# data-test [![Clojars Project](https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/dda/data-test.svg)](https://clojars.org/dda/data-test) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/DomainDrivenArchitecture/data-test.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/DomainDrivenArchitecture/data-test) [![Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-clojurians-green.svg?style=flat)](https://clojurians.slack.com/messages/#dda-pallet/) | [DevOps Hacking with Clojure Meetup DevOps Hacking with Clojure](https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/preview/dda-pallet-DevOps-Hacking-with-Clojure) | [Website & Blog](https://domaindrivenarchitecture.org) ## About data-test separates test data from test code and allows a more data driven approach for testing. In case of having huge amounts of test-input & -expectations your test code will remain readable and concise. data-test is founded on and compatible with `clojure.test`. Integration in your test environments will work. For explicit, intentful and obvious data, data-test uses (https://github.com/juxt/aero)[aero]. ## Usage Define your data test similar to `deftest` and express your test e.g. with `is` macro. The given binding `[input expected]` can be used in your testcode. ```clojure (ns my.cool.project-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [data-test :refer :all]) (defdatatest should-test-multiple-specs [input expected] (is (= input expected))) ``` Your test data has to be located in classpath. The path is determined by your tests namespace and your tests definition name. In given case it is `my/cool/project_test/should_test_multiple_spec.edn`: ```clojure {:input 1 :expected 1} ``` The keys `:input` and `:expected` are fixed, the values can be anything you need. You can have up to 11 data specifications for each test. `my/cool/project_test/should_test_multiple_spec.[1-9].edn` is a valid resource-location also. Test can be executed by using `(clojure.test/run-tests)` and will produce the usual test-output like: ```console Running namespace tests… FAIL in: project_test.clj: 35: should-test-multiple-specs: project_test/should_test_multiple_specs.1.edn: expected: 1 actual: (2) 4 tests finished, problems found. 😭 errors: 0, failures: 1, ns: 1, vars: 3 ``` The test data file used will determine the testing context. ## Reference ### Loading Resources ### Bindings ### Resources with AERO ### Generated Output ## License Copyright © 2019 meissa GmbH Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE) (the "License") Pls. find licenses of our subcomponents [here](doc/SUBCOMPONENT_LICENSE)