Compare commits
13 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
aa5afcd90f | |||
19e602bf9c | |||
644717d272 | |||
90ec08522d | |||
8422e3580a | |||
4fe4060a1f | |||
07c7caade1 | |||
1143ba78a4 | |||
4537956c41 | |||
4f8eeb3eea | |||
ad352eb7fb | |||
43a3cbe6af | |||
098403588f |
10 changed files with 574 additions and 523 deletions
@ -22,4 +22,6 @@ package-lock.json
@ -26,21 +26,17 @@
[clojure.walk :refer [postwalk]]))
(def link_preview
{:type :element,
:attrs {:href "LINK_PREVIEW_URL", :class "mastodon-post-link-preview", :target "_blank"},
:tag :a,
[{:type :element,
:attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-image", :src "LINK_PREVIEW_IMG_URL"},
:tag :img,
:content nil}
{:type :element,
:attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-info"},
:tag :div,
[{:type :element, :attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-title"}, :tag :h4, :content ["LINK_PREVIEW_TITLE"]}
{:type :element, :attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-description"}, :tag :div, :content ["LINK_PREVIEW_DESC"]}
{:type :element, :attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-url"}, :tag :div, :content ["LINK_PREVIEW_URL"]}]}]})
[{:type :element,
:attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-image", :src "LINK_PREVIEW_IMG_URL"},
:tag :img,
:content nil}
{:type :element,
:attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-info"},
:tag :div,
[{:type :element, :attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-title"}, :tag :h4, :content ["LINK_PREVIEW_TITLE"]}
{:type :element, :attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-description"}, :tag :div, :content ["LINK_PREVIEW_DESC"]}
{:type :element, :attrs {:class "mastodon-post-link-url"}, :tag :div, :content ["LINK_PREVIEW_URL"]}]}])
(defn mastocard->html [card]
(when (some? card)
@ -87,12 +83,21 @@
(defn insert-into-class [item class insertion-element]
(let [condition (every? true? [(map? item)
(= (:type item) :element)
(= (:attrs item) {:class class})])]
(= class (:class (:attrs item)))])]
(if condition
(let [content (:content item)]
(assoc-in item [:content] (conj content insertion-element)))
(defn assoc-to-content [item class insertion-element]
(let [condition (every? true? [(map? item)
(= (:type item) :element)
(= class (:class (:attrs item)))])]
(if condition
(let [content (:content item)]
(assoc-in item [:content] insertion-element))
(defn masto-media->html [html media_attachments]
(if-let [preview-image-url (get-in media_attachments [0 :preview_url])]
(let [class-name "mastodon-post-content"
@ -102,15 +107,17 @@
;; ToDo: Funktionalität aufsplitten. Ich würde zuerst das html um die link prev erweitern und dann suchen/ersetzen
;; Eventuell das Gleiche auch für masto->media->html
(defn insert-link-prev->html [html card]
(if-let [link-preview-url (get-in card [0 :url])
link-preview-img-url (get-in card [0 :image])
link-preview-title (get-in card [0 :title])
link-preview-description (get-in card [0 :description])]
(let [class-name "mastodon-post-link-preview"]
(postwalk #(insert-into-class % class-name link_preview) html))
(defn insert-link-prev [html]
(let [class-name "mastodon-post-link-preview"]
(postwalk #(assoc-to-content % class-name link_preview) html)))
(defn masto-link-prev->html [html card]
(let [{:keys [url image title description]} card]
(-> (insert-link-prev html)
(cm/replace-all-matching-values-by-new-value "LINK_PREVIEW_URL" url)
(cm/replace-all-matching-values-by-new-value "LINK_PREVIEW_IMG_URL" image)
(cm/replace-all-matching-values-by-new-value "LINK_PREVIEW_TITLE" title)
(cm/replace-all-matching-values-by-new-value "LINK_PREVIEW_DESC" description))))
(defn masto-footer->html [html replies_count reblogs_count favourites_count]
(-> html
