# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # above is for compatibility of python2.7.11 import subprocess import os import sys import json import logging import tempfile from python_terraform.tfstate import Tfstate try: # Python 2.7+ from logging import NullHandler except ImportError: class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.addHandler(NullHandler()) class IsFlagged: pass class IsNotFlagged: pass class TerraformCommandError(subprocess.CalledProcessError): def __init__(self, ret_code, cmd, out, err): super(TerraformCommandError, self).__init__(ret_code, cmd) self.out = out self.err = err class Terraform(object): """ Wrapper of terraform command line tool https://www.terraform.io/ """ def __init__(self, working_dir=None, targets=None, state=None, variables=None, parallelism=None, var_file=None, terraform_bin_path=None, is_env_vars_included=True, workspace=None): """ :param working_dir: the folder of the working folder, if not given, will be current working folder :param targets: list of target as default value of apply/destroy/plan command :param state: path of state file relative to working folder, as a default value of apply/destroy/plan command :param variables: default variables for apply/destroy/plan command, will be override by variable passing by apply/destroy/plan method :param parallelism: default parallelism value for apply/destroy command :param var_file: passed as value of -var-file option, could be string or list, list stands for multiple -var-file option :param terraform_bin_path: binary path of terraform :type is_env_vars_included: bool :param is_env_vars_included: included env variables when calling terraform cmd :param workspace: current workspace. """ self.is_env_vars_included = is_env_vars_included self.working_dir = working_dir self.state = state self.targets = [] if targets is None else targets self.variables = dict() if variables is None else variables self.parallelism = parallelism self.terraform_bin_path = terraform_bin_path \ if terraform_bin_path else 'terraform' self.var_file = var_file self.temp_var_files = VariableFiles() self.workspace = workspace # store the tfstate data self.tfstate = None self.read_state_file(self.state) def __getattr__(self, item): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): cmd_name = str(item) if cmd_name.endswith('_cmd'): cmd_name = cmd_name[:-4] logging.debug('called with %r and %r' % (args, kwargs)) return self.cmd(cmd_name, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def apply(self, dir_or_plan=None, input=False, skip_plan=False, no_color=IsFlagged, **kwargs): """ refer to https://terraform.io/docs/commands/apply.html no-color is flagged by default :param no_color: disable color of stdout :param input: disable prompt for a missing variable :param dir_or_plan: folder relative to working folder :param skip_plan: force apply without plan (default: false) :param kwargs: same as kwags in method 'cmd' :returns return_code, stdout, stderr """ default = kwargs default['input'] = input default['no_color'] = no_color default['auto-approve'] = (skip_plan == True) option_dict = self._generate_default_options(default) args = self._generate_default_args(dir_or_plan) return self.cmd('apply', *args, **option_dict) def _generate_default_args(self, dir_or_plan): return [dir_or_plan] if dir_or_plan else [] def _generate_default_options(self, input_options): option_dict = dict() option_dict['state'] = self.state option_dict['target'] = self.targets option_dict['var'] = self.variables option_dict['var_file'] = self.var_file option_dict['parallelism'] = self.parallelism option_dict['no_color'] = IsFlagged option_dict['input'] = False option_dict.update(input_options) return option_dict def destroy(self, dir_or_plan=None, force=IsFlagged, **kwargs): """ refer to https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/destroy.html force/no-color option is flagged by default :return: ret_code, stdout, stderr """ default = kwargs default['force'] = force options = self._generate_default_options(default) args = self._generate_default_args(dir_or_plan) return self.cmd('destroy', *args, **options) def plan(self, dir_or_plan=None, detailed_exitcode=IsFlagged, **kwargs): """ refer to https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/plan.html :param detailed_exitcode: Return a detailed exit code when the command exits. :param dir_or_plan: relative path to plan/folder :param kwargs: options :return: ret_code, stdout, stderr """ options = kwargs options['detailed_exitcode'] = detailed_exitcode options = self._generate_default_options(options) args = self._generate_default_args(dir_or_plan) return self.cmd('plan', *args, **options) def init(self, dir_or_plan=None, backend_config=None, reconfigure=IsFlagged, backend=True, **kwargs): """ refer to https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/init.html By default, this assumes you want to use backend config, and tries to init fresh. The flags -reconfigure and -backend=true are default. :param dir_or_plan: relative path to the folder want to init :param backend_config: a dictionary of backend config options. eg. t = Terraform() t.init(backend_config={'access_key': 'myaccesskey', 'secret_key': 'mysecretkey', 'bucket': 'mybucketname'}) :param reconfigure: whether or not to force reconfiguration of backend :param backend: whether or not to use backend settings for init :param kwargs: options :return: ret_code, stdout, stderr """ options = kwargs options['backend_config'] = backend_config options['reconfigure'] = reconfigure options['backend'] = backend options = self._generate_default_options(options) args = self._generate_default_args(dir_or_plan) return self.cmd('init', *args, **options) def generate_cmd_string(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): """ for any generate_cmd_string doesn't written as public method of terraform examples: 1. call import command, ref to https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/import.html --> generate_cmd_string call: terraform import -input=true aws_instance.foo i-abcd1234 --> python call: tf.generate_cmd_string('import', 'aws_instance.foo', 'i-abcd1234', input=True) 2. call apply command, --> generate_cmd_string call: terraform apply -var='a=b' -var='c=d' -no-color the_folder --> python call: tf.generate_cmd_string('apply', the_folder, no_color=IsFlagged, var={'a':'b', 'c':'d'}) :param cmd: command and sub-command of terraform, seperated with space refer to https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/index.html :param args: arguments of a command :param kwargs: same as kwags in method 'cmd' :return: string of valid terraform command """ cmds = cmd.split() cmds = [self.terraform_bin_path] + cmds for option, value in kwargs.items(): if '_' in option: option = option.replace('_', '-') if type(value) is list: for sub_v in value: cmds += ['-{k}={v}'.format(k=option, v=sub_v)] continue if type(value) is dict: if 'backend-config' in option: for bk, bv in value.items(): cmds += ['-backend-config={k}={v}'.format(k=bk, v=bv)] continue # since map type sent in string won't work, create temp var file for # variables, and clean it up later else: filename = self.temp_var_files.create(value) cmds += ['-var-file={0}'.format(filename)] continue # simple flag, if value is IsFlagged: cmds += ['-{k}'.format(k=option)] continue if value is None or value is IsNotFlagged: continue if type(value) is bool: value = 'true' if value else 'false' cmds += ['-{k}={v}'.format(k=option, v=value)] cmds += args return cmds def cmd(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): """ run a terraform command, if success, will try to read state file :param cmd: command and sub-command of terraform, seperated with space refer to https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/index.html :param args: arguments of a command :param kwargs: any option flag with key value without prefixed dash character if there's a dash in the option name, use under line instead of dash, ex. -no-color --> no_color if it's a simple flag with no value, value should be IsFlagged ex. cmd('taint', allow_missing=IsFlagged) if it's a boolean value flag, assign True or false if it's a flag could be used multiple times, assign list to it's value if it's a "var" variable flag, assign dictionary to it if a value is None, will skip this option if the option 'capture_output' is passed (with any value other than True), terraform output will be printed to stdout/stderr and "None" will be returned as out and err. if the option 'raise_on_error' is passed (with any value that evaluates to True), and the terraform command returns a nonzerop return code, then a TerraformCommandError exception will be raised. The exception object will have the following properties: returncode: The command's return code out: The captured stdout, or None if not captured err: The captured stderr, or None if not captured :return: ret_code, out, err """ capture_output = kwargs.pop('capture_output', True) raise_on_error = kwargs.pop('raise_on_error', False) if capture_output is True: stderr = subprocess.PIPE stdout = subprocess.PIPE