# dda-masto-embed ![build](https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/dda-masto-embed/-/commits/master) | [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/dda-masto-embed/badges/main/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/dda-masto-embed/-/commits/master) [ chat over e-mail](mailto:buero@meissa-gmbh.de?subject=community-chat) | [ meissa@social.meissa-gmbh.de](https://social.meissa-gmbh.de/@meissa) | [Blog](https://domaindrivenarchitecture.org) | [Website](https://meissa.de) ## In brief dda-masto-embed embedd either your timeline or replies to a specific post on your website. * Uses JS, **no intermediate server** required, * in replies mode you can decide to show only favorited replies in order to do upfront moderation * example for embedding a timeline at [meissa.de/news](https://meissa.de/news/) * example for embedding replies to a specific post at [meissa.de/sustainibility_microplastic](https://meissa.de/about-meissa/03plastik-aktion/) * Download latest version at: * [dda-masto-embed.js](https://repo.prod.meissa.de/attachments/fd727528-0ab4-42d1-bade-8ff129997315) * [dda-masto-embed.js.sha256](https://repo.prod.meissa.de/attachments/fd727528-0ab4-42d1-bade-8ff129997315) * [dda-masto-embed.js.sha512](https://repo.prod.meissa.de/attachments/fd727528-0ab4-42d1-bade-8ff129997315) * It is **OpenSource** - published under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ### css and html as base Uses a generalized HTML structure with descriptive classes and css grid for styling. The structure in the css follows the html structure. Both accound mode and replies mode are styled there. Re-styling your timeline should now be a breeze. ## Include a timeline Including a timeline needs the following html. The div with id `masto-embed` configures the timeline to be shown. We use bootstrap for rough styling. More styling is up to you at the moment, help is welcome :-) ```html