages)
[navbar-pages sidebar-pages] (group-pages pages-without-home)
navmap-pages (build-nav-map pages-without-home)
(let [{:keys [^String site-url blog-prefix rss-name recent-posts sass-dest keep-files ignored-files previews? author-root-uri theme]
:as config} (read-config)
posts (map klipsify (add-prev-next (read-posts config)))
posts-by-tag (group-by-tags posts)
posts (tag-posts posts config)
posts (tag-posts posts config)
latest-posts (->> posts (take recent-posts) vec)
pages (map klipsify (read-pages config))
home-page (->> pages
(filter #(boolean (:home? %)))
other-pages (->> pages
(remove #{home-page})
sidebar-pages] (group-pages other-pages)
navmap-pages (build-nav-map other-pages)
params (merge config
{:today (java.util.Date.)
:title (:site-title config)
@ -515,55 +541,51 @@
:navbar-pages navbar-pages
:navmap-pages navmap-pages
:sidebar-pages sidebar-pages
:home-page (if (not-empty home-pages)
(first home-pages)
(merge (first latest-posts)
{:layout "home.html"}))
:home-page (if home-page
(assoc (first latest-posts) :layout "home.html"))
:archives-uri (page-uri "archives.html" config)
:index-uri (page-uri "index.html" config)
:tags-uri (page-uri "tags.html" config)
:rss-uri (path "/" blog-prefix rss-name)
:site-url (if (.endsWith site-url "/") (.substring site-url 0 (dec (count site-url))) site-url)
:theme-path (str "file:resources/templates/themes/" (:theme config))})]
:rss-uri (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix rss-name)
:site-url (if (.endsWith site-url "/") (.substring site-url 0 (dec (count site-url))) site-url)})]
(when debug?
(println (blue "debug: navbar-pages:"))
(println "\t-->" (cyan navbar-pages))
(println (blue "debug: navmap-pages:"))
(println "\t-->" (cyan navmap-pages))
(set-custom-resource-path! (:theme-path params))
(wipe-public-folder keep-files)
(set-custom-resource-path! (str "file:resources/templates/themes/" theme))
(cryogen-io/wipe-public-folder keep-files)
(println (blue "copying theme resources"))
(copy-resources-from-theme config)
(cryogen-io/copy-resources-from-theme config)
(println (blue "copying resources"))
(copy-resources config)
(cryogen-io/copy-resources config)
(copy-resources-from-markup-folders config)
(compile-pages params pages-without-home)
(compile-pages params other-pages)
(compile-posts params posts)
(compile-tags params posts-by-tag)
(compile-tags-page params)
(when previews?
(compile-preview-pages params posts))
(when (or (not-empty home-pages) (not previews?))
(if previews?
(compile-preview-pages params posts)
(compile-index params))
(compile-archives params posts)
(when author-root-uri
(println (blue "generating authors views"))
(compile-authors params posts))
(println (blue "generating site map"))
(create-file (path "/" blog-prefix "sitemap.xml") (sitemap/generate site-url ignored-files))
(->> (sitemap/generate site-url ignored-files)
(cryogen-io/create-file (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix "sitemap.xml")))
(println (blue "generating main rss"))
(create-file (path "/" blog-prefix rss-name) (rss/make-channel config posts))
(->> (rss/make-channel config posts)
(cryogen-io/create-file (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix rss-name)))
(println (blue "generating filtered rss"))
(rss/make-filtered-channels config posts-by-tag)
(println (blue "compiling sass"))
{:path-sass sass-path
:path-compass compass-path
:src-sass sass-src
:dest-sass (path ".." "public" blog-prefix sass-dest)
:ignored-files ignored-files
:base-dir "resources/templates/"})))
(merge (select-keys config [:sass-path :compass-path :sass-src :ignored-files])
{:sass-dest (cryogen-io/path ".." "public" blog-prefix sass-dest)
:base-dir "resources/templates/"}))))
(defn compile-assets-timed []