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<img class="mastodon-post-image" src=""></img>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<a href="LINK_PREVIEW_URL" class="mastodon-post-link-preview" target="_blank"><img class="mastodon-post-link-image" src="LINK_PREVIEW_IMG_URL"></img><div class="mastodon-post-link-info"><h4 class="mastodon-post-link-title">LINK_PREVIEW_TITLE</h4><div class="mastodon-post-link-description">LINK_PREVIEW_DESC</div><div class="mastodon-post-link-url">LINK_PREVIEW_URL</div></div></a>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<section class="section post-container"><article class="mastodon-post"><header class="mastodon-post-header"><img class="mastodon-post-avatar" src="AVATAR_URL"></img><div class="mastodon-post-names"><a class="display-name" href="POST_URL">DISPLAY_NAME</a><a class="account-name" href="POST_URL">ACCOUNT_NAME</a></div><time class="mastodon-post-date" datetime="DATETIME">TIME</time></header><section class="mastodon-post-content"><p class="mastodon-post-text">POST_TEXT</p></section><a href="LINK_PREVIEW_URL" class="mastodon-post-link-preview" target="_blank"></a><footer class="mastodon-post-footer"><button class="footer-button replies"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 23.999989 18.905102" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 12.605469 0 C 6.3127313 -3.016065e-07 1.2128906 3.6227598 1.2128906 8.0917969 C 1.2082806 9.3482967 1.6202949 10.587431 2.4179688 11.708984 C 2.4578657 11.764164 2.498768 11.811806 2.5390625 11.865234 C 3.3268045 11.641832 4.3869061 11.848285 5.3300781 12.486328 C 6.3288461 13.162012 6.9253832 14.138795 6.953125 14.988281 C 7.1369873 15.068801 7.3124925 15.149004 7.5117188 15.232422 C 9.0912976 15.798243 10.836341 16.090505 12.605469 16.087891 C 16.920323 16.086691 20.863977 14.35437 22.792969 11.613281 C 23.580255 10.506333 23.991872 9.2846052 23.998047 8.0449219 C 23.962291 3.5975966 18.876044 0 12.605469 0 z M 23.998047 8.0449219 C 23.998174 8.0606359 24 8.0760629 24 8.0917969 L 24 7.9960938 C 24.00006 8.0124607 23.998147 8.0285639 23.998047 8.0449219 z M 2.9121094 12.222656 C 2.2425334 12.223796 1.667313 12.46211 1.3457031 12.9375 C 1.1638316 13.204122 1.077675 13.531936 1.09375 13.890625 C 1.1537212 14.293189 1.209808 14.432962 1.3125 14.671875 C 1.4316055 14.948973 1.7207031 15.40625 1.7207031 15.40625 C 1.9907532 15.764415 2.3364315 16.089696 2.7304688 16.355469 C 3.6907784 17.004767 4.8168668 17.230272 5.640625 16.9375 C 5.9710419 16.821946 6.2362892 16.627161 6.4160156 16.369141 C 7.0592353 15.418362 6.445179 13.878941 5.0449219 12.931641 C 4.3447931 12.457991 3.5816854 12.221516 2.9121094 12.222656 z M 1.0195312 16.197266 C 0.64478833 16.1979 0.32257415 16.331594 0.14257812 16.597656 C 0.040789845 16.746877 -0.007044805 16.928158 0.001953125 17.128906 C 0.035517005 17.35421 0.065572735 17.432694 0.12304688 17.566406 C 0.18970686 17.72149 0.3515625 17.978516 0.3515625 17.978516 C 0.50270196 18.178971 0.69743713 18.361021 0.91796875 18.509766 C 1.4554271 18.873168 2.0858405 18.99784 2.546875 18.833984 C 2.7316813 18.769352 2.8798841 18.661846 2.9804688 18.517578 C 3.3404608 17.985454 2.9965753 17.123927 2.2128906 16.59375 C 1.8210482 16.328648 1.3942742 16.196631 1.0195312 16.197266 z " /></svg><span class="count reply-count">REPLIES_COUNT</span></button><button class="footer-button retoots">src/main/dda/masto_embed/resources/post.html<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 15.292642" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 5.5533678,0 C 3.6714839,2.400492 1.6157603,5.1817846 0,7.362011 c 1.4380083,0 2.4385201,-5.881e-4 3.6172864,0.024507 v 3.36241 c 0,2.591649 -0.00735,3.641069 -0.00735,4.541214 0.9377142,0 1.8786511,0.0025 4.6000315,0.0025 h 9.6117861 c -0.967065,-1.240489 -1.863419,-2.423552 -2.791388,-3.644245 -2.391113,-0.01058 -5.4310727,0 -7.7149168,0 0,-1.389694 0.00491,-2.9515088 0.00491,-4.2863375 H 10.998903 C 9.4664195,5.0599896 7.0361202,1.897534 5.5533678,0 Z m 0.6249377,0 c 0.9523292,1.225788 1.9124438,2.5142572 2.7766839,3.6368923 2.3911146,0.010578 5.4433266,0.00491 7.7271706,0.00491 0,1.3896944 -0.0025,2.9515086 -0.0025,4.2863373 h -3.678556 c 1.532486,2.3020214 3.962784,5.4669284 5.445536,7.3644624 1.881875,-2.400496 3.9376,-5.18424 5.55336,-7.3644663 -1.438009,0 -2.440971,5.881e-4 -3.619738,-0.024507 V 4.5412139 c 0,-2.5916487 0.0098,-3.64106836 0.0098,-4.5412139 -0.937714,0 -1.881102,0 -4.602482,0 z" /></svg><span class="count retoot-count">REBLOGS_COUNT</span></button><button class="footer-button likes"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 22.799999" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 12,18.324 19.416,22.8 17.448,14.364 24,8.688 15.372,7.956 12,0 8.628,7.956 0,8.688 6.552,14.364 4.584,22.8 Z" /></svg><span class="count like-count">FAVOURITES_COUNT</span></button></footer></article></section>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<section class="section post-container"><article class="mastodon-post"><header class="mastodon-post-header"><img class="mastodon-post-avatar" src="AVATAR_URL"></img><div class="mastodon-post-names"><a class="display-name" href="POST_URL">DISPLAY_NAME</a><a class="account-name" href="POST_URL">ACCOUNT_NAME</a></div><time class="mastodon-post-date" datetime="DATETIME">TIME</time></header><section class="mastodon-post-content"><p class="mastodon-post-text">POST_TEXT</p><img class="mastodon-post-image" src=""></img></section><footer class="mastodon-post-footer"><button class="footer-button replies"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 23.999989 18.905102" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 12.605469 0 C 6.3127313 -3.016065e-07 1.2128906 3.6227598 1.2128906 8.0917969 C 1.2082806 9.3482967 1.6202949 10.587431 2.4179688 11.708984 C 2.4578657 11.764164 2.498768 11.811806 2.5390625 11.865234 C 3.3268045 11.641832 4.3869061 11.848285 5.3300781 12.486328 C 6.3288461 13.162012 6.9253832 14.138795 6.953125 14.988281 C 7.1369873 15.068801 7.3124925 15.149004 7.5117188 15.232422 C 9.0912976 15.798243 10.836341 16.090505 12.605469 16.087891 C 16.920323 16.086691 20.863977 14.35437 22.792969 11.613281 C 23.580255 10.506333 23.991872 9.2846052 23.998047 8.0449219 C 23.962291 3.5975966 18.876044 0 12.605469 0 z M 23.998047 8.0449219 C 23.998174 8.0606359 24 8.0760629 24 8.0917969 L 24 7.9960938 C 24.00006 8.0124607 23.998147 8.0285639 23.998047 8.0449219 z M 2.9121094 12.222656 C 2.2425334 12.223796 1.667313 12.46211 1.3457031 12.9375 C 1.1638316 13.204122 1.077675 13.531936 1.09375 13.890625 C 1.1537212 14.293189 1.209808 14.432962 1.3125 14.671875 C 1.4316055 14.948973 1.7207031 15.40625 1.7207031 15.40625 C 1.9907532 15.764415 2.3364315 16.089696 2.7304688 16.355469 C 3.6907784 17.004767 4.8168668 17.230272 5.640625 16.9375 C 5.9710419 16.821946 6.2362892 16.627161 6.4160156 16.369141 C 7.0592353 15.418362 6.445179 13.878941 5.0449219 12.931641 C 4.3447931 12.457991 3.5816854 12.221516 2.9121094 12.222656 z M 1.0195312 16.197266 C 0.64478833 16.1979 0.32257415 16.331594 0.14257812 16.597656 C 0.040789845 16.746877 -0.007044805 16.928158 0.001953125 17.128906 C 0.035517005 17.35421 0.065572735 17.432694 0.12304688 17.566406 C 0.18970686 17.72149 0.3515625 17.978516 0.3515625 17.978516 C 0.50270196 18.178971 0.69743713 18.361021 0.91796875 18.509766 C 1.4554271 18.873168 2.0858405 18.99784 2.546875 18.833984 C 2.7316813 18.769352 2.8798841 18.661846 2.9804688 18.517578 C 3.3404608 17.985454 2.9965753 17.123927 2.2128906 16.59375 C 1.8210482 16.328648 1.3942742 16.196631 1.0195312 16.197266 