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2024-08-16 06:29:49 +00:00
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Build Script
;; Build project and package for deployment
;; - `uberjar` - packaged application for deployment
;; - `clean` remove all build assets and jar files
;; All functions are passed command line arguments
;; - `nil` is passed if there are no arguments
;; tools.build API commands
;; - `create-basis` create a project basis
;; - `copy-dir` copy Clojure source and resources into a working dir
;; - `compile-clj` compile Clojure source code to classes
;; - `delete` - remove path from file space
;; - `write-pom` - write pom.xml and pom.properties files
;; - `jar` - to jar up the working dir into a jar file
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
(ns build
[clojure.tools.build.api :as build-api]
2024-08-16 12:40:35 +00:00
[clojure.edn :as edn]
2024-08-16 06:29:49 +00:00
[clojure.pprint :as pprint]))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Project configuration
(def project-config
"Project configuration to support all tasks"
{:class-directory "target/classes"
:main-namespace 'practicalli/playground
:project-basis (build-api/create-basis)
:uberjar-file "target/practicalli-playground-standalone.jar"})
(defn config
"Display build configuration"
(pprint/pprint (or config project-config)))
;; End of Build configuration
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Build tasks
(def project-config
"Project configuration to support all tasks"
(-> (edn/read-string (slurp "deps.edn"))
{:class-directory "target/classes"
:project-basis (build-api/create-basis)
:main-namespace 'org.domaindrivenarchitecture/dda-backup})))
(defn config
"Display build configuration"
(pprint/pprint (or config project-config)))
;; End of Build configuration
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Build tasks
(defn clean
"Remove a directory
- `:path '\"directory-name\"'` for a specific directory
- `nil` (or no command line arguments) to delete `target` directory
`target` is the default directory for build artefacts
Checks that `.` and `/` directories are not deleted"
(not (contains? #{"." "/"} directory))
(build-api/delete {:path (or (:path directory) "target")})))
(defn jar [_]
(let [{:keys [name version project-basis class-directory license]} project-config
jar-file (format "target/%s-%s.jar" name version)]
(clean "target")
(build-api/write-pom {:class-dir class-directory
:lib name
:version version
:basis project-basis
:src-dirs ["src"]})
(build-api/copy-dir {:src-dirs ["src" "resources"]
:target-dir class-directory})
(build-api/jar {:class-dir class-directory
:jar-file jar-file})))
(defn install [_]
(let [{:keys [name version project-basis class-directory]} project-config
jar-file (format "target/%s-%s.jar" name version)]
(build-api/install {:basis project-basis
:lib name
:version version
:jar-file jar-file
:class-dir class-directory})))
(defn deploy [opts]
(let [{:keys [name version class-directory]} project-config
jar-file (format "target/%s-%s.jar" name version)]
((requiring-resolve 'deps-deploy.deps-deploy/deploy)
(merge {:installer :remote
:artifact jar-file
:pom-file (build-api/pom-path {:lib name :class-dir class-directory})}
(defn uberjar
"Create an archive containing Clojure and the build of the project
Merge command line configuration to the default project config"
(let [config (merge project-config options)
{:keys [class-directory name main-namespace project-basis class-directory]} project-config
uberjar-file (str "target/" name "-standalone.jar")]
(clean "target")
(build-api/copy-dir {:src-dirs ["src" "resources"]
:target-dir class-directory})
(build-api/compile-clj {:basis project-basis
:class-dir class-directory
:src-dirs ["src"]})
(build-api/uber {:basis project-basis
:class-dir class-directory
:main main-namespace
:uber-file uberjar-file})))
;; End of Build tasks
;; ---------------------------------------------------------