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
(ns cryogen-core.github
(:require [cheshire.core :as json])
(:import (org.apache.commons.codec.binary Base64 StringUtils)))
(defn get-gist [gist-uri]
(let [gist-id (last (clojure.string/split gist-uri #"/+")) ;;just need id for git api
gist-resp (try (slurp (str "" gist-id))
(catch Exception e {:error (.getMessage e)}))]
(when-not (:error gist-resp)
(if-let [gist (-> (json/parse-string gist-resp)
(get "files")
first ;;todo: optionally get all gist files?
{:content (get gist "content")
:language (get gist "language")
:name (get gist "filename")
:id gist-id}))))
(defn get-src [git-file]
(let [git-re (re-find #"*)/blob/(.+?)/(.+)" git-file) ;;want second and last now (user/repo,file) for git api
git-res (str "" (second git-re) "/contents/" (last git-re))
git-resp (try (slurp git-res)
(catch Exception e {:error (.getMessage e)}))]
(when-not (:error git-resp)
(if-let [git-src (json/parse-string git-resp)]
{:content (String. ^bytes (Base64/decodeBase64 ^String (get git-src "content")) "UTF-8")
:name (get git-src "name")
:uri (get (get git-src "_links") "html")}))))
(defn get-gits-ex []
[(get-gist "")
(get-src "")])
;(prn (get-gits-ex))

src/cryogen_core/klipse.clj Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
(ns cryogen-core.klipse
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->snake_case_string ->camelCaseString]]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]))
;; utils
(defn map-keys
"Applies f to each key in m"
[f m]
(zipmap (map f (keys m)) (vals m)))
(defn update-existing
"Like clojure.core/update, but returns m untouched if it doesn't contain k"
[m k f & args]
(if (contains? m k) (apply update m k f args) m))
(def map-or-nil? (some-fn map? nil?))
(defn deep-merge
"Like clojure.core/merge, but also merges nested maps under the same key."
[& ms]
(apply merge-with
(fn [v1 v2]
(if (and (map-or-nil? v1) (map-or-nil? v2))
(deep-merge v1 v2)
(defn filter-html-elems
"Recursively walks a sequence of enlive-style html elements depth first
and returns a flat sequence of the elements where (pred elem)"
[pred html-elems]
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [content] :as elem}]
(into (if (pred elem) (conj acc elem) acc)
(filter-html-elems pred content)))
[] html-elems))
(defn code-block-classes
"Takes a string of html and returns a sequence of
all the classes on all code blocks."
(->> html
(filter-html-elems (comp #{:code} :tag))
(keep (comp :class :attrs))
(mapcat #(str/split % #" "))))
;; klipse
(defn eval-classes
"Takes the :settings map and returns all values that are css class selectors."
(filter #(str/starts-with? % ".") (vals settings)))
(defn tag-nohighlight
"Takes html as a string and a coll of class-selectors and adds
nohighlight to all code blocks that includes one of them."
[html settings]
(letfn [(tag [h clas]
(enlive/sniptest h
[(keyword (str "code" clas))]
(fn [x]
(update-in x [:attrs :class] #(str % " nohighlight")))))]
(reduce tag html (eval-classes settings))))
(def defaults
{:min ""
:non-min ""}
:css-base ""})
;; This needs to be updated whenever a new clojure selector is introduced.
;; It should only be necessary for react wrappers and the like, so not very often.
;; When (if?) self hosted cljs becomes compatible with advanced builds
;; this can be removed and we can just always use minified js.
(def clojure-selectors
"A set of selectors that imply clojure evaluation."
#{"selector" "selector_reagent"})
(defn clojure-eval-classes
"Takes settings and returns a set of the html classes that imply clojure eval."
(reduce (fn [classes selector]
(if-let [klass (get normalized-settings selector)]
(conj classes (->> klass rest (apply str))) ;; Strip the leading .
#{} clojure-selectors))
(defn clojure-eval?
"Takes settings and html and returns whether there is any clojure eval."
[normalized-settings html]
(boolean (some (clojure-eval-classes normalized-settings) (code-block-classes html))))
(defn normalize-settings
"Transform the keys to the correct snake-case or camelCase strings."
(-> (map-keys ->snake_case_string settings)
(update-existing "codemirror_options_in" (partial map-keys ->camelCaseString))
(update-existing "codemirror_options_out" (partial map-keys ->camelCaseString))))
(defn merge-configs
"Merges the defaults, global config and post config,
transforms lisp-case keywords into snake_case/camelCase strings
Returns nil if there's no post-config.
A post-config with the value true counts as an empty map."
[global-config post-config]
(when post-config
(let [post-config (if (true? post-config) {} post-config)]
(deep-merge defaults
(update-existing global-config :settings normalize-settings)
(update-existing post-config :settings normalize-settings)))))
(defn infer-clojure-eval
"Infers whether there's clojure eval and returns the config with the
appropriate value assoc'd to :js.
Returns the config untouched if :js is already specified."
[config html]
(if (:js config)
(assoc config :js
(if (clojure-eval? (:settings config) html) :non-min :min))))
(defn include-css [href]
(str "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=" (pr-str href) ">"))
(defn include-js [src]
(str "<script src=" (pr-str src) "></script>"))
(defn emit
"Takes the :klipse config from config.edn and the :klipse config from the
current post, and returns the html to include on the bottom of the page."
[config html]
(when-let [{:keys [settings js-src js css-base css-theme]}
(infer-clojure-eval config html)]
(assert (#{:min :non-min} js)
(str ":js needs to be one of :min or :non-min but was: " js))
(str (include-css css-base) "\n"
(when css-theme (str (include-css css-theme) "\n"))
"window.klipse_settings = " (json/generate-string settings {:pretty true}) ";\n"
(include-js (js js-src)))))

