Stefan Pfeiffer, DL1ELY f74c05711b Fix overly eager replacement of file extensions in uris
As the filename extensions given by the render plugins are also used as
regex for replacing them with .html to generate URIs, the dot in front of
the extension was interpreted as an arbitrary character for the regex.
Also, it matched in the middle of a string. Now dots get quoted and a $
added to only match at the end of the filename.

Fix #16
2015-01-28 22:19:01 +01:00

336 lines
13 KiB

(ns cryogen-core.compiler
(:require [selmer.parser :refer [cache-off! render-file]]
[ :refer
[get-resource find-assets create-folder wipe-public-folder copy-resources
[cryogen-core.sitemap :as sitemap]
[cryogen-core.rss :as rss]
[io.aviso.exception :refer [write-exception]]
[ :refer [copy file reader writer]]
[clojure.string :as s]
[text-decoration.core :refer :all]
[cryogen-core.toc :refer [generate-toc]]
[cryogen-core.sass :as sass]
[cryogen-core.markup :as m]))
(def public "resources/public")
(defn root-path
"Creates the root path for posts, tags and pages"
[config k]
(if-let [root (k config)]
(str "/" root "/") "/"))
(defn re-pattern-from-ext
"Creates a properly quoted regex pattern for the given file extension"
(re-pattern (str (s/replace ext "." "\\.") "$")))
(defn find-md-assets
"Returns a list of files ending with .md under templates"
(find-assets "templates" ".md" ignored-files))
(defn find-posts
"Returns a list of markdown files representing posts under the post root in templates/md"
[{:keys [post-root ignored-files]} mu]
(find-assets (str "templates/" (m/dir mu) post-root) (m/ext mu) ignored-files))
(defn find-pages
"Returns a list of markdown files representing pages under the page root in templates/md"
[{:keys [page-root ignored-files]} mu]
(find-assets (str "templates/" (m/dir mu) page-root) (m/ext mu) ignored-files))
(defn parse-post-date
"Parses the post date from the post's file name and returns the corresponding java date object"
[file-name date-fmt]
(let [fmt (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. date-fmt)]
(.parse fmt (.substring file-name 0 10))))
(defn post-uri
"Creates a post uri from the post file name"
[file-name {:keys [blog-prefix post-root]} mu]
(str blog-prefix post-root (s/replace file-name (re-pattern-from-ext (m/ext mu)) ".html")))
(defn page-uri
"Creates a page uri from the page file name"
[page-name {:keys [blog-prefix page-root]} mu]
(str blog-prefix page-root (s/replace page-name (re-pattern-from-ext (m/ext mu)) ".html")))
(defn read-page-meta
"Returns the clojure map from the top of a markdown page/post"
[page rdr]
(read rdr)
(catch Exception _
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Malformed metadata on page: " page))))))
(defn page-content
"Returns a map with the given page's file-name, metadata and content parsed from
the file with the given markup."
[page config markup]
(with-open [rdr ( (reader page))]
(let [page-name (.getName page)
file-name (s/replace page-name (re-pattern-from-ext (m/ext markup)) ".html")
page-meta (read-page-meta page-name rdr)
content ((m/render-fn markup) rdr config)]
{:file-name file-name
:page-meta page-meta
:content content})))
(defn merge-meta-and-content
"Merges the page metadata and content maps, adding :toc if necessary."
[file-name page-meta content]
(update-in page-meta [:layout] #(str (name %) ".html"))
{:file-name file-name
:content content
:toc (if (:toc page-meta) (generate-toc content))}))
(defn parse-page
"Parses a page/post and returns a map of the content, uri, date etc."
[page config markup]
(let [{:keys [file-name page-meta content]} (page-content page config markup)]
(merge-meta-and-content file-name page-meta content)
{:uri (page-uri file-name config markup)
:page-index (:page-index page-meta)})))
(defn parse-post
"Return a map with the given post's information."
