# ------------------------------------------
# Makefile
# Consistent set of targets to support local development of Clojure
# and build the Clojure service during CI deployment
# Requirements
# - cljstyle
# - Clojure CLI aliases
#   - `:env/dev` to include `dev` directory on class path
#   - `:env/test` to include `test` directory and libraries to support testing
#   - `:test/run` to run kaocha kaocha test runner and supporting paths and dependencies
#   - `:repl/rebel` to start a Rebel terminal UI
#   - `:package/uberjar` to create an uberjar for the service
# - docker
# - mega-linter-runner
# ------------------------------------------

# .PHONY: ensures target used rather than matching file name
# https://makefiletutorial.com/#phony
.PHONY: all lint deps dist install deploy pre-commit-check repl test test-ci test-watch clean

# ------- Makefile Variables --------- #
# run help if no target specified

# Column the target description is printed from

# Tool variables
MEGALINTER_RUNNER = npx mega-linter-runner --flavor java --env "'MEGALINTER_CONFIG=.github/config/megalinter.yaml'" --remove-container
CLOJURE_TEST_RUNNER = clojure -M:test/env:test/run
CLOJURE_EXEC_TEST_RUNNER = clojure -X:test/env:test/run

# Makefile file and directory name wildcard
# EDN-FILES := $(wildcard *.edn)
# ------------------------------------ #

# ------- Help ----------------------- #
# Source: https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201804/makefile_help_target.html

help:  ## Describe available tasks in Makefile
	@grep '^[a-zA-Z]' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
	sort | \
	awk -F ':.*?## ' 'NF==2 {printf "\033[36m  %-$(HELP-DESCRIPTION-SPACING)s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
# ------------------------------------ #

# ------- Clojure Development -------- #
repl:  ## Run Clojure REPL with rich terminal UI (Rebel Readline)
	$(info --------- Run Rebel REPL ---------)
	clojure -M:test/env:repl/reloaded

deps: deps.edn  ## Prepare dependencies for test and dist targets
	$(info --------- Download test and service libraries ---------)
	clojure -P -X:build

dist: build-uberjar ## Build and package Clojure service
	$(info --------- Build and Package Clojure service ---------)

install: build-jar
	$(info --------- install library jar ---------)
	clojure -T:build install

deploy: build-jar
	$(info --------- install library jar ---------)
	clojure -T:build deploy

publish: build-jar
	$(info --------- Build and Package Clojure lib ---------)

# Remove files and directories after build tasks
# `-` before the command ignores any errors returned
clean:  ## Clean build temporary files
	$(info --------- Clean Clojure classpath cache ---------)
	- rm -rf ./.cpcache ./.clj-kondo ./.lsp
# ------------------------------------ #

# ------- Testing -------------------- #
test-config:  ## Print Kaocha test runner configuration
		$(info --------- Runner Configuration ---------)
		$(CLOJURE_TEST_RUNNER) --print-config

test-profile:  ## Profile unit test speed, showing 3 slowest tests
		$(info --------- Runner Profile Tests ---------)
		$(CLOJURE_TEST_RUNNER) --plugin  kaocha.plugin/profiling

test:  ## Run unit tests - stoping on first error
		$(info --------- Runner for unit tests ---------)

test-all:  ## Run all unit tests regardless of failing tests
		$(info --------- Runner for all unit tests ---------)
		$(CLOJURE_EXEC_TEST_RUNNER) :fail-fast? false

test-watch:  ## Run tests when changes saved, stopping test run on first error
		$(info --------- Watcher for unit tests ---------)
		$(CLOJURE_EXEC_TEST_RUNNER) :watch? true

test-watch-all:  ## Run all tests when changes saved, regardless of failing tests
		$(info --------- Watcher for unit tests ---------)
		$(CLOJURE_EXEC_TEST_RUNNER) :fail-fast? false :watch? true
# ------------------------------------ #

# -------- Build tasks --------------- #
build-config: ## Pretty print build configuration
	$(info --------- View current build config ---------)
	clojure -T:build config

build-jar: ## Build a jar archive of Clojure project
	$(info --------- Build library jar ---------)
	clojure -T:build jar

build-uberjar: ## Build a uberjar archive of Clojure project & Clojure runtime
	$(info --------- Build service Uberjar  ---------)
	clojure -T:build uberjar

build-clean: ## Clean build assets or given directory
	$(info --------- Clean Build  ---------)
	clojure -T:build clean
# ------------------------------------ #

# ------- Code Quality --------------- #
pre-commit-check: format-check lint test  ## Run format, lint and test targets

format-check: ## Run cljstyle to check the formatting of Clojure code
	$(info --------- cljstyle Runner ---------)
	cljstyle check

format-fix:  ## Run cljstyle and fix the formatting of Clojure code
	$(info --------- cljstyle Runner ---------)
	cljstyle fix

lint:  ## Run MegaLinter with custom configuration (node.js required)
	$(info --------- MegaLinter Runner ---------)

lint-fix:  ## Run MegaLinter with applied fixes and custom configuration (node.js required)
	$(info --------- MegaLinter Runner ---------)

lint-clean:  ## Clean MegaLinter report information
	$(info --------- MegaLinter Clean Reports ---------)
	- rm -rf ./megalinter-reports
# ------------------------------------ #

# ------- Docker Containers ---------- #
docker-build:  ## Build Clojure project and run with docker compose
	$(info --------- Docker Compose Build ---------)
	docker compose up --build --detach

docker-build-clean:  ## Build Clojure project and run with docker compose, removing orphans
	$(info --------- Docker Compose Build - remove orphans ---------)
	docker compose up --build --remove-orphans --detach

docker-down:  ## Shut down containers in docker compose
	$(info --------- Docker Compose Down ---------)
	docker compose down

swagger-editor:  ## Start Swagger Editor in Docker
	$(info --------- Run Swagger Editor at locahost:8282 ---------)
	docker compose -f swagger-editor.yml up -d swagger-editor

swagger-editor-down:  ## Stop Swagger Editor in Docker
	$(info --------- Run Swagger Editor at locahost:8282 ---------)
	docker compose -f swagger-editor.yml down
# ------------------------------------ #

# ------ Continuous Integration ------ #
# .DELETE_ON_ERROR: halts if command returns non-zero exit status
# https://makefiletutorial.com/#delete_on_error

# TODO: focus runner on ^:integration` tests
test-ci: deps  ## Test runner for integration tests
	$(info --------- Runner for integration tests ---------)
	clojure -P -X:test/env:test/run

# Run tests, build & package the Clojure code and clean up afterward
# `make all` used in Docker builder stage
all: test-ci dist clean  ## Call test-ci dist and clean targets, used for CI
# ------------------------------------ #