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(ns cryogen-core.markup
(:require [clojure.string :as s])
(:import java.util.Collections))
(:require [clojure.string :as s]))
(defonce markup-registry (atom []))
@ -18,7 +17,7 @@
[blog-prefix text]
(if (s/blank? blog-prefix)
(clojure.string/replace text #"href=.?/|src=.?/" #(str (subs % 0 (dec (count %))) blog-prefix "/"))))
(s/replace text #"href=.?/|src=.?/" #(str (subs % 0 (dec (count %))) blog-prefix "/"))))
(defn markups
"Return a vector of Markup implementations. This is the primary entry point

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(ns cryogen-core.plugins
(:require [cryogen-core.compiler :refer [compile-assets-timed]]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
(:require [clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.string :as s]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]))

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns cryogen-core.rss
(:require [clj-rss.core :as rss]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]
[ :refer [create-file path]])
[ :as cryogen-io])
(:import java.util.Date))
@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
(defn make-filtered-channels [{:keys [rss-filters blog-prefix] :as config} posts-by-tag]
(doseq [filter rss-filters]
(let [uri (path "/" blog-prefix (str (name filter) ".xml"))]
(let [uri (cryogen-io/path "/" blog-prefix (str (name filter) ".xml"))]
(println "\t-->" (cyan uri))
(create-file uri (make-channel config (get posts-by-tag filter))))))
(cryogen-io/create-file uri (make-channel config (get posts-by-tag filter))))))

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
(ns cryogen-core.sass
(:require [ :as shell]
[ :as io]
(:require [ :as io]
[ :as shell]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]
[ :refer [ignore match-re-filter]]))
[ :as cryogen-io]))
(defmacro sh
[& args]
@ -11,64 +11,51 @@
(defn sass-installed?
"Checks for the installation of Sass."
(= 0 (:exit (sh path-sass "--version"))))
(zero? (:exit (sh sass-path "--version"))))
(defn compass-installed?
"Checks for the installation of Compass."
(= 0 (:exit (sh path-compass "--version")))
(zero? (:exit (sh compass-path "--version")))
(catch _
(defn find-sass-files
"Given a Diretory, gets files, Filtered to those having scss or sass
extention. Ignores files matching any ignored regexps."
extention. Ignores files matching any ignored regexps."
[base-dir dir ignored-files]
(let [^ filename-filter (match-re-filter #"(?i:s[ca]ss$)")]
(let [^ filename-filter (cryogen-io/match-re-filter #"(?i:s[ca]ss$)")]
(->> (.listFiles (io/file base-dir dir) filename-filter)
(filter #(not (.isDirectory ^ %)))
(filter (ignore ignored-files))
(filter (cryogen-io/ignore ignored-files))
(map #(.getName ^ %)))))
(defn compile-sass-file!
"Given a sass file which might be in src-sass directory,
output the resulting css in dest-sass. All error handling is
done by sh / launching the sass command."
[{:keys [src-sass
"Given a sass file which might be in sass-src directory,
output the resulting css in sass-dest. All error handling is
done by sh / launching the sass command."
[{:keys [sass-src sass-dest sass-path compass-path base-dir]}]
(shell/with-sh-dir base-dir
(if (compass-installed? path-compass)
(sh path-sass "--compass" "--update" (str src-sass ":" dest-sass))
(sh path-sass "--update" (str src-sass ":" dest-sass)))))
(if (compass-installed? compass-path)
(sh sass-path "--compass" "--update" (str sass-src ":" sass-dest))
(sh sass-path "--update" (str sass-src ":" sass-dest)))))
(defn compile-sass->css!
"Given a directory src-sass, looks for all sass files and compiles them into
dest-sass. Prompts you to install sass if he finds sass files and can't find
the command. Shows you any problems it comes across when compiling. "
[{:keys [src-sass
base-dir] :as opts}]
(when-let [sass-files (seq (find-sass-files base-dir src-sass ignored-files))]
(if (sass-installed? path-sass)
;; I found sass files,
;; If sass is installed
"Given a directory sass-src, looks for all sass files and compiles them into
sass-dest. Prompts you to install sass if he finds sass files and can't find
the command. Shows you any problems it comes across when compiling. "
[{:keys [sass-src sass-dest sass-path ignored-files base-dir] :as opts}]
(when (seq (find-sass-files base-dir sass-src ignored-files))
(if (sass-installed? sass-path)
(println "\t" (cyan src-sass) "-->" (cyan dest-sass))
(println "\t" (cyan sass-src) "-->" (cyan sass-dest))
(let [result (compile-sass-file! opts)]
(if (zero? (:exit result))
;; no problems in sass compilation
(println "Successfully compiled sass files")
;; else I show the error
(println (red (:err result))
(red (:out result))))))
;; Else I prompt to install Sass
(println "Sass seems not to be installed, but you have scss / sass files in "
" - You might want to install it here:"))))

