;; --------------------------------------------------------- ;; practicalli.playground.-test ;; ;; Example unit tests for practicalli.playground ;; ;; - `deftest` - test a specific function ;; - `testing` logically group assertions within a function test ;; - `is` assertion: expected value then function call ;; --------------------------------------------------------- (ns practicalli.playground-test (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]] [practicalli.playground :as playground])) (deftest application-test (testing "TODO: Start with a failing test, make it pass, then refactor" ;; TODO: fix greet function to pass test (is (= "practicalli application developed by the secret engineering team" (playground/greet))) ;; TODO: fix test by calling greet with {:team-name "Practicalli Engineering"} (is (= (playground/greet "Practicalli Engineering") "practicalli service developed by the Practicalli Engineering team"))))