2017-01-16 02:37:19 -05:00

61 lines
2.4 KiB

(ns cryogen-core.sass
(:require [ :as io]
[ :as shell]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]
[ :as cryogen-io]))
(defmacro sh
[& args]
(let [valid-args (remove nil? args)]
`(shell/sh ~@valid-args)))
(defn sass-installed?
"Checks for the installation of Sass."
(zero? (:exit (sh sass-path "--version"))))
(defn compass-installed?
"Checks for the installation of Compass."
(zero? (:exit (sh compass-path "--version")))
(catch _
(defn find-sass-files
"Given a Diretory, gets files, Filtered to those having scss or sass
extention. Ignores files matching any ignored regexps."
[base-dir dir ignored-files]
(let [^ filename-filter (cryogen-io/match-re-filter #"(?i:s[ca]ss$)")]
(->> (.listFiles (io/file base-dir dir) filename-filter)
(filter #(not (.isDirectory ^ %)))
(filter (cryogen-io/ignore ignored-files))
(map #(.getName ^ %)))))
(defn compile-sass-file!
"Given a sass file which might be in sass-src directory,
output the resulting css in sass-dest. All error handling is
done by sh / launching the sass command."
[{:keys [sass-src sass-dest sass-path compass-path base-dir]}]
(shell/with-sh-dir base-dir
(if (compass-installed? compass-path)
(sh sass-path "--compass" "--update" (str sass-src ":" sass-dest))
(sh sass-path "--update" (str sass-src ":" sass-dest)))))
(defn compile-sass->css!
"Given a directory sass-src, looks for all sass files and compiles them into
sass-dest. Prompts you to install sass if he finds sass files and can't find
the command. Shows you any problems it comes across when compiling. "
[{:keys [sass-src sass-dest sass-path ignored-files base-dir] :as opts}]
(when (seq (find-sass-files base-dir sass-src ignored-files))
(if (sass-installed? sass-path)
(println "\t" (cyan sass-src) "-->" (cyan sass-dest))
(let [result (compile-sass-file! opts)]
(if (zero? (:exit result))
(println "Successfully compiled sass files")
(println (red (:err result))
(red (:out result))))))
(println "Sass seems not to be installed, but you have scss / sass files in "
" - You might want to install it here:"))))