Put function doc in alphabetical order

bom 11 months ago
parent 2687ed60dd
commit cfa5b418a9

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ DevopsBuild provides the build foundations.
class DevopsBuild {
name() - the name of build
build_path() - the build dir in target
initialize_build_dir() - copy current directory & additional files to target
name() - the name of build
@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ classDiagram
| build_dir_name | name of dir, build is executed in | target |
| build_types | list of special builds used. Valid values are ["IMAGE", "C4K", "K3S", "TERRAFORM"] | [] |
| mixin_types | mixins are orthoganl to builds and represent additional capabilities. Valid Values are ["RELEASE"] | [] |
| module | module name - may result in a hierarchy like name/module | |
| name | dedicated name of the build | module |
| project_root_path | relative path to projects root. Is used to locate the target dir | |
| stage | sth. like test, int, acc or prod | |
## Example Usage
### build.py

@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ DevopsImageBuild provides functionality for building container images.
class DevopsImageBuild {
initialize_build_dir() - copy current directory & additional files to target. Additional files can be found [here](../src/main/resources/docker)
image() - build image localy. Sources for image build are expected at ./image
drun() - start your localy build image
dockerhub_login() - login to dockerhub
dockerhub_publish() - publish your image
image() - build image localy. Sources for image build are expected at ./image
initialize_build_dir() - copy current directory & additional files to target. Additional files can be found [here](../src/main/resources/docker)
test() - builds a test image. Sources for image test are expected at ./test

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ DevopsTerraformBuild provides capabilities to use terraform in your build.
class DevopsTerraformBuild {
apply(auto_approve=False) - execute terraform apply
destroy(auto_approve=False) - execute terraform destroy
initialize_build_dir() - copy current directory & additional files to target. Additional files can be found [here](../src/main/resources/terraform)
post_build() - a post build hook
read_output_json() - read your json encoded output and parse into a nested map
plan() - execute terraform plan
plan_fail_on_diff() - execute terraform plan and throw an exception if there are diffs
apply(auto_approve=False) - execute terraform apply
read_output_json() - read your json encoded output and parse into a nested map
refresh() - execute terraform refresh
destroy(auto_approve=False) - execute terraform destroy
tf_import(tf_import_name,tf_import_resource) - execute terraform import

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Sets up a single-node k3s cluster using provs.
class ProvsK3sBuild {
def update_runtime_config(dns_record) - after applying terraform update the dns records
write_provs_config() - generate the provs config
update_runtime_config(dns_record) - after applying terraform update the dns records
provs_apply(dry_run=False) - run provs
write_provs_config() - generate the provs config

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Support for releases following the trunk-based-release flow (see https://trunkba
class ReleaseMixin {
update_release_type (release_type) - change the release type during run time
prepare_release() - adjust all build files to carry the correct version & commit localy
prepare_release() - adjust all build files to carry the correct version & commit locally
tag_and_push_release() - tag the git repo and push changes to origin
update_release_type (release_type) - change the release type during run time
