William Roe 0c7743e605 Ensure sass errors printed visably in red
Also include the standard output as it frequently includes crucial
information in narrowing down where errors lie in SASS files
2015-02-21 22:07:41 +00:00

72 lines
2.5 KiB

(ns cryogen-core.sass
(:require [ :as shell]
[ :as io]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]
[ :refer [ignore match-re-filter]]))
(defmacro sh
[& args]
(let [valid-args (remove nil? args)]
`(shell/sh ~@valid-args)))
(defn sass-installed?
"Checks for the installation of Sass."
(= 0 (:exit (sh "sass" "--version"))))
(defn compass-installed?
"Checks for the installation of Compass."
(= 0 (:exit (sh "compass" "--version"))))
(defn find-sass-files
"Given a Diretory, gets files, Filtered to those having scss or sass
extention. Ignores files matching any ignored regexps."
[dir ignored-files]
(let [filename-filter (match-re-filter #"(?i:s[ca]ss$)")]
(->> (.listFiles (io/file dir) filename-filter)
(filter #(not (.isDirectory %)))
(filter (ignore ignored-files))
(map #(.getName %)))))
(defn compile-sass-file!
"Given a sass file which might be in src-sass directory,
output the resulting css in dest-sass. All error handling is
done by sh / launching the sass command."
(sh "sass"
(when compass? "--compass")
(str src-sass "/" sass-file)
(str dest-sass "/" )))
(defn compile-sass->css!
"Given a directory src-sass, looks for all sass files and compiles them into
dest-sass. Prompts you to install sass if he finds sass files and can't find
the command. Shows you any problems it comes across when compiling. "
(let [sass-files (find-sass-files src-sass ignored-files)]
(if (seq sass-files)
;; I found sass files,
;; If sass is installed
(if (sass-installed?)
(let [compass? (compass-installed?)]
;; I compile all files
(doseq [a-file sass-files]
(println "Compiling Sass File:" a-file src-sass dest-sass)
(let [result (compile-sass-file! a-file src-sass dest-sass compass?)]
(if (zero? (:exit result))
;; no problems in sass compilation
(println "Successfully compiled:" a-file)
;; else I show the error
(println (red (:err result))
(red (:out result)))))))
;; Else I prompt to install Sass
(println "Sass seems not to be installed, but you have scss / sass files in "
" - You might want to install it here:")))))