z " /></svg><span class="count reply-count">REPLIES_COUNT</span></button><button class="footer-button retoots">src/main/dda/masto_embed/resources/post.html<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 15.292642" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 5.5533678,0 C 3.6714839,2.400492 1.6157603,5.1817846 0,7.362011 c 1.4380083,0 2.4385201,-5.881e-4 3.6172864,0.024507 v 3.36241 c 0,2.591649 -0.00735,3.641069 -0.00735,4.541214 0.9377142,0 1.8786511,0.0025 4.6000315,0.0025 h 9.6117861 c -0.967065,-1.240489 -1.863419,-2.423552 -2.791388,-3.644245 -2.391113,-0.01058 -5.4310727,0 -7.7149168,0 0,-1.389694 0.00491,-2.9515088 0.00491,-4.2863375 H 10.998903 C 9.4664195,5.0599896 7.0361202,1.897534 5.5533678,0 Z m 0.6249377,0 c 0.9523292,1.225788 1.9124438,2.5142572 2.7766839,3.6368923 2.3911146,0.010578 5.4433266,0.00491 7.7271706,0.00491 0,1.3896944 -0.0025,2.9515086 -0.0025,4.2863373 h -3.678556 c 1.532486,2.3020214 3.962784,5.4669284 5.445536,7.3644624 1.881875,-2.400496 3.9376,-5.18424 5.55336,-7.3644663 -1.438009,0 -2.440971,5.881e-4 -3.619738,-0.024507 V 4.5412139 c 0,-2.5916487 0.0098,-3.64106836 0.0098,-4.5412139 -0.937714,0 -1.881102,0 -4.602482,0 z" /></svg><span class="count retoot-count">REBLOGS_COUNT</span></button><button class="footer-button likes"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 22.799999" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 12,18.324 19.416,22.8 17.448,14.364 24,8.688 15.372,7.956 12,0 8.628,7.956 0,8.688 6.552,14.364 4.584,22.8 Z" /></svg><span class="count like-count">FAVOURITES_COUNT</span></button></footer></article></section>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<section class="section post-container"><article class="mastodon-post"><header class="mastodon-post-header"><img class="mastodon-post-avatar" src="AVATAR_URL"></img><div class="mastodon-post-names"><a class="display-name" href="POST_URL">DISPLAY_NAME</a><a class="account-name" href="POST_URL">ACCOUNT_NAME</a></div><time class="mastodon-post-date" datetime="DATETIME">TIME</time></header><section class="mastodon-post-content"><p class="mastodon-post-text">POST_TEXT</p></section><a href="LINK_PREVIEW_URL" class="mastodon-post-link-preview" target="_blank"><img class="mastodon-post-link-image" src="LINK_PREVIEW_IMG_URL"></img><div class="mastodon-post-link-info"><h4 class="mastodon-post-link-title">LINK_PREVIEW_TITLE</h4><div class="mastodon-post-link-description">LINK_PREVIEW_DESC</div><div class="mastodon-post-link-url">LINK_PREVIEW_URL</div></div></a><footer class="mastodon-post-footer"><button class="footer-button replies"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 23.999989 18.905102" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 12.605469 0 C 6.3127313 -3.016065e-07 1.2128906 3.6227598 1.2128906 8.0917969 C 1.2082806 9.3482967 1.6202949 10.587431 2.4179688 11.708984 C 2.4578657 11.764164 2.498768 11.811806 2.5390625 11.865234 C 3.3268045 11.641832 4.3869061 11.848285 5.3300781 12.486328 C 6.3288461 13.162012 6.9253832 14.138795 6.953125 14.988281 C 7.1369873 15.068801 7.3124925 15.149004 7.5117188 15.232422 C 9.0912976 15.798243 10.836341 16.090505 12.605469 16.087891 C 16.920323 16.086691 20.863977 14.35437 22.792969 11.613281 C 23.580255 10.506333 23.991872 9.2846052 23.998047 8.0449219 C 23.962291 3.5975966 18.876044 0 12.605469 0 z M 23.998047 8.0449219 C 23.998174 8.0606359 24 8.0760629 24 8.0917969 L 24 7.9960938 C 24.00006 8.0124607 23.998147 8.0285639 23.998047 8.0449219 z M 2.9121094 12.222656 C 2.2425334 12.223796 1.667313 12.46211 1.3457031 12.9375 C 1.1638316 13.204122 1.077675 13.531936 1.09375 13.890625 C 1.1537212 14.293189 1.209808 14.432962 1.3125 14.671875 C 1.4316055 14.948973 1.7207031 15.40625 1.7207031 15.40625 C 1.9907532 15.764415 