(ns portal (:require ;; Data inspector [portal.api :as inspect])) ;; --------------------------------------------------------- ;; Start Portal and capture all evaluation results ;; Open Portal window in browser with dark theme ;; https://cljdoc.org/d/djblue/portal/0.37.1/doc/ui-concepts/themes ;; Portal options: ;; - light theme {:portal.colors/theme :portal.colors/solarized-light} ;; - dark theme {:portal.colors/theme :portal.colors/gruvbox} (def instance "Open portal window if no portal sessions have been created. A portal session is created when opening a portal window" (or (seq (inspect/sessions)) (inspect/open {:portal.colors/theme :portal.colors/gruvbox}))) ;; Add portal as tapsource (add to clojure.core/tapset) (add-tap #'portal.api/submit) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------