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(ns cryogen-core.markup
(:require [clojure.string :as s]))
(defonce markup-registry (atom []))
(defprotocol Markup
"A markup engine comprising a dir(ectory) containing markup files,
an ext(ension) for finding markup file names, and a render-fn that returns
a fn with the signature [ config] -> String (HTML)."
(dir [this])
(ext [this])
(render-fn [this]))
(defn rewrite-hrefs
"Injects the blog prefix in front of any local links
ex. <img src='/img/cryogen.png'/> becomes <img src='/blog/img/cryogen.png'/>"
[blog-prefix text]
(if (s/blank? blog-prefix)
(s/replace text #"href=.?/|src=.?/" #(str (subs % 0 (dec (count %))) blog-prefix "/"))))
(defn markups
"Return a vector of Markup implementations. This is the primary entry point
for a client of this ns. This vector should be used to iterate over supported
(defn register-markup
"Add a Markup implementation to the registry."
(swap! markup-registry conj mu))
(defn clear-registry
"Reset the Markup registry."
(reset! markup-registry []))