2.3364315 16.089696 2.7304688 16.355469 C 3.6907784 17.004767 4.8168668 17.230272 5.640625 16.9375 C 5.9710419 16.821946 6.2362892 16.627161 6.4160156 16.369141 C 7.0592353 15.418362 6.445179 13.878941 5.0449219 12.931641 C 4.3447931 12.457991 3.5816854 12.221516 2.9121094 12.222656 z M 1.0195312 16.197266 C 0.64478833 16.1979 0.32257415 16.331594 0.14257812 16.597656 C 0.040789845 16.746877 -0.007044805 16.928158 0.001953125 17.128906 C 0.035517005 17.35421 0.065572735 17.432694 0.12304688 17.566406 C 0.18970686 17.72149 0.3515625 17.978516 0.3515625 17.978516 C 0.50270196 18.178971 0.69743713 18.361021 0.91796875 18.509766 C 1.4554271 18.873168 2.0858405 18.99784 2.546875 18.833984 C 2.7316813 18.769352 2.8798841 18.661846 2.9804688 18.517578 C 3.3404608 17.985454 2.9965753 17.123927 2.2128906 16.59375 C 1.8210482 16.328648 1.3942742 16.196631 1.0195312 16.197266 z " /></svg><span class="count reply-count">REPLIES_COUNT</span></button><button class="footer-button retoots">src/main/dda/masto_embed/resources/post.html<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 15.292642" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 5.5533678,0 C 3.6714839,2.400492 1.6157603,5.1817846 0,7.362011 c 1.4380083,0 2.4385201,-5.881e-4 3.6172864,0.024507 v 3.36241 c 0,2.591649 -0.00735,3.641069 -0.00735,4.541214 0.9377142,0 1.8786511,0.0025 4.6000315,0.0025 h 9.6117861 c -0.967065,-1.240489 -1.863419,-2.423552 -2.791388,-3.644245 -2.391113,-0.01058 -5.4310727,0 -7.7149168,0 0,-1.389694 0.00491,-2.9515088 0.00491,-4.2863375 H 10.998903 C 9.4664195,5.0599896 7.0361202,1.897534 5.5533678,0 Z m 0.6249377,0 c 0.9523292,1.225788 1.9124438,2.5142572 2.7766839,3.6368923 2.3911146,0.010578 5.4433266,0.00491 7.7271706,0.00491 0,1.3896944 -0.0025,2.9515086 -0.0025,4.2863373 h -3.678556 c 1.532486,2.3020214 3.962784,5.4669284 5.445536,7.3644624 1.881875,-2.400496 3.9376,-5.18424 5.55336,-7.3644663 -1.438009,0 -2.440971,5.881e-4 -3.619738,-0.024507 V 4.5412139 c 0,-2.5916487 0.0098,-3.64106836 0.0098,-4.5412139 -0.937714,0 -1.881102,0 -4.602482,0 z" /></svg><span class="count retoot-count">REBLOGS_COUNT</span></button><button class="footer-button likes"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 22.799999" fill="currentColor"><path d="M 12,18.324 19.416,22.8 17.448,14.364 24,8.688 15.372,7.956 12,0 8.628,7.956 0,8.688 6.552,14.364 4.584,22.8 Z" /></svg><span class="count like-count">FAVOURITES_COUNT</span></button></footer></article></section>
@ -11,14 +11,7 @@
<section class="mastodon-post-content">
<p class="mastodon-post-text">POST_TEXT</p>
<a href="LINK_PREVIEW_URL" class="mastodon-post-link-preview" target="_blank">
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<div class="mastodon-post-link-info">
<h4 class="mastodon-post-link-title">LINK_PREVIEW_TITLE</h4>
<div class="mastodon-post-link-description">LINK_PREVIEW_DESC</div>
<div class="mastodon-post-link-url">LINK_PREVIEW_URL</div>
<a href="LINK_PREVIEW_URL" class="mastodon-post-link-preview" target="_blank"></a>
<footer class="mastodon-post-footer">
<button class="footer-button replies">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 23.999989 18.905102" fill="currentColor">
@ -22,182 +22,183 @@
[hickory.core :as h]
[shadow.resource :as rc]))
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(is (= hic/post-with-img
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(deftest test-insert-link-prev
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(deftest test-masto-link-prev->html
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(is (= hic/filled-post-with-prev
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(deftest empty-card-should-produce-empty-result
(is (= nil
@ -1,316 +1,355 @@
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