Switch some quotes and brackets

bom 11 months ago
parent 6dbbb8f2a1
commit 09bf3f5d44

@ -213,16 +213,24 @@ class ArtifactDeploymentApi:
self.execution_api = ExecutionApi()
def post_release(self, target_url: str, token: str, tag: str):
self.execution_api.execute_secure(f"curl -X 'POST' '{target_url}' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d " +
"'{ \"body\": \"Provides files for release " + tag + "\\nAttention: The \\\"Source Code\\\"-files below are not up-to-date!\", " + f"\"tag_name\": \"{tag}\"" + "}'" +
f"-H \"Authorization: token {token}\"")
def post_asset(self, target_url: str, release_id: str, token: str, attachment: str, type: str):
self.execution_api.execute_secure(f"curl -X 'POST' '{target_url}/{release_id}/assets' -H 'accept: application/json' -H \"Authorization: token {token}\" -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -F 'attachment=@{attachment};type={type}'")
self.execution_api.execute_secure(f'curl -X "POST" "{target_url}" '
+ '-H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" '
+ f'-d "{{ "body": "Provides files for release {tag} Attention: The "Source Code"-files below are not up-to-date!", "tag_name": "{tag}"}}" ' # noqa: E501
+ f'-H "Authorization: token {token}"',
sanitized_command=f'curl -X "POST" "{target_url}" '
+ '-H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" '
+ f'-d "{{ "body": "Provides files for release {tag} Attention: The "Source Code"-files below are not up-to-date!", "tag_name": "{tag}"}}" ') # noqa: E501
def post_asset(self, target_url: str, release_id: str, token: str, attachment: str, attachment_type: str):
self.execution_api.execute_secure(f'curl -X "POST" "{target_url}/{release_id}/assets" '
+ f'-H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: token {token}" '
+ '-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" '
+ f'-F "attachment=@{attachment};type={attachment_type}"',
sanitized_command=f'curl -X "POST" "{target_url}/{release_id}/assets" '
+ '-H "accept: application/json" '
+ '-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" '
+ f'-F "attachment=@{attachment};type={attachment_type}"')
def calculate_checksums(self, build_path: str):
self.execution_api.execute("find " + build_path + " -type f -exec sha256sum {} \\; | sort > " + build_path + "sha256sum.lst")
self.execution_api.execute("find " + build_path + " -type f -exec sha512sum {} \\; | sort > " + build_path + "sha512sum.lst")
self.execution_api.execute(f"find {build_path} -type f -exec sha256sum {{}}; | sort > {build_path} sha256sum.lst")
self.execution_api.execute(f"find {build_path} -type f -exec sha512sum {{}}; | sort > {build_path} sha512sum.lst")