[page config markup]
(let [{:keys [file-name page-meta content]} (page-content page config markup)]
(merge-meta-and-content file-name page-meta content)
(let [date (parse-post-date file-name (:post-date-format config))
archive-fmt (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy MMMM" (java.util.Locale. "en"))
formatted-group (.format archive-fmt date)]
{:date date
:formatted-archive-group formatted-group
:parsed-archive-group (.parse archive-fmt formatted-group)
:uri (post-uri file-name config markup)
:tags (set (:tags page-meta))})
(defn read-posts
"Returns a sequence of maps representing the data from markdown files of posts.
Sorts the sequence by post date."
(->> (mapcat
(fn [mu]
(find-posts config mu)
(map #(parse-post % config mu))))
(sort-by :date)
(defn read-pages
"Returns a sequence of maps representing the data from markdown files of pages.
Sorts the sequence by post date."
(->> (mapcat
(fn [mu]
(find-pages config mu)
(map #(parse-page % config mu))))
(sort-by :page-index)))
(defn tag-post
"Adds the uri and title of a post to the list of posts under each of its tags"
[tags post]
(reduce (fn [tags tag]
(update-in tags [tag] (fnil conj []) (select-keys post [:uri :title :content])))
tags (:tags post)))
(defn group-by-tags
"Maps all the tags with a list of posts that contain each tag"
(reduce tag-post {} posts))
(defn group-for-archive
"Groups the posts by month and year for archive sorting"
(->> posts
(map #(select-keys % [:title :uri :date :formatted-archive-group :parsed-archive-group]))
(group-by :formatted-archive-group)
(map (fn [[group posts]]
{:group group
:parsed-group (:parsed-archive-group (get posts 0))
:posts (map #(select-keys % [:title :uri :date]) posts)}))
(sort-by :parsed-group)
(defn tag-info
"Returns a map containing the name and uri of the specified tag"
[{:keys [blog-prefix tag-root]} tag]
{:name (name tag)
:uri (str blog-prefix tag-root (name tag) ".html")})
(defn add-prev-next
"Adds a :prev and :next key to the page/post data containing the title and uri of the prev/next
post/page if it exists"
(map (fn [[prev target next]]
(assoc target
:prev (if prev (select-keys prev [:title :uri]) nil)
:next (if next (select-keys next [:title :uri]) nil)))
(partition 3 1 (flatten [nil pages nil]))))
(defn group-pages
"Separates the pages into links for the navbar and links for the sidebar"
(let [{navbar-pages true
sidebar-pages false} (group-by #(boolean (:navbar? %)) pages)]
(map (partial sort-by :page-index) [navbar-pages sidebar-pages])))
(defn compile-pages
"Compiles all the pages into html and spits them out into the public folder"
[default-params pages {:keys [blog-prefix page-root]}]
(when-not (empty? pages)
(println (blue "compiling pages"))
(create-folder (str blog-prefix page-root))
(doseq [{:keys [uri] :as page} pages]
(println "\t-->" (cyan uri))
(spit (str public uri)
(render-file "templates/html/layouts/page.html"
(merge default-params
{:servlet-context "../"
:page page
:uri uri}))))))
(defn compile-posts
"Compiles all the posts into html and spits them out into the public folder"
[default-params posts {:keys [blog-prefix post-root disqus-shortname]}]
(when-not (empty? posts)
(println (blue "compiling posts"))
(create-folder (str blog-prefix post-root))
(doseq [post posts]
(println "\t-->" (cyan (:uri post)))
(spit (str public (:uri post))
(render-file (str "templates/html/layouts/" (:layout post))
(merge default-params
{:servlet-context "../"
:post post
:disqus-shortname disqus-shortname
:uri (:uri post)}))))))
(defn compile-tags
"Compiles all the tag pages into html and spits them out into the public folder"
[default-params posts-by-tag {:keys [blog-prefix tag-root] :as config}]
(when-not (empty? posts-by-tag)
(println (blue "compiling tags"))
(create-folder (str blog-prefix tag-root))
(doseq [[tag posts] posts-by-tag]
(let [{:keys [name uri]} (tag-info config tag)]
(println "\t-->" (cyan uri))
(spit (str public uri)
(render-file "templates/html/layouts/tag.html"
(merge default-params
{:servlet-context "../"
:name name
:posts posts
:uri uri})))))))
(defn compile-index
"Compiles the index page into html and spits it out into the public folder"
[default-params {:keys [blog-prefix disqus?]}]
(println (blue "compiling index"))
(spit (str public blog-prefix "/index.html")
(render-file "templates/html/layouts/home.html"
(merge default-params
{:home true
:disqus? disqus?
