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## Introduction
python-terraform is a python module provide a wrapper of `terraform` command line tool.
`terraform` is a tool made by Hashicorp, please refer to
### Status
[![Build Status](](
9 years ago
## Installation
pip install git+
## Usage
For any terraform command
def cmd(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
run a terraform command, if success, will try to read state file
:param cmd: command and sub-command of terraform, seperated with space
refer to
:param args: arguments of a command
:param kwargs: any option flag with key value without prefixed dash character
if there's a dash in the option name, use under line instead of dash,
ex. -no-color --> no_color
if it's a simple flag with no value, value should be IsFlagged
ex. cmd('taint', allow_missing=IsFlagged)
if it's a boolean value flag, assign True or false
if it's a flag could be used multiple times, assign list to it's value
if it's a "var" variable flag, assign dictionary to it
if a value is None, will skip this option
:return: ret_code, out, err
For apply/destroy method, the flag options, like, `-no-color` or `-force`
have been implemented as boolean argument. simply use `is_no_color=True/False` for
apply/destroy method
## Examples
### Have a file under folder "/home/test"
#### apply with variables a=b, c=d, refresh=False, no color in the output
In shell:
cd /home/test
terraform apply -var='a=b' -var='c=d' -refresh=false -no-color
In python-terraform:
from python_terraform import Terraform
tf = terraform(working_dir='/home/test')
tf.apply(is_no_color=True, refresh=False, var={'a':'b', 'c':'d'})
#### taint command, allow-missing and no color
In shell:
cd /home/test
terraform taint -allow-missing -no-color
In python-terraform:
from python_terraform import Terraform
tf = terraform(working_dir='/home/test')
tf.cmd('taint', allow_missing=IsFlagged, no_color=IsFlagged)