; Copyright (c) meissa. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. (ns cryogen-core.classpath-able-io.fs-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [cryogen-core.file-test-tools :as ftt] [cryogen-core.classpath-able-io.fs :as sut])) (def fs-root "fs_root") (deftest test-absolut-path (is (= (str (sut/user-dir) "/" fs-root "/dummy/dummy_from_fs") (.toString (sut/absolut-path fs-root "/dummy/dummy_from_fs")))) (is (= (str (sut/user-dir) "/" fs-root "/not-existing") (.toString (sut/absolut-path (str fs-root "/not-existing")))))) (deftest should-return-nil-on-not-existing-path (is (= nil (sut/path-if-exists fs-root "not-existing")))) (deftest should-find-subdir-path (is (sut/path-if-exists fs-root "/dummy/dummy_from_fs"))) (deftest should-find-path-with-space (is (sut/path-if-exists fs-root "/File With Space"))) (deftest should-find-path-with-empty-base-path (is (sut/path-if-exists fs-root nil "/dummy/dummy_from_fs"))) (deftest test-list-entries-for-dir (is (= ["dummy2" "dummy_from_fs"] (sort (seq (sut/list-entries-for-dir (sut/create-resource "dummy" (sut/path-if-exists fs-root "dummy") :filesytem))))))) (deftest test-get-resources (is (= ["dummy" "dummy/dummy2" "dummy/dummy2/dummy2_from_fs" "dummy/dummy2/dummy_common" "dummy/dummy_from_fs"] (sort (map ftt/filter-path (sut/get-resources fs-root "" ["dummy"]))))) (is (= [{:virtual-path "dummy_from_fs" :source-type :filesystem :resource-type :file}] (map ftt/filter-object (sut/get-resources fs-root "dummy" ["dummy_from_fs"])))) (is (= [{:virtual-path "dummy_from_fs" :source-type :filesystem :resource-type :file}] (map ftt/filter-object (sut/get-resources fs-root "dummy" ["dummy_from_fs" "not_existing"])))))