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns cryogen-core.sitemap
(:require [clojure.xml :refer [emit]]
[ :refer [get-resource find-assets]])
[ :as cryogen-io])
(:import java.util.Date))
;;generate sitemaps using the sitemap spec
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
{:tag :urlset
:attrs {:xmlns ""}
(for [^ f (find-assets "public" ".html" ignored-files)]
(for [^ f (cryogen-io/find-assets "public" ".html" ignored-files)]
{:tag :url
[{:tag :loc

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns cryogen-core.toc
(:require [ :as z]
[crouton.html :as html]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]
[hiccup.core :as hiccup]))
(def _h [:h1 :h2 :h3 :h4 :h5 :h6])
@ -102,13 +102,10 @@
:ol and true will result in an ordered list being generated for the table of
contents, while :ul will result in an unordered list. The default is an
ordered list."
[^String html & {:keys [list-type] :or {list-type :ol}}]
[html & {:keys [list-type] :or {list-type :ol}}]
(let [list-type (if (true? list-type) :ol list-type)]
(-> html
(.getBytes "UTF-8")
(build-toc list-type)

View file

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
(ns cryogen-core.watcher
(:require [ :refer [file]]
[ :refer [ignore]]
[pandect.algo.md5 :refer [md5]]
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.set :as set]
[hawk.core :as hawk]
[clojure.set :as set]))
[pandect.algo.md5 :as md5]
[ :as cryogen-io]))
(defn get-assets [path ignored-files]
(->> path
(filter #(not (.isDirectory ^ %)))
(filter (ignore ignored-files))))
(filter (cryogen-io/ignore ignored-files))))
(defn checksums [path ignored-files]
(let [files (get-assets path ignored-files)]
(zipmap (map md5 files) files)))
(zipmap (map md5/md5 files) files)))
(defn find-changes [old-sums new-sums]
(let [old-sum-set (-> old-sums keys set)

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
(ns cryogen-core.compiler-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[me.raynes.fs :as fs]
[cryogen-core.compiler :refer :all]
[ :refer [path]]
[cryogen-core.markup :as m]
[me.raynes.fs :as fs])
[cryogen-core.markup :as m])
(:import [ File]))
; Test that the content-until-more-marker return nil or correct html text.
@ -22,7 +21,8 @@
and more content.
"<div id=\"post\"><div class=\"post-content\">
"<div id=\"post\">
<div class=\"post-content\">
this post has more marker