else: stderr = sys.stderr stdout = sys.stdout cmds = self.generate_cmd_string(cmd, *args, **kwargs) log.debug('command: {c}'.format(c=' '.join(cmds))) working_folder = self.working_dir if self.working_dir else None environ_vars = {} if self.is_env_vars_included: environ_vars = os.environ.copy() p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=working_folder, env=environ_vars) synchronous = kwargs.pop('synchronous', True) if not synchronous: return p, None, None out, err = p.communicate() ret_code = p.returncode log.debug('output: {o}'.format(o=out)) if ret_code == 0: self.read_state_file() else: log.warn('error: {e}'.format(e=err)) self.temp_var_files.clean_up() if capture_output is True: out = out.decode('utf-8') err = err.decode('utf-8') else: out = None err = None if ret_code != 0 and raise_on_error: raise TerraformCommandError( ret_code, ' '.join(cmds), out=out, err=err) return ret_code, out, err def output(self, *args, **kwargs): """ https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/output.html Note that this method does not conform to the (ret_code, out, err) return convention. To use the "output" command with the standard convention, call "output_cmd" instead of "output". :param args: Positional arguments. There is one optional positional argument NAME; if supplied, the returned output text will be the json for a single named output value. :param kwargs: Named options, passed to the command. In addition, 'full_value': If True, and NAME is provided, then the return value will be a dict with "value', 'type', and 'sensitive' properties. :return: None, if an error occured Output value as a string, if NAME is provided and full_value is False or not provided Output value as a dict with 'value', 'sensitive', and 'type' if NAME is provided and full_value is True. dict of named dicts each with 'value', 'sensitive', and 'type', if NAME is not provided """ full_value = kwargs.pop('full_value', False) name_provided = (len(args) > 0) kwargs['json'] = IsFlagged if not kwargs.get('capture_output', True) is True: raise ValueError('capture_output is required for this method') ret, out, err = self.output_cmd(*args, **kwargs) if ret != 0: return None out = out.lstrip() value = json.loads(out) if name_provided and not full_value: value = value['value'] return value def read_state_file(self, file_path=None): """ read .tfstate file :param file_path: relative path to working dir :return: states file in dict type """ working_dir = self.working_dir or '' file_path = file_path or self.state or '' if not file_path: backend_path = os.path.join(file_path, '.terraform', 'terraform.tfstate') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(working_dir, backend_path)): file_path = backend_path else: file_path = os.path.join(file_path, 'terraform.tfstate') file_path = os.path.join(working_dir, file_path) self.tfstate = Tfstate.load_file(file_path) def set_workspace(self, workspace=None, dir_or_plan=None, **kwargs): """ set workspace :param workspace: the desired workspace. :param dir: The dir we want to swap workspace in. :return: nothing """ options = kwargs options = self._generate_default_options(options) args = self._generate_default_args(dir_or_plan) return self.cmd('workspace select ' + workspace, *args, **options) def create_workspace(self, workspace=None, dir_or_plan=None, **kwargs): """ set workspace :param workspace: the desired workspace. :param dir: The dir we want to swap workspace in. :return: nothing """ options = kwargs options = self._generate_default_options(options) args = self._generate_default_args(dir_or_plan) return self.cmd('workspace new ' + workspace, *args, **options) def show_workspace(self, workspace=None, dir_or_plan=None, **kwargs): """ set workspace :param workspace: the desired workspace. :param dir: The dir we want to swap workspace in. :return: nothing """ options = kwargs options = self._generate_default_options(options) args = self._generate_default_args(dir_or_plan) return self.cmd('workspace show', *args, **options) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.temp_var_files.clean_up() class VariableFiles(object): def __init__(self): self.files = [] def create(self, variables): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+t', delete=False) as temp: log.debug('{0} is created'.format(temp.name)) self.files.append(temp) log.debug( 'variables wrote to tempfile: {0}'.format(str(variables))) temp.write(json.dumps(variables)) file_name = temp.name return file_name def clean_up(self): for f in self.files: os.unlink(f.name) self.files = []