Aleksander Madland Stapnes 1cfb2b17df Remove crouton dep because enlive does the same thing
Almost the same thing; it doesn't insert missing html, head and body
tags, but in this case we only care about the stuff in the body.
2017-01-16 18:16:11 -03:00

112 lines
4.3 KiB

(ns cryogen-core.toc
(:require [ :as z]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive]
[hiccup.core :as hiccup]))
(def _h [:h1 :h2 :h3 :h4 :h5 :h6])
(defn- compare-index [i1 i2] (- (.indexOf ^clojure.lang.APersistentVector _h i2) (.indexOf ^clojure.lang.APersistentVector _h i1)))
(defn- get-headings
"Turn a body of html content into a vector of elements whose tags are
(fn [headings {:keys [tag attrs content] :as elm}]
(if (some #{tag} _h)
(conj headings elm)
(if-let [more-headings (get-headings content)]
(into headings more-headings)
[] content))
(defn- zip-toc-tree-to-insertion-point
"Given a toc-tree zipper and a header level, navigate
the zipper to the appropriate parent of the level for that header
to be inserted and return the zipper."
[toctree h-tag]
(if-let [current-tag (-> toctree first :value :tag)]
(let [direction (compare-index h-tag current-tag)]
(cond (zero? direction) (z/up toctree) ; Tag belongs at current level
(neg? direction) toctree ; Tag belongs below this level
(pos? direction) (recur (z/up toctree) h-tag))) ; Keep looking up
; This level is the root list, return it
(defn- insert-toc-tree-entry
"Inserts a toc-tree (zipper) entry for the given entry at the appropriate place.
Obeys the invariant that the toc-tree (zipper) is always moved to the inserted loc."
[tree entry]
(let [{htag :tag} entry
tree (zip-toc-tree-to-insertion-point tree htag)]
(-> tree (z/append-child {:children [] :value entry}) z/down z/rightmost)))
(defn- build-toc-tree
"Given a sequence of header nodes, build a toc tree using zippers
and return it."
(loop [zp (z/zipper
(fn [node children] (assoc node :children (apply vector children)))
{:value :root :children []})
items headings]
(if-let [{tag :tag {id :id} :attrs [{{name :name} :attrs} title :as htext] :content} (first items)]
(let [anchor (or id name)]
(if (nil? anchor)
(recur zp (rest items))
(recur (insert-toc-tree-entry zp
{:tag tag
:anchor anchor
:text (or
(if (string? title) title (-> title :content first))
(first htext))})
(rest items))))
(z/root zp))))
(defn- make-toc-entry
"Given an anchor link and some text, construct a toc entry
consisting of link to the anchor using the given text, wrapped
in an <li> tag."
[anchor text]
(when (and anchor text)
[:li [:a {:href (str "#" anchor)} text]]))
(defn- build-toc
"Given the root of a toc tree and either :ol or :ul,
generate the table of contents and return it as a hiccup tree."
[toc-tree list-open & {:keys [outer-list?] :or {outer-list? true}}]
(let [{:keys [children], {:keys [anchor text]} :value} toc-tree
li (make-toc-entry anchor text)
first-list-open (if outer-list?
(keyword (str (name list-open) ".content"))
; Create hiccup sequence of :ol/:ul tag and sequence of :li tags
(if (seq children)
(let [sublist [first-list-open (map build-toc children
(repeat list-open)
(repeat :outer-list?)
(repeat false))]]
(if-let [li li] ; The root element has nothing so ignore it
(seq [li sublist]) ; Use seq to lazily concat the li with the sublists
li))) ; Or just return the naked :li tag
(defn generate-toc
"Reads an HTML string and parses it for headers, then returns a list of links
to them.
Optionally, a map of :list-type can be provided with value :ul, :ol, or true.
:ol and true will result in an ordered list being generated for the table of
contents, while :ul will result in an unordered list. The default is an
ordered list."
[html & {:keys [list-type] :or {list-type :ol}}]
(let [list-type (if (true? list-type) :ol list-type)]
(-> html
(build-toc list-type)