2020-01-07 15:24:57 +01:00

52 lines
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; Copyright (c) meissa. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
[ :as io]
[cryogen-core.classpath-able-io :as cp-io]))
(def delete-resource-recursive! cp-io/delete-resource-recursive!)
(defn copy-resources-from-templates!
[fs-prefix resources target-path ignore-patterns]
(let [resource-path "templates"]
(cp-io/copy-resources! fs-prefix resource-path resources
target-path ignore-patterns)))
(defn copy-resources-from-theme!
[fs-prefix theme target-path ignore-patterns]
(let [theme-path (str "templates/themes/" theme)]
(cp-io/copy-resources! fs-prefix theme-path ["css" "js"]
target-path ignore-patterns)
(cp-io/copy-resources! fs-prefix (str theme-path "/html") ["404.html"]
target-path ignore-patterns)))
(defn copy-html-from-theme!
[fs-prefix theme target-path ignore-patterns]
(let [theme-path (str "templates/themes/" theme)]
(cp-io/copy-resources! fs-prefix theme-path ["html"]
target-path ignore-patterns)))
(defn get-distinct-markup-dirs
[fs-prefix posts pages ignore-patterns]
(let [base-path "templates/md"
resources (cp-io/get-resources-recursive
fs-prefix base-path [pages posts])
filtered-resources (->> (filter #(= (:resource-type %) :dir) resources)
(defn create-dirs-from-markup-folders!
"Copy resources from markup folders. This does not copy the markup entries."
[fs-prefix posts pages target-path ignore-patterns]
(let [resources (get-distinct-markup-dirs fs-prefix posts pages
(doseq [resource resources]
(io/make-parents (io/file (str target-path "/" (:path resource))))
(.mkdir (io/file (str target-path "/" (:path resource)))))))