View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
(ns cryogen-core.klipse-test
(:require [cryogen-core.klipse :refer :all]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is are]]))
(deftest map-keys-test
(is (= {"a" 1 "b" 2} (map-keys name {:a 1 :b 2}))))
(deftest update-existing-test
(is (= {:a 1 :b 2} (update-existing {:a 1 :b 1} :b inc)))
(is (= {:a 1} (update-existing {:a 1} :b (constantly 2)))))
(deftest deep-merge-test
(is (= {:a {:b 1 :c 2}} (deep-merge {:a {:b 1}} {:a {:c 2}})))
(is (= {:a {:b 1}} (deep-merge {:a {:b 1}} {:a nil})))
(is (= {:a {:b 1 :c 3}} (deep-merge {:a {:b 1 :c 2}} {:a {:c 3}}))))
;; For testing convenience.
(defn elt
"Returns an enlive style html element."
([tag] (elt tag nil))
([tag attrs & content]
{:tag tag, :attrs attrs, :content content}))
(deftest filter-html-elems-test
(is (= [(elt :div {:class "x"} :content [(elt :div {:class "x"} "foo")])
(elt :div {:class "x"} "foo")])
(filter-html-elems (comp #{"x"} :class :attrs)
[(elt :h1 {:class "y"} "things!")
(elt :div {:class "x"} (elt :div {:class "x"} "foo"))])))
(deftest code-block-classes-test
(is (= ["clojure" "ruby"]
<div class=\"not-code\"><pre><code class=\"clojure\">(def x 42)</code></pre></div>
<pre><code class=\"ruby\">123</code><pre>"))))
(deftest clojure-eval-classes-test
(is (= #{"eval-cljs" "eval-reagent"}
(clojure-eval-classes {"selector" ".eval-cljs"
"selector_reagent" ".eval-reagent"
"selector_eval_ruby" ".eval-ruby"}))))
(deftest clojure-eval?-test
(is (clojure-eval? {"selector" ".eval-cljs"}
<div class=\"not-code\"><pre><code class=\"eval-cljs\">(def x 42)</code></pre></div>
<pre><code class=\"ruby\">123</code><pre>"))
(is (not (clojure-eval? {"selector" ".eval-cljs"
"selector_eval_ruby" ".eval-ruby"}
<pre><code class=\"eval-ruby\">123</code><pre>"))))
(deftest normalize-settings-test
(is (= {"selector_reagent" ".reagent"
"codemirror_options_in" {"lineNumbers" true}}
{:selector-reagent ".reagent"
:codemirror-options-in {:line-numbers true}}))))
(deftest merge-configs-test
(testing "Things are merged correctly"
(is (= (merge defaults
{:settings {"selector" ".clojure-eval"
"codemirror_options_in" {"lineNumbers" true}}})
(merge-configs {:settings {:codemirror-options-in {:line-numbers true}}}
{:settings {:selector ".clojure-eval"}}))))
(testing "If it's all set up in config.edn, in the post it can be just :klipse true"
(is (= (merge defaults {:settings {"selector_js" ".javascript"}})
(merge-configs {:settings {:selector-js ".javascript"}} true))))
(testing "Returns nil if there's nothing in the blog post"
(is (nil? (merge-configs {:settings {:selector ".clojure-eval"}} nil)))))

