// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package repo import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "code.gitea.io/gitea/models" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/auth" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/context" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/util" "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/api/v1/convert" api "code.gitea.io/sdk/gitea" ) // Search repositories via options func Search(ctx *context.APIContext) { // swagger:operation GET /repos/search repository repoSearch // --- // summary: Search for repositories // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: q // in: query // description: keyword // type: string // - name: uid // in: query // description: search only for repos that the user with the given id owns or contributes to // type: integer // - name: page // in: query // description: page number of results to return (1-based) // type: integer // - name: limit // in: query // description: page size of results, maximum page size is 50 // type: integer // - name: mode // in: query // description: type of repository to search for. Supported values are // "fork", "source", "mirror" and "collaborative" // type: string // - name: exclusive // in: query // description: if `uid` is given, search only for repos that the user owns // type: boolean // responses: // "200": // "$ref": "#/responses/SearchResults" // "422": // "$ref": "#/responses/validationError" opts := &models.SearchRepoOptions{ Keyword: strings.Trim(ctx.Query("q"), " "), OwnerID: ctx.QueryInt64("uid"), Page: ctx.QueryInt("page"), PageSize: convert.ToCorrectPageSize(ctx.QueryInt("limit")), Collaborate: util.OptionalBoolNone, } if ctx.QueryBool("exclusive") { opts.Collaborate = util.OptionalBoolFalse } var mode = ctx.Query("mode") switch mode { case "source": opts.Fork = util.OptionalBoolFalse opts.Mirror = util.OptionalBoolFalse case "fork": opts.Fork = util.OptionalBoolTrue case "mirror": opts.Mirror = util.OptionalBoolTrue case "collaborative": opts.Mirror = util.OptionalBoolFalse opts.Collaborate = util.OptionalBoolTrue case "": default: ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid search mode: \"%s\"", mode)) return } var err error if opts.OwnerID > 0 { var repoOwner *models.User if ctx.User != nil && ctx.User.ID == opts.OwnerID { repoOwner = ctx.User } else { repoOwner, err = models.GetUserByID(opts.OwnerID) if err != nil { ctx.JSON(500, api.SearchError{ OK: false, Error: err.Error(), }) return } } if repoOwner.IsOrganization() { opts.Collaborate = util.OptionalBoolFalse } // Check visibility. if ctx.IsSigned { if ctx.User.ID == repoOwner.ID { opts.Private = true } else if repoOwner.IsOrganization() { opts.Private, err = repoOwner.IsOwnedBy(ctx.User.ID) if err != nil { ctx.JSON(500, api.SearchError{ OK: false, Error: err.Error(), }) return } } } } repos, count, err := models.SearchRepositoryByName(opts) if err != nil { ctx.JSON(500, api.SearchError{ OK: false, Error: err.Error(), }) return } var userID int64 if ctx.IsSigned { userID = ctx.User.ID } results := make([]*api.Repository, len(repos)) for i, repo := range repos { if err = repo.GetOwner(); err != nil { ctx.JSON(500, api.SearchError{ OK: false, Error: err.Error(), }) return } accessMode, err := models.AccessLevel(userID, repo) if err != nil { ctx.JSON(500, api.SearchError{ OK: false, Error: err.Error(), }) } results[i] = repo.APIFormat(accessMode) } ctx.SetLinkHeader(int(count), setting.API.MaxResponseItems) ctx.Header().Set("X-Total-Count", fmt.Sprintf("%d", count)) ctx.JSON(200, api.SearchResults{ OK: true, Data: results, }) } // CreateUserRepo create a repository for a user func CreateUserRepo(ctx *context.APIContext, owner *models.User, opt api.CreateRepoOption) { repo, err := models.CreateRepository(ctx.User, owner, models.CreateRepoOptions{ Name: opt.Name, Description: opt.Description, Gitignores: opt.Gitignores, License: opt.License, Readme: opt.Readme, IsPrivate: opt.Private, AutoInit: opt.AutoInit, }) if err != nil { if models.IsErrRepoAlreadyExist(err) || models.IsErrNameReserved(err) || models.IsErrNamePatternNotAllowed(err) { ctx.Error(422, "", err) } else { if repo != nil { if err = models.DeleteRepository(ctx.User, ctx.User.ID, repo.ID); err != nil { log.Error(4, "DeleteRepository: %v", err) } } ctx.Error(500, "CreateRepository", err) } return } ctx.JSON(201, repo.APIFormat(models.AccessModeOwner)) } // Create one repository of mine func Create(ctx *context.APIContext, opt api.CreateRepoOption) { // swagger:operation POST /user/repos repository user createCurrentUserRepo // --- // summary: Create a repository // consumes: // - application/json // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: body // in: body // schema: // "$ref": "#/definitions/CreateRepoOption" // responses: // "201": // "$ref": "#/responses/Repository" if ctx.User.IsOrganization() { // Shouldn't reach this condition, but just in case. ctx.Error(422, "", "not allowed creating repository for organization") return } CreateUserRepo(ctx, ctx.User, opt) } // CreateOrgRepo create one repository of the organization func CreateOrgRepo(ctx *context.APIContext, opt api.CreateRepoOption) { // swagger:operation POST /org/{org}/repos organization createOrgRepo // --- // summary: Create a repository in an organization // consumes: // - application/json // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: org // in: path // description: name of organization // type: string // required: true // - name: body // in: body // schema: // "$ref": "#/definitions/CreateRepoOption" // responses: // "201": // "$ref": "#/responses/Repository" // "422": // "$ref": "#/responses/validationError" // "403": // "$ref": "#/responses/forbidden" org, err := models.GetOrgByName(ctx.Params(":org")) if err != nil { if models.IsErrOrgNotExist(err) { ctx.Error(422, "", err) } else { ctx.Error(500, "GetOrgByName", err) } return } isOwner, err := org.IsOwnedBy(ctx.User.ID) if err != nil { ctx.ServerError("IsOwnedBy", err) return } else if !isOwner { ctx.Error(403, "", "Given user is not owner of organization.") return } CreateUserRepo(ctx, org, opt) } // Migrate migrate remote git repository to gitea func Migrate(ctx *context.APIContext, form auth.MigrateRepoForm) { // swagger:operation POST /repos/migrate repository repoMigrate // --- // summary: Migrate a remote git repository // consumes: // - application/json // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: body // in: body // schema: // "$ref": "#/definitions/MigrateRepoForm" // responses: // "201": // "$ref": "#/responses/Repository" ctxUser := ctx.User // Not equal means context user is an organization, // or is another user/organization if current user is admin. if form.UID != ctxUser.ID { org, err := models.GetUserByID(form.UID) if err != nil { if models.IsErrUserNotExist(err) { ctx.Error(422, "", err) } else { ctx.Error(500, "GetUserByID", err) } return } ctxUser = org } if ctx.HasError() { ctx.Error(422, "", ctx.GetErrMsg()) return } if ctxUser.IsOrganization() && !ctx.User.IsAdmin { // Check ownership of organization. isOwner, err := ctxUser.IsOwnedBy(ctx.User.ID) if err != nil { ctx.Error(500, "IsOwnedBy", err) return } else if !isOwner { ctx.Error(403, "", "Given user is not owner of organization.") return } } remoteAddr, err := form.ParseRemoteAddr(ctx.User) if err != nil { if models.IsErrInvalidCloneAddr(err) { addrErr := err.(models.ErrInvalidCloneAddr) switch { case addrErr.IsURLError: ctx.Error(422, "", err) case addrErr.IsPermissionDenied: ctx.Error(422, "", "You are not allowed to import local repositories.") case addrErr.IsInvalidPath: ctx.Error(422, "", "Invalid local path, it does not exist or not a directory.") default: ctx.Error(500, "ParseRemoteAddr", "Unknown error type (ErrInvalidCloneAddr): "+err.Error()) } } else { ctx.Error(500, "ParseRemoteAddr", err) } return } repo, err := models.MigrateRepository(ctx.User, ctxUser, models.MigrateRepoOptions{ Name: form.RepoName, Description: form.Description, IsPrivate: form.Private || setting.Repository.ForcePrivate, IsMirror: form.Mirror, RemoteAddr: remoteAddr, }) if err != nil { err = util.URLSanitizedError(err, remoteAddr) if repo != nil { if errDelete := models.DeleteRepository(ctx.User, ctxUser.ID, repo.ID); errDelete != nil { log.Error(4, "DeleteRepository: %v", errDelete) } } ctx.Error(500, "MigrateRepository", err) return } log.Trace("Repository migrated: %s/%s", ctxUser.Name, form.RepoName) ctx.JSON(201, repo.APIFormat(models.AccessModeAdmin)) } // Get one repository func Get(ctx *context.APIContext) { // swagger:operation GET /repos/{owner}/{repo} repository repoGet // --- // summary: Get a repository // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: owner // in: path // description: owner of the repo // type: string // required: true // - name: repo // in: path // description: name of the repo // type: string // required: true // responses: // "200": // "$ref": "#/responses/Repository" ctx.JSON(200, ctx.Repo.Repository.APIFormat(ctx.Repo.AccessMode)) } // GetByID returns a single Repository func GetByID(ctx *context.APIContext) { // swagger:operation GET /repositories/{id} repository repoGetByID // --- // summary: Get a repository by id // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: id // in: path // description: id of the repo to get // type: integer // required: true // responses: // "200": // "$ref": "#/responses/Repository" repo, err := models.GetRepositoryByID(ctx.ParamsInt64(":id")) if err != nil { if models.IsErrRepoNotExist(err) { ctx.Status(404) } else { ctx.Error(500, "GetRepositoryByID", err) } return } access, err := models.AccessLevel(ctx.User.ID, repo) if err != nil { ctx.Error(500, "AccessLevel", err) return } else if access < models.AccessModeRead { ctx.Status(404) return } ctx.JSON(200, repo.APIFormat(access)) } // Delete one repository func Delete(ctx *context.APIContext) { // swagger:operation DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo} repository repoDelete // --- // summary: Delete a repository // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: owner // in: path // description: owner of the repo to delete // type: string // required: true // - name: repo // in: path // description: name of the repo to delete // type: string // required: true // responses: // "204": // "$ref": "#/responses/empty" // "403": // "$ref": "#/responses/forbidden" if !ctx.Repo.IsAdmin() { ctx.Error(403, "", "Must have admin rights") return } owner := ctx.Repo.Owner repo := ctx.Repo.Repository if owner.IsOrganization() { isOwner, err := owner.IsOwnedBy(ctx.User.ID) if err != nil { ctx.Error(500, "IsOwnedBy", err) return } else if !isOwner { ctx.Error(403, "", "Given user is not owner of organization.") return } } if err := models.DeleteRepository(ctx.User, owner.ID, repo.ID); err != nil { ctx.Error(500, "DeleteRepository", err) return } log.Trace("Repository deleted: %s/%s", owner.Name, repo.Name) ctx.Status(204) } // MirrorSync adds a mirrored repository to the sync queue func MirrorSync(ctx *context.APIContext) { // swagger:operation POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/mirror-sync repository repoMirrorSync // --- // summary: Sync a mirrored repository // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: owner // in: path // description: owner of the repo to sync // type: string // required: true // - name: repo // in: path // description: name of the repo to sync // type: string // required: true // responses: // "200": // "$ref": "#/responses/empty" repo := ctx.Repo.Repository if !ctx.Repo.IsWriter() { ctx.Error(403, "MirrorSync", "Must have write access") } go models.MirrorQueue.Add(repo.ID) ctx.Status(200) } // TopicSearch search for creating topic func TopicSearch(ctx *context.Context) { // swagger:operation GET /topics/search repository topicSearch // --- // summary: search topics via keyword // produces: // - application/json // parameters: // - name: keyword // in: path // description: id of the repo to get // type: integer // required: true // responses: // "200": // "$ref": "#/responses/Repository" if ctx.User == nil { ctx.JSON(403, map[string]interface{}{ "message": "Only owners could change the topics.", }) return } kw := ctx.Query("q") topics, err := models.FindTopics(&models.FindTopicOptions{ Keyword: kw, Limit: 10, }) if err != nil { log.Error(2, "SearchTopics failed: %v", err) ctx.JSON(500, map[string]interface{}{ "message": "Search topics failed.", }) return } ctx.JSON(200, map[string]interface{}{ "topics": topics, }) }