// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package repo import ( "path" "strings" "github.com/Unknwon/com" "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/auth" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/git" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/middleware" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/setting" ) const ( FORK base.TplName = "repo/pulls/fork" COMPARE_PULL base.TplName = "repo/pulls/compare" PULLS base.TplName = "repo/pulls" PULL_COMMITS base.TplName = "repo/pulls/commits" PULL_FILES base.TplName = "repo/pulls/files" ) func getForkRepository(ctx *middleware.Context) *models.Repository { forkRepo, err := models.GetRepositoryByID(ctx.ParamsInt64(":repoid")) if err != nil { if models.IsErrRepoNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(404, "GetRepositoryByID", nil) } else { ctx.Handle(500, "GetRepositoryByID", err) } return nil } // Cannot fork bare repo. if forkRepo.IsBare { ctx.Handle(404, "", nil) return nil } ctx.Data["repo_name"] = forkRepo.Name ctx.Data["desc"] = forkRepo.Description ctx.Data["IsPrivate"] = forkRepo.IsPrivate if err = forkRepo.GetOwner(); err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetOwner", err) return nil } ctx.Data["ForkFrom"] = forkRepo.Owner.Name + "/" + forkRepo.Name if err := ctx.User.GetOrganizations(); err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetOrganizations", err) return nil } ctx.Data["Orgs"] = ctx.User.Orgs return forkRepo } func Fork(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("new_fork") getForkRepository(ctx) if ctx.Written() { return } ctx.Data["ContextUser"] = ctx.User ctx.HTML(200, FORK) } func ForkPost(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.CreateRepoForm) { ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("new_fork") forkRepo := getForkRepository(ctx) if ctx.Written() { return } ctxUser := checkContextUser(ctx, form.Uid) if ctx.Written() { return } ctx.Data["ContextUser"] = ctxUser if ctx.HasError() { ctx.HTML(200, FORK) return } repo, has := models.HasForkedRepo(ctxUser.Id, forkRepo.ID) if has { ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + ctxUser.Name + "/" + repo.Name) return } // Check ownership of organization. if ctxUser.IsOrganization() { if !ctxUser.IsOwnedBy(ctx.User.Id) { ctx.Error(403) return } } repo, err := models.ForkRepository(ctxUser, forkRepo, form.RepoName, form.Description) if err != nil { ctx.Data["Err_RepoName"] = true switch { case models.IsErrRepoAlreadyExist(err): ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.settings.new_owner_has_same_repo"), FORK, &form) case models.IsErrNameReserved(err): ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.form.name_reserved", err.(models.ErrNameReserved).Name), FORK, &form) case models.IsErrNamePatternNotAllowed(err): ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.form.name_pattern_not_allowed", err.(models.ErrNamePatternNotAllowed).Pattern), FORK, &form) default: ctx.Handle(500, "ForkPost", err) } return } log.Trace("Repository forked[%d]: %s/%s", forkRepo.ID, ctxUser.Name, repo.Name) ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + ctxUser.Name + "/" + repo.Name) } func Pulls(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarPulls"] = true ctx.HTML(200, PULLS) } func checkPullInfo(ctx *middleware.Context) *models.Issue { pull, err := models.GetIssueByIndex(ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.ParamsInt64(":index")) if err != nil { if models.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(404, "GetIssueByIndex", err) } else { ctx.Handle(500, "GetIssueByIndex", err) } return nil } ctx.Data["Title"] = pull.Name ctx.Data["Issue"] = pull if !pull.IsPull { ctx.Handle(404, "ViewPullCommits", nil) return nil } if err = pull.GetPoster(); err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetPoster", err) return nil } if ctx.IsSigned { // Update issue-user. if err = pull.ReadBy(ctx.User.Id); err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "ReadBy", err) return nil } } return pull } func PrepareViewPullInfo(ctx *middleware.Context, pull *models.Issue) *git.PullRequestInfo { repo := ctx.Repo.Repository ctx.Data["HeadTarget"] = pull.HeadUserName + "/" + pull.HeadBarcnh ctx.Data["BaseTarget"] = ctx.Repo.Owner.Name + "/" + pull.BaseBranch headRepoPath, err := pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath() if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "HeadRepo.RepoPath", err) return nil } headGitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(headRepoPath) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "OpenRepository", err) return nil } prInfo, err := headGitRepo.GetPullRequestInfo(models.RepoPath(repo.Owner.Name, repo.Name), pull.BaseBranch, pull.HeadBarcnh) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetPullRequestInfo", err) return nil } ctx.Data["NumCommits"] = prInfo.Commits.Len() ctx.Data["NumFiles"] = prInfo.NumFiles return prInfo } func ViewPullCommits(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["PageIsPullCommits"] = true pull := checkPullInfo(ctx) if ctx.Written() { return } prInfo := PrepareViewPullInfo(ctx, pull) if ctx.Written() { return } prInfo.Commits = models.ValidateCommitsWithEmails(prInfo.Commits) ctx.Data["Commits"] = prInfo.Commits ctx.Data["CommitCount"] = prInfo.Commits.Len() ctx.Data["Username"] = pull.HeadUserName ctx.Data["Reponame"] = pull.HeadRepo.Name ctx.HTML(200, PULL_COMMITS) } func ViewPullFiles(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["PageIsPullFiles"] = true pull := checkPullInfo(ctx) if ctx.Written() { return } prInfo := PrepareViewPullInfo(ctx, pull) if ctx.Written() { return } headRepoPath := models.RepoPath(pull.HeadUserName, pull.HeadRepo.Name) headGitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(headRepoPath) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "OpenRepository", err) return } headCommitID, err := headGitRepo.GetCommitIdOfBranch(pull.HeadBarcnh) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetCommitIdOfBranch", err) return } diff, err := models.GetDiffRange(headRepoPath, prInfo.MergeBase, headCommitID, setting.Git.MaxGitDiffLines) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetDiffRange", err) return } ctx.Data["Diff"] = diff ctx.Data["DiffNotAvailable"] = diff.NumFiles() == 0 headCommit, err := headGitRepo.GetCommit(headCommitID) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetCommit", err) return } headTarget := path.Join(pull.HeadUserName, pull.HeadRepo.Name) ctx.Data["Username"] = pull.HeadUserName ctx.Data["Reponame"] = pull.HeadRepo.Name ctx.Data["IsImageFile"] = headCommit.IsImageFile ctx.Data["SourcePath"] = setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + path.Join(headTarget, "src", headCommitID) ctx.Data["BeforeSourcePath"] = setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + path.Join(headTarget, "src", prInfo.MergeBase) ctx.Data["RawPath"] = setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + path.Join(headTarget, "raw", headCommitID) ctx.HTML(200, PULL_FILES) } func ParseCompareInfo(ctx *middleware.Context) (*models.User, *models.Repository, *git.Repository, *git.PullRequestInfo, string, string) { // Get compare branch information. infos := strings.Split(ctx.Params("*"), "...") if len(infos) != 2 { ctx.Handle(404, "CompareAndPullRequest", nil) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } baseBranch := infos[0] ctx.Data["BaseBranch"] = baseBranch headInfos := strings.Split(infos[1], ":") if len(headInfos) != 2 { ctx.Handle(404, "CompareAndPullRequest", nil) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } headUsername := headInfos[0] headBranch := headInfos[1] ctx.Data["HeadBranch"] = headBranch headUser, err := models.GetUserByName(headUsername) if err != nil { if models.IsErrUserNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(404, "GetUserByName", nil) } else { ctx.Handle(500, "GetUserByName", err) } return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } repo := ctx.Repo.Repository // Check if base branch is valid. if !ctx.Repo.GitRepo.IsBranchExist(baseBranch) { ctx.Handle(404, "IsBranchExist", nil) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } // Check if current user has fork of repository. headRepo, has := models.HasForkedRepo(headUser.Id, repo.ID) if !has || !ctx.User.IsAdminOfRepo(headRepo) { ctx.Handle(404, "HasForkedRepo", nil) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } headGitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(models.RepoPath(headUser.Name, headRepo.Name)) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "OpenRepository", err) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } // Check if head branch is valid. if !headGitRepo.IsBranchExist(headBranch) { ctx.Handle(404, "IsBranchExist", nil) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } headBranches, err := headGitRepo.GetBranches() if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetBranches", err) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } ctx.Data["HeadBranches"] = headBranches prInfo, err := headGitRepo.GetPullRequestInfo(models.RepoPath(repo.Owner.Name, repo.Name), baseBranch, headBranch) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetPullRequestInfo", err) return nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "" } ctx.Data["BeforeCommitID"] = prInfo.MergeBase return headUser, headRepo, headGitRepo, prInfo, baseBranch, headBranch } func PrepareCompareDiff( ctx *middleware.Context, headUser *models.User, headRepo *models.Repository, headGitRepo *git.Repository, prInfo *git.PullRequestInfo, baseBranch, headBranch string) bool { var ( repo = ctx.Repo.Repository err error ) // Get diff information. ctx.Data["CommitRepoLink"], err = headRepo.RepoLink() if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "RepoLink", err) return false } headCommitID, err := headGitRepo.GetCommitIdOfBranch(headBranch) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetCommitIdOfBranch", err) return false } ctx.Data["AfterCommitID"] = headCommitID if headCommitID == prInfo.MergeBase { ctx.Data["IsNothingToCompare"] = true return true } diff, err := models.GetDiffRange(models.RepoPath(headUser.Name, headRepo.Name), prInfo.MergeBase, headCommitID, setting.Git.MaxGitDiffLines) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetDiffRange", err) return false } ctx.Data["Diff"] = diff ctx.Data["DiffNotAvailable"] = diff.NumFiles() == 0 headCommit, err := headGitRepo.GetCommit(headCommitID) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetCommit", err) return false } prInfo.Commits = models.ValidateCommitsWithEmails(prInfo.Commits) ctx.Data["Commits"] = prInfo.Commits ctx.Data["CommitCount"] = prInfo.Commits.Len() ctx.Data["Username"] = headUser.Name ctx.Data["Reponame"] = headRepo.Name ctx.Data["IsImageFile"] = headCommit.IsImageFile headTarget := path.Join(headUser.Name, repo.Name) ctx.Data["SourcePath"] = setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + path.Join(headTarget, "src", headCommitID) ctx.Data["BeforeSourcePath"] = setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + path.Join(headTarget, "src", prInfo.MergeBase) ctx.Data["RawPath"] = setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + path.Join(headTarget, "raw", headCommitID) return false } func CompareAndPullRequest(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.pulls.compare_changes") ctx.Data["PageIsComparePull"] = true ctx.Data["IsDiffCompare"] = true renderAttachmentSettings(ctx) headUser, headRepo, headGitRepo, prInfo, baseBranch, headBranch := ParseCompareInfo(ctx) if ctx.Written() { return } pr, err := models.GetPullRequest(headRepo.ID, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, headBranch, baseBranch) if err != nil { if !models.IsErrPullRequestNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(500, "HasPullRequest", err) return } } else { ctx.Data["HasPullRequest"] = true ctx.Data["PullRequest"] = pr ctx.HTML(200, COMPARE_PULL) return } nothingToCompare := PrepareCompareDiff(ctx, headUser, headRepo, headGitRepo, prInfo, baseBranch, headBranch) if ctx.Written() { return } if !nothingToCompare { // Setup information for new form. RetrieveRepoMetas(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository) if ctx.Written() { return } } ctx.HTML(200, COMPARE_PULL) } func CompareAndPullRequestPost(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.CreateIssueForm) { ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.pulls.compare_changes") ctx.Data["PageIsComparePull"] = true ctx.Data["IsDiffCompare"] = true renderAttachmentSettings(ctx) var ( repo = ctx.Repo.Repository attachments []string ) headUser, headRepo, headGitRepo, prInfo, baseBranch, headBranch := ParseCompareInfo(ctx) if ctx.Written() { return } patch, err := headGitRepo.GetPatch(models.RepoPath(repo.Owner.Name, repo.Name), baseBranch, headBranch) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetPatch", err) return } labelIDs, milestoneID, assigneeID := ValidateRepoMetas(ctx, form) if ctx.Written() { return } if setting.AttachmentEnabled { attachments = form.Attachments } if ctx.HasError() { ctx.HTML(200, COMPARE_PULL) return } pull := &models.Issue{ RepoID: repo.ID, Index: int64(repo.NumIssues) + 1, Name: form.Title, PosterID: ctx.User.Id, Poster: ctx.User, MilestoneID: milestoneID, AssigneeID: assigneeID, IsPull: true, Content: form.Content, } if err := models.NewPullRequest(repo, pull, labelIDs, attachments, &models.PullRequest{ HeadRepoID: headRepo.ID, BaseRepoID: repo.ID, HeadUserName: headUser.Name, HeadBarcnh: headBranch, BaseBranch: baseBranch, MergeBase: prInfo.MergeBase, Type: models.PULL_REQUEST_GOGS, }, patch); err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "NewPullRequest", err) return } log.Trace("Pull request created: %d/%d", repo.ID, pull.ID) ctx.Redirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/pulls/" + com.ToStr(pull.Index)) }