View file

@ -1,38 +1,35 @@
(ns cryogen-core.toc-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.string :refer [join]]
[ :as z]
[crouton.html :as html]
[clojure.string :as s]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]
[hiccup.core :as hiccup]
[cryogen-core.toc :refer :all]))
; Reimport private functions
(def get-headings #'cryogen-core.toc/get-headings)
(def make-toc-entry #'cryogen-core.toc/make-toc-entry)
(def zip-toc-tree-to-insertion-point #'cryogen-core.toc/zip-toc-tree-to-insertion-point)
(def insert-toc-tree-entry #'cryogen-core.toc/insert-toc-tree-entry)
(def build-toc-tree #'cryogen-core.toc/build-toc-tree)
(def build-toc #'cryogen-core.toc/build-toc)
(defn parse-to-headings
(-> hiccup-seq hiccup/html html/parse-string :content get-headings))
(-> hiccup-seq hiccup/html enlive/html-snippet get-headings))
; Test that the get-headings function properly filters non-headers
(deftest test-get-headings
(let [noisy-headers [:div [:h1 "First H1"]
[:p "Ignore..."]
[:h2 "First H2"]]]
[:p "Ignore..."]
[:h2 "First H2"]]]
(is (= (parse-to-headings noisy-headers)
[{:tag :h1 :attrs nil :content ["First H1"]}
{:tag :h2 :attrs nil :content ["First H2"]}]))))
[{:tag :h1 :attrs nil :content ["First H1"]}
{:tag :h2 :attrs nil :content ["First H2"]}]))))
; Test that the make-toc-entry ignores invalid input
(deftest test-make-toc-entry
(is (nil?
(make-toc-entry nil "Text")))
(make-toc-entry nil "Text")))
(is (nil?
(make-toc-entry "anchor" nil)))
(make-toc-entry "anchor" nil)))
(is (= [:li [:a {:href "#anchor"} "Text"]]
(make-toc-entry "anchor" "Text"))))
@ -45,65 +42,62 @@
; * h1
(deftest test-build-toc
(let [simplest-header [:div [:h2 [:a {:name "test"}] "Test"]]
no-headers [:div [:p "This is not a header"]]
no-headers [:div [:p "This is not a header"]]
[:div [:h2 [:a {:name "starting_low"}]
"Starting Low"]
[:h1 [:a {:name "finishing_high"}]
"Finishing High"]]
[:div [:h2 [:a {:name "starting_low"}]
"Starting Low"]
[:h1 [:a {:name "finishing_high"}]
"Finishing High"]]
[:div [:h2 [:a {:name "starting_low"}]
"Starting Low"]
[:h4 [:a {:name "jumping_in"}]
"Jumping Right In"]
[:h3 [:a {:name "pulling_back"}]
"But then pull back"]
[:h2 [:a {:name "to_the_top"}]
"To the top"]]]
[:div [:h2 [:a {:name "starting_low"}]
"Starting Low"]
[:h4 [:a {:name "jumping_in"}]
"Jumping Right In"]
[:h3 [:a {:name "pulling_back"}]
"But then pull back"]
[:h2 [:a {:name "to_the_top"}]
"To the top"]]]
(is (= [:ol.content (seq [[:li [:a {:href "#test"} "Test"]]])]
(-> simplest-header parse-to-headings build-toc-tree
(-> simplest-header
(build-toc :ol))))
(is (nil?
(-> no-headers parse-to-headings build-toc-tree
(build-toc :ol))))
(is (-> no-headers
(build-toc :ol)
(is (= [:ol.content (seq [[:li [:a {:href "#starting_low"} "Starting Low"]]
[:li [:a {:href "#finishing_high"} "Finishing High"]]])]
(-> closing-header-larger-than-opening-1
(build-toc :ol)))
(-> closing-header-larger-than-opening-1
(build-toc :ol)))
"No outer header should be less indented than the first header tag.")
(is (= [:ul.content
(seq [
(seq [
[:li [:a {:href "#starting_low"} "Starting Low"]]
(seq [
[:li [:a {:href "#jumping_in"} "Jumping Right In"]]
[:li [:a {:href "#pulling_back"} "But then pull back"]]
] ])
[:li [:a {:href "#to_the_top"} "To the top"]]
(seq [(seq [[:li [:a {:href "#starting_low"} "Starting Low"]]
(seq [[:li [:a {:href "#jumping_in"} "Jumping Right In"]]
[:li [:a {:href "#pulling_back"} "But then pull back"]]])]])
[:li [:a {:href "#to_the_top"} "To the top"]]])]
(-> closing-header-larger-than-opening-2
(build-toc :ul)))
(join "" ["Inner headers can be more indented, "
"but outer headers cannot be less indented "
"than the original header."]))
(s/join "" ["Inner headers can be more indented, "
"but outer headers cannot be less indented "
"than the original header."]))))
(deftest test-generate-toc
(let [htmlString "<div><h2><a name=\"test\"></a>Test</h2></div>"]
(is (= "<ol class=\"content\"><li><a href=\"#test\">Test</a></li></ol>"
(generate-toc htmlString)))
(generate-toc htmlString)))
(is (= "<ol class=\"content\"><li><a href=\"#test\">Test</a></li></ol>"
(generate-toc htmlString :list-type true)))
(generate-toc htmlString :list-type true)))
(is (= "<ol class=\"content\"><li><a href=\"#test\">Test</a></li></ol>"
(generate-toc htmlString :list-type :ol)))
(generate-toc htmlString :list-type :ol)))
(is (= "<ul class=\"content\"><li><a href=\"#test\">Test</a></li></ul>"
(generate-toc htmlString :list-type :ul)))))
(generate-toc htmlString :list-type :ul)))))