:post (get-in default-params [:latest-posts 0])
:uri (str blog-prefix "/index.html")}))))
(defn compile-archives
"Compiles the archives page into html and spits it out into the public folder"
[default-params posts {:keys [blog-prefix]}]
(println (blue "compiling archives"))
(spit (str public blog-prefix "/archives.html")
(render-file "templates/html/layouts/archives.html"
(merge default-params
{:archives true
:groups (group-for-archive posts)
:uri (str blog-prefix "/archives.html")}))))
(defn tag-posts
"Converts the tags in each post into links"
[posts config]
(map #(update-in % [:tags] (partial map (partial tag-info config))) posts))
(defn read-config
"Reads the config file"
(let [config (-> "templates/config.edn"
(update-in [:blog-prefix] (fnil str ""))
(update-in [:rss-name] (fnil str "rss.xml"))
(update-in [:rss-filters] (fnil seq []))
(update-in [:sass-src] (fnil str "css"))
(update-in [:sass-dest] (fnil str "css"))
(update-in [:post-date-format] (fnil str "yyyy-MM-dd"))
(update-in [:keep-files] (fnil seq []))
(update-in [:ignored-files] (fnil seq [#"^\.#.*" #".*\.swp$"])))]
{:page-root (root-path :page-root config)
:post-root (root-path :post-root config)
:tag-root (root-path :tag-root config)})))
(defn compile-assets
"Generates all the html and copies over resources specified in the config"
(println (green "compiling assets..."))
(let [{:keys [site-url blog-prefix rss-name recent-posts sass-src sass-dest keep-files ignored-files] :as config} (read-config)
posts (add-prev-next (read-posts config))
pages (add-prev-next (read-pages config))
[navbar-pages sidebar-pages] (group-pages pages)
posts-by-tag (group-by-tags posts)
posts (tag-posts posts config)
default-params {:title (:site-title config)
:tags (map (partial tag-info config) (keys posts-by-tag))
:latest-posts (->> posts (take recent-posts) vec)
:navbar-pages navbar-pages
:sidebar-pages sidebar-pages
:archives-uri (str blog-prefix "/archives.html")
:index-uri (str blog-prefix "/index.html")
:rss-uri (str blog-prefix "/" rss-name)
:site-url (if (.endsWith site-url "/") (.substring site-url 0 (dec (count site-url))) site-url)}]
(wipe-public-folder keep-files)
(println (blue "copying resources"))
(copy-resources config)
(copy-images-from-markdown-folders config)
(compile-pages default-params pages config)
(compile-posts default-params posts config)
(compile-tags default-params posts-by-tag config)
(compile-index default-params config)
(compile-archives default-params posts config)
(println (blue "generating site map"))
(spit (str public blog-prefix "/sitemap.xml") (sitemap/generate site-url ignored-files))
(println (blue "generating main rss"))
(spit (str public blog-prefix "/" rss-name) (rss/make-channel config posts))
(println (blue "generating filtered rss"))
(rss/make-filtered-channels public config posts-by-tag)
(println (blue "compiling sass"))
(str "resources/templates/" sass-src)
(str "resources/public" blog-prefix "/" sass-dest)
(defn compile-assets-timed []
(catch Exception e
(if (or (instance? IllegalArgumentException e)
(instance? clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e))
(println (red "Error:") (yellow (.getMessage e)))
(write-exception e))))))