# dda-devops-build has moved to https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/dda-devops-build Will not be maintained any longer on GitHub. [![Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-clojurians-green.svg?style=flat)](https://clojurians.slack.com/messages/#dda-pallet/) | [team@social.meissa-gmbh.de team@social.meissa-gmbh.de](https://social.meissa-gmbh.de/@team) | [Website & Blog](https://domaindrivenarchitecture.org) ![release prod](https://github.com/DomainDrivenArchitecture/dda-devops-build/workflows/release%20prod/badge.svg) dda-devops-build provide a environment to tie several DevOps tools together for easy interoperation. Supported tools are: * aws with * simple api-key auth * mfa & assume-role auth * hetzner with simple api-key auth * terraform v0.11, v0.12 supporting * local file backends * s3 backends * docker / dockerhub * user / team credentials managed by gopass * dda-pallet # Setup Ensure that yout python3 version is at least Python 3.7! ``` sudo apt install python3-pip pip3 install pip3 --upgrade --user pip3 install pybuilder ddadevops deprecation --user export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin # in case of using terraform pip3 install dda-python-terraform --user # in case of using AwsMixin pip3 install boto3 --user # in case of using AwsMfaMixin pip3 install boto3 mfa --user ``` # Example Build lets assume the following project structure ``` my-project | -> my-module | | -> build.py | | -> some-terraform.tf | -> an-other-module | -> target (here will the build happen) | | -> ... ``` ``` from pybuilder.core import task, init from ddadevops import * name = 'my-project' MODULE = 'my-module' PROJECT_ROOT_PATH = '..' class MyBuild(DevopsTerraformBuild): pass @init def initialize(project): project.build_depends_on('ddadevops>=0.5.0') account_name = 'my-aws-account-name' account_id = 'my-aws-account-id' stage = 'my stage i.e. dev|test|prod' additional_vars = {'var_to_use_insied_terraform': '...'} additional_var_files = ['variable-' + account_name + '-' + stage + '.tfvars'] config = create_devops_terraform_build_config(stage, PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, MODULE, additional_vars, additional_tfvar_files=additional_var_files) build = MyBuild(project, config) build.initialize_build_dir() @task def plan(project): build = get_devops_build(project) build.plan() @task def apply(project): build = get_devops_build(project) build.apply() @task def destroy(project): build = get_devops_build(project) build.destroy() @task def tf_import(project): build = get_devops_build(project) build.tf_import('aws_resource.choosen_name', 'the_aws_id') ``` ## Feature aws-backend Will use a file `backend.dev.live.properties` where dev is the [account-name], live is the [stage]. the backend.dev.live.properties file content: ``` key = ".." region = "the aws region" profile = "the profile used for aws" bucket = "the s3 bucket name" kms_key_id = "the aws key id" ``` the build.py file content: ``` class MyBuild(AwsBackendPropertiesMixin, DevopsTerraformBuild): pass @init def initialize(project): project.build_depends_on('ddadevops>=0.5.0') account_name = 'my-aws-account-name' account_id = 'my-aws-account-id' stage = 'my stage i.e. dev|test|prod' additional_vars = {} config = create_devops_terraform_build_config(stage, PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, MODULE, additional_vars) config = add_aws_backend_properties_mixin_config(config, account_name) build = MyBuild(project, config) build.initialize_build_dir() ``` ## Feature aws-mfa-assume-role In order to use aws assume role in combination with the mfa-tool (`pip install mfa`): the build.py file content: ``` class MyBuild(class MyBuild(AwsMfaMixin, DevopsTerraformBuild): pass @init def initialize(project): project.build_depends_on('ddadevops>=0.5.0') account_name = 'my-aws-account-name' account_id = 'my-aws-account-id' stage = 'my stage i.e. dev|test|prod' additional_vars = {} config = create_devops_terraform_build_config(stage, PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, MODULE, additional_vars) config = add_aws_backend_properties_mixin_config(config, account_name) config = add_aws_mfa_mixin_config(config, account_id, 'eu-central-1', mfa_role='my_developer_role', mfa_account_prefix='company-', mfa_login_account_suffix='users_are_defined_here') build = MyBuild(project, config) build.initialize_build_dir() @task def access(project): build = get_devops_build(project) build.get_mfa_session() ``` ## Feature DdaDockerBuild The docker build supports image building, tagging, testing and login to dockerhost. For bash based builds we support often used script-parts as predefined functions [see install_functions.sh](src/main/resources/docker/image/resources/install_functions.sh). A full working example: [doc/example/50_docker_module](doc/example/50_docker_module) ## Feature AwsRdsPgMixin The AwsRdsPgMixin provides * execute_pg_rds_sql - function will optionally resolve dns-c-names for trusted ssl-handshakes * alter_db_user_password * add_new_user * deactivate_user the build.py file content: ``` class MyBuild(..., AwsRdsPgMixin): pass @init def initialize(project): project.build_depends_on('ddadevops>=0.8.0') ... config = add_aws_rds_pg_mixin_config(config, stage + "-db.bcsimport.kauf." + account_name + ".breuni.de", "kauf_bcsimport", rds_resolve_dns=True,) build = MyBuild(project, config) build.initialize_build_dir() @task def rotate_credentials_in(project): build = get_devops_build(project) build.alter_db_user_password('/postgres/support') build.alter_db_user_password('/postgres/superuser') build.add_new_user('/postgres/superuser', '/postgres/app', 'pg_group_role') @task def rotate_credentials_out(project): build = get_devops_build(project) build.deactivate_user('/postgres/superuser', 'old_user_name') ``` # Releasing and updating ## Publish snapshot 1. every push will be published as dev-dependency ## Release ``` adjust version no in build.py to release version no. git commit -am "release" git tag -am "release" [release version no] git push --follow-tags increase version no in build.py git commit -am "version bump" git push pip3 install --upgrade --user ddadevops ``` # License Copyright © 2021 meissa GmbH Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE) (the "License")