data-test separates test data from test code and allows a more data driven approach for testing. In case of having huge amounts of test-input & -expectations your test code will remain readable and concise. data-test is founded on and compatible with `clojure.test`. Integration in your test environments will work. For explicit, intentful and obvious data, data-test uses ([aero].
## Usage
Define your data test similar to `deftest` and express your test e.g. with `is` macro. The given binding `[input expected]` can be used in your testcode.
Your test data has to be located in classpath. The path is determined by your tests namespace and your tests definition name. In given case it is `my/cool/project_test/should_test_multiple_spec.edn`:
{:input 1
:expected 1}
The keys `:input` and `:expected` are fixed, the values can be anything you need. You can have up to 11 data specifications for each test. `my/cool/project_test/should_test_multiple_spec.[1-9].edn` is a valid resource-location also.
Test can be executed by using `(clojure.test/run-tests)` and will produce the usual test-output like: