try: from cStringIO import StringIO # Python 2 except ImportError: from io import StringIO from python_terraform import * import pytest import os import logging import re import shutil import fnmatch logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) root_logger = logging.getLogger() current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) FILE_PATH_WITH_SPACE_AND_SPACIAL_CHARS = "test 'test.out!" STRING_CASES = [ [ lambda x: x.generate_cmd_string('apply', 'the_folder', no_color=IsFlagged), "terraform apply -no-color the_folder" ], [ lambda x: x.generate_cmd_string('push', 'path', vcs=True, token='token', atlas_address='url'), "terraform push -vcs=true -token=token -atlas-address=url path" ], ] CMD_CASES = [ ['method', 'expected_output', 'expected_ret_code', 'expected_logs', 'folder'], [ [ lambda x: x.cmd('plan', 'var_to_output', no_color=IsFlagged, var={'test_var': 'test'}) , "doesn't need to do anything", 0, '', 'var_to_output' ], # try import aws instance [ lambda x: x.cmd('import', '', 'i-abcd1234', no_color=IsFlagged), '', 1, 'command: terraform import -no-color i-abcd1234', '' ], # test with space and special character in file path [ lambda x: x.cmd('plan', 'var_to_output', out=FILE_PATH_WITH_SPACE_AND_SPACIAL_CHARS), '', 0, '', 'var_to_output' ] ] ] @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def fmt_test_file(request): target = os.path.join(current_path, 'bad_fmt', 'test.backup') orgin = os.path.join(current_path, 'bad_fmt', '') shutil.copy(orgin, target) def td(): shutil.move(target, orgin) request.addfinalizer(td) return @pytest.fixture() def string_logger(request): log_stream = StringIO() handler = logging.StreamHandler(log_stream) root_logger.addHandler(handler) def td(): root_logger.removeHandler(handler) log_stream.close() request.addfinalizer(td) return lambda: str(log_stream.getvalue()) class TestTerraform(object): def teardown_method(self, method): """ teardown any state that was previously setup with a setup_method call. """ exclude = ['test_tfstate_file', 'test_tfstate_file2', 'test_tfstate_file3'] def purge(dir, pattern): for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir): dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if d not in exclude] for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern): f = os.path.join(root, filename) os.remove(f) for dirname in fnmatch.filter(dirnames, pattern): d = os.path.join(root, dirname) shutil.rmtree(d) purge('.', '*.tfstate') purge('.', '*.tfstate.backup') purge('.', '*.terraform') purge('.', FILE_PATH_WITH_SPACE_AND_SPACIAL_CHARS) @pytest.mark.parametrize([ "method", "expected" ], STRING_CASES) def test_generate_cmd_string(self, method, expected): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path) result = method(tf) strs = expected.split() for s in strs: assert s in result @pytest.mark.parametrize(*CMD_CASES) def test_cmd(self, method, expected_output, expected_ret_code, expected_logs, string_logger, folder): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path) tf.init(folder) ret, out, err = method(tf) logs = string_logger() logs = logs.replace('\n', '') assert expected_output in out assert expected_ret_code == ret assert expected_logs in logs @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("folder", "variables", "var_files", "expected_output", "options"), [ ("var_to_output", {'test_var': 'test'}, None, "test_output=test", {}), ("var_to_output", {'test_list_var': ['c', 'd']}, None, "test_list_output=[c,d]", {}), ("var_to_output", {'test_map_var': {"c": "c", "d": "d"}}, None, "test_map_output={a=ab=bc=cd=d}", {}), ("var_to_output", {'test_map_var': {"c": "c", "d": "d"}}, 'var_to_output/test_map_var.json', "test_map_output={a=ab=bc=cd=de=ef=f}", {}), ("var_to_output", {}, None, "\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[32mApplycomplete!", {"no_color": IsNotFlagged}) ]) def test_apply(self, folder, variables, var_files, expected_output, options): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path, variables=variables, var_file=var_files) # after 0.10.0 we always need to init tf.init(folder) ret, out, err = tf.apply(folder, **options) assert ret == 0 assert expected_output in out.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') assert err == '' @pytest.mark.parametrize( ['cmd', 'args', 'options'], [ # bool value ('fmt', ['bad_fmt'], {'list': False, 'diff': False}) ] ) def test_options(self, cmd, args, options, fmt_test_file): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path) ret, out, err = getattr(tf, cmd)(*args, **options) assert ret == 0 assert out == '' def test_state_data(self): cwd = os.path.join(current_path, 'test_tfstate_file') tf = Terraform(working_dir=cwd, state='tfstate.test') tf.read_state_file() assert tf.tfstate.modules[0]['path'] == ['root'] def test_state_default(self): cwd = os.path.join(current_path, 'test_tfstate_file2') tf = Terraform(working_dir=cwd) tf.read_state_file() assert tf.tfstate.modules[0]['path'] == ['default'] def test_state_default_backend(self): cwd = os.path.join(current_path, 'test_tfstate_file3') tf = Terraform(working_dir=cwd) tf.read_state_file() assert tf.tfstate.modules[0]['path'] == ['default_backend'] def test_pre_load_state_data(self): cwd = os.path.join(current_path, 'test_tfstate_file') tf = Terraform(working_dir=cwd, state='tfstate.test') assert tf.tfstate.modules[0]['path'] == ['root'] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("folder", 'variables'), [ ("var_to_output", {'test_var': 'test'}) ] ) def test_override_default(self, folder, variables): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path, variables=variables) tf.init(folder) ret, out, err = tf.apply(folder, var={'test_var': 'test2'}, no_color=IsNotFlagged) out = out.replace('\n', '') assert '\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[32mApply' in out out = tf.output('test_output') assert 'test2' in out @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("param"), [ ({}), ({'module': 'test2'}), ] ) def test_output(self, param, string_logger): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path, variables={'test_var': 'test'}) tf.init('var_to_output') tf.apply('var_to_output') result = tf.output('test_output', **param) regex = re.compile("terraform output (-module=test2 -json|-json -module=test2) test_output") log_str = string_logger() if param: assert, log_str), log_str else: assert result == 'test' def test_destroy(self): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path, variables={'test_var': 'test'}) tf.init('var_to_output') ret, out, err = tf.destroy('var_to_output') assert ret == 0 assert 'Destroy complete! Resources: 0 destroyed.' in out @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("plan", "variables", "expected_ret"), [ ('vars_require_input', {}, 1) ] ) def test_plan(self, plan, variables, expected_ret): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path, variables=variables) ret, out, err = tf.plan(plan) assert ret == expected_ret def test_fmt(self, fmt_test_file): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path, variables={'test_var': 'test'}) ret, out, err = tf.fmt(diff=True) assert ret == 0 def test_import(self, string_logger): tf = Terraform(working_dir=current_path) tf.import_cmd('', 'i-abc1234', no_color=IsFlagged) assert 'command: terraform import -no-color i-abc1234' in string_logger()