adjust test & doc

This commit is contained in:
Michael Jerger 2025-01-11 11:00:31 +01:00
parent cf465c9583
commit 0cd1dd296c
3 changed files with 57 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ Mirrors are:
For more details about our repository model see: For more details about our repository model see:
## License ## License
Copyright © 2024 meissa GmbH Copyright © 2024, 2025 meissa GmbH
Published under [apache2.0 license]( Published under [apache2.0 license](
Pls. find licenses of our subcomponents [here](doc/SUBCOMPONENT_LICENSE) Pls. find licenses of our subcomponents [here](doc/SUBCOMPONENT_LICENSE)

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@ -1,79 +1,50 @@
## Init Statemachine # changing password on restic repository
### Inputs ## config to use
1. `restic-password: ""`
2. `restic-password-to-rotate: ""`
### Manual init the restic repository for the first time To change the password add new-password-file to config.
1. apply backup-and-restore pod: ```clojure
`kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=1` {:password-file "/restic-pwd"
2. exec into pod and execute restore pod (press tab to get your exact pod name) :new-password-file "/new-restic-pwd"}
`kubectl exec -it backup-restore-... -- /usr/local/bin/` ```
3. remove backup-and-restore pod:
`kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=0`
### Password Rotation ## restic: decide which password to choose
1. apply backup-and-restore pod:
`kubectl scale deployment backup-restore --replicas=1`
2. add new password to restic repository
`restic key add ....`
=> Trigger ::
field (1) credential current
filed (2) credential new
3. replace field (1) with (2) & clear (2)
4. remove old key - ???
`restic remove ....`
If there is a new-password-file defined, decide witch to use:
```mermaid ```mermaid
stateDiagram-v2 stateDiagram-v2
[*] --> init state new? <<choice>>
init --> backup_ready: trigger, restic-password !empty state "restic --password-file /new-pwd check" as check_new
backup_ready --> new_password_added: restic-password !empty && restic-password-to-rotate !empty state new_works? <<choice>>
new_password_added --> backup_ready: restic-password !empty && restic-password-to-rotate empty
[*] --> containsNewPassword?
containsNewPassword? --> new?
new? --> check_new: yes
new? --> use_old: no
check_new --> new_works?
new_works? --> use_new: yes
new_works? --> use_old: no
``` ```
### First Steps # Process to change password in k8s
1. Cloud Testserver hochfahren
2. Dort backup-restore deployment (leeres Secret mgl.?), neues Secret "rotation-credential-secret" als Daten
3. mounten von angelegtem Secret in Pod backup-restore
4. ba*bash*ka Skript in pod starten -> liest Secret ?leer
5. Micha cons.
```mermaid ```mermaid
sequenceDiagram sequenceDiagram
participant k8s actor d as DevOps
participant e as participant s as BackupSecret
participant rm as restic-management.clj participant a as ApplicationDeployment
participant b as BackupDeployment
k8s ->> e: cronjob calls d ->> s: add new-password-file
e ->> rm: start-file d ->> a: scale down
rm ->> rm: rotate d ->> b: scale up
activate rm d ->> b: shell into
rm ->> rm: read-backup-repository-state (state) activate b
rm ->> rm: read-secret (backup-secret/restic-password, rotation-credential-secret/rotation-credential) b ->> b: call change password
rm ->> rm: switch deactivate b
activate rm d ->> s: replace password-file with new-password-file
rm ->> rm: if init && restic-password != null d ->> b: scale down
activate rm d ->> a: scale up
rm ->> rm:
rm ->> rm: state init -> backup-ready
deactivate rm
rm ->> rm: if backup-ready && rotation-credential != null
activate rm
rm ->> rm:
rm ->> rm: state backup-ready -> new-password-added
deactivate rm
rm ->> rm: if new-password-added && rotation-credential == null
activate rm
rm ->> rm:
rm ->> rm: state new-password-added -> backup-ready
deactivate rm
deactivate rm
rm ->> rm: store-repository-state (state)
deactivate rm
``` ```

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@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
:files ["test-backup"] :files ["test-backup"]
:restore-target-directory "test-restore"})) :restore-target-directory "test-restore"}))
(def file-config-with-new (merge (dissoc file-config :new-password-file)
{:password-file "/new-restic-pwd"}))
(def db-config (merge restic-repo {:backup-path "db" (def db-config (merge restic-repo {:backup-path "db"
:pg-db "mydb" :pg-db "mydb"
:pg-user "user" :pg-user "user"
@ -68,7 +71,6 @@
(rc/list-snapshots! (merge db-roles-config dry-run)) (rc/list-snapshots! (merge db-roles-config dry-run))
(rc/list-snapshots! (merge db-config dry-run))) (rc/list-snapshots! (merge db-config dry-run)))
(defn restic-restore! (defn restic-restore!
[] []
(println "\nrestic-restore!") (println "\nrestic-restore!")
@ -82,6 +84,17 @@
(println "\nchange-password!") (println "\nchange-password!")
(rc/change-password! file-config)) (rc/change-password! file-config))
(defn restic-backup-with-new!
(println "\nrestic-backup with new!")
(bak/backup-file! file-config-with-new))
(defn list-snapshots-with-new!
(println "\nlist-snapshots with new!")
(rc/list-snapshots! file-config-with-new))
(prepare!) (prepare!)
(check-env-or-file) (check-env-or-file)
(restic-repo-init!) (restic-repo-init!)
@ -92,3 +105,5 @@
(restic-backup!) (restic-backup!)
(list-snapshots!) (list-snapshots!)
(restic-restore!) (restic-restore!)