Aleksander Madland Stapnes 70c95b41d8 Look at the content as well as the config to infer clojure eval
Before only the config was looked at to determine whether to include
the js minified of not, now look at the html as well. This makes it
more convenient to set up all klipse stuff once in config.edn without
having to manually specify which js to include.
2017-01-27 02:57:33 -03:00

133 lines
4.7 KiB

(ns cryogen-core.klipse
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->snake_case_string ->camelCaseString]]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]))
;; utils
(defn map-keys
"Applies f to each key in m"
[f m]
(zipmap (map f (keys m)) (vals m)))
(defn update-existing
"Like clojure.core/update, but returns m untouched if it doesn't contain k"
[m k f & args]
(if (contains? m k) (apply update m k f args) m))
(def map-or-nil? (some-fn map? nil?))
(defn deep-merge
"Like clojure.core/merge, but also merges nested maps under the same key."
[& ms]
(apply merge-with
(fn [v1 v2]
(if (and (map-or-nil? v1) (map-or-nil? v2))
(deep-merge v1 v2)
(defn filter-html-elems
"Recursively walks a sequence of enlive-style html elements depth first
and returns a flat sequence of the elements where (pred elem)"
[pred html-elems]
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [content] :as elem}]
(into (if (pred elem) (conj acc elem) acc)
(filter-html-elems pred content)))
[] html-elems))
(defn code-block-classes
"Takes a string of html and returns a sequence of
all the classes on all code blocks."
(->> html
(filter-html-elems (comp #{:code} :tag))
(keep (comp :class :attrs))
(mapcat #(str/split % #" "))))
;; klipse
(def defaults
{:min ""
:non-min ""}
:css-base ""})
;; This needs to be updated whenever a new clojure selector is introduced.
;; It should only be necessary for react wrappers and the like, so not very often.
;; When (if?) self hosted cljs becomes compatible with advanced builds
;; this can be removed and we can just always use minified js.
(def clojure-selectors
"A set of selectors that imply clojure evaluation."
#{"selector" "selector_reagent"})
(defn clojure-eval-classes
"Takes settings and returns a set of the html classes that imply clojure eval."
(reduce (fn [classes selector]
(if-let [klass (get normalized-settings selector)]
(conj classes (->> klass rest (apply str))) ;; Strip the leading .
#{} clojure-selectors))
(defn clojure-eval?
"Takes settings and html and returns whether there is any clojure eval."
[normalized-settings html]
(boolean (some (clojure-eval-classes normalized-settings) (code-block-classes html))))
(defn normalize-settings
"Transform the keys to the correct snake-case or camelCase strings."
(-> (map-keys ->snake_case_string settings)
(update-existing "codemirror_options_in" (partial map-keys ->camelCaseString))
(update-existing "codemirror_options_out" (partial map-keys ->camelCaseString))))
(defn merge-configs
"Merges the defaults, global config and post config,
transforms lisp-case keywords into snake_case/camelCase strings
Returns nil if there's no post-config.
A post-config with the value true counts as an empty map."
[global-config post-config]
(when post-config
(let [post-config (if (true? post-config) {} post-config)]
(deep-merge defaults
(update-existing global-config :settings normalize-settings)
(update-existing post-config :settings normalize-settings)))))
(defn infer-clojure-eval
"Infers whether there's clojure eval and returns the config with the
appropriate value assoc'd to :js.
Returns the config untouched if :js is already specified."
[config html]
(if (:js config)
(assoc config :js
(if (clojure-eval? (:settings config) html) :non-min :min))))
(defn include-css [href]
(str "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=" (pr-str href) ">"))
(defn include-js [src]
(str "<script src=" (pr-str src) "></script>"))
(defn emit
"Takes the :klipse config from config.edn and the :klipse config from the
current post, and returns the html to include on the bottom of the page."
[config html]
(when-let [{:keys [settings js-src js css-base css-theme]}
(infer-clojure-eval config html)]
(assert (#{:min :non-min} js)
(str ":js needs to be one of :min or :non-min but was: " js))
(str (include-css css-base) "\n"
(when css-theme (str (include-css css-theme) "\n"))
"window.klipse_settings = " (json/generate-string settings {:pretty true}) ";\n"
(include-js (js js-src)))))