backup-role-might work

This commit is contained in:
Michael Jerger 2024-08-20 18:45:32 +02:00
parent f2c382190d
commit dccc20a5f9
3 changed files with 48 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(s/def ::files (s/+ string?))
(s/def ::backup-file-config
(s/merge ::rd/config
(s/merge ::rd/restic-config
(s/keys :req-un [::files])))
(defn-spec backup-files-command ::cd/commands

View file

@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
[orchestra.core :refer [defn-spec]]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[dda.backup.core.domain :as cd]))
[clojure.string :as st]
[dda.backup.core.domain :as cd]
[dda.backup.restic.domain :as rd]))
(s/def ::pg-host string?)
(s/def ::pg-port pos-int?)
(s/def ::pg-db string?)
(s/def ::pg-user string?)
(s/def ::pg-password string?)
(s/def ::pg-role-prefix string?)
(s/def ::config
(s/def ::pg-config
(s/keys :req-un [::pg-host
@ -18,8 +21,14 @@
:opt-un []))
(s/def ::pg-role-config
(s/merge ::pg-config
(s/keys :req-un [::pg-role-prefix]
:opt-un [])))
(defn-spec psql-command ::cd/command
[config ::config
[config ::pg-config
command ::cd/command]
(let [{:keys [pg-host pg-port pg-user]} config]
@ -27,13 +36,32 @@
"--no-password" "-c"]
(defn-spec pgdumpall-command ::cd/command
[config ::pg-role-config
command ::cd/command]
(let [{:keys [pg-host pg-port pg-user pg-role-prefix]} config]
["pg_dumpall" "-h" pg-host "-p" (str pg-port) "-U" pg-user
["|" "grep" pg-role-prefix "|"]
(rd/repo-command config ["backup" "--stdin"])
(defn-spec pgpass string?
[config ::config]
[config ::pg-config]
(let [{:keys [pg-host pg-db pg-user pg-password]} config]
(str pg-host ":" pg-db ":" pg-user ":" pg-password)))
(defn-spec db-drop-create-command ::cd/commands
[config ::config]
[config ::pg-config]
(let [{:keys [pg-db]} config]
[(psql-command config [(str "\"DROP DATABASE \\\"" pg-db "\\\";\"")])
(psql-command config [(str "\"CREATE DATABASE \\\"" pg-db "\\\";\"")])]))
(defn-spec backup-role-command ::cd/commands
[config ::pg-role-config]
(let [{:keys [pg-db]} config]
["bash" "-c" (st/join " " (pgdumpall-command config ["--roles-only"]))]))

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(st/instrument `cut/pgpass)
(st/instrument `cut/db-drop-create-command)
(st/instrument `cut/backup-role-command)
(deftest should-calculate-pgpass
(is (= "localhost:mydb:user:password"
@ -29,3 +30,16 @@
:pg-db "mydb"
:pg-user "user"
:pg-password "password"}))))
(deftest should-calculate-backup-role-command
(is (= [["bash" "-c" "pg_dumpall -h localhost -p 5432 -U user --no-password --roles-only | grep prefix | restic -r repo/dir-at-repo -v backup --stdin"]]
(cut/backup-role-command {:restic-repository "repo"
:backup-path "dir-at-repo"
:days-to-keep 39
:months-to-keep 3
:pg-host "localhost"
:pg-port 5432
:pg-db "mydb"
:pg-role-prefix "prefix"
:pg-user "user"
:pg